Thursday, March 12, 2009

Right Said Fred Are Back And Hopefully Have New Shirts

You know you sing, "I'm Too Sexy," when no one else is around. Well, I'm sure that you have been spending the last 18 years waiting for Right Said Fred to make a comeback so you can add to your guilty pleasures and just to see, if in fact, they are still too sexy for their shirts. Apparently the brothers are in LA right now recording a video for their new song, "I'm A Celebrity."

Yes, I'm sure it is something they wish they were, but do you think people still notice them wherever they go? If I compiled a list of celebrities, I'm not sure I would choose to include the writers of a one hit wonder song, no matter how long its staying power.

In an interview they did with Radar, the brothers said, they don't really like artists such as Amy Winehouse and Duffy because, "They're big with kids who aren't really old enough to realize how derivative they are."

Umm, wow. This coming from the guys who made popular the phrase, "I shake my little touche on the catwalk."

The video below is their attempt back in 2007 to re-release their song with a new video.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Too "derivative"? As if somehow if its derivative, its less enjoyable? Everything is "derivative"--EVERYTHING. Right Said Fred should talk to the people who paved the way for them, like David Bowie.

  2. I think I am blind now.

  3. Are they recruiting Michael Lohan & forming a trio?

  4. All I can say is that video is disturbing!

  5. i think michael lohan would be excellent with those two!

    does anyone know if they have the rights to that song? imagine the publishing royalties on that each year.

  6. Judging from the comments, I think I might watch the video at home later...*L* Love that song though, and I sing it when when there are people around.

    Then again, I am a silly, silly person.

  7. I think it's spelled 'Tush'...

  8. come on Enty if someone said to you
    "I love that Right Said Fred song!"
    you wouldn't reply "which one?"
    they are 90s culture.
    see Chumbawumba.

  9. OK the old video freaked me out A LOT more. At least this time he got hot girls to do the dancing. I thought it was gonna be his old-ass half naked judging by the comments...

    So. is he seriously trying to bank off his song from 20 ears ago without even re-mixing it? WTF?? Lazy much???

  10. LOL that's 20 Years ago, not 20 ears ago...

  11. I'll admit that I've always been jealous of Right Said Fred. They recorded one damn catchy song about being sexy and that song is STILL being used in films and T.V. The royalties from that song alone has probably supported them all these years...

  12. I admit...I have the CD. Loved it...cheesy british pop.

  13. Mamao, i was about to say the very same thing! no way they're hurting for $.

    teehee, i'd also add we all danced to that song at some party during the 90s. ah the 90s and their high waist pants. so glad they're over.

  14. oh god, i love them and anything involving this wonderfully cheesy and cheery song is okay in my book.

  15. Well, I was prepared to see fat, flabby, sad men trying to recapture glory days and looking pathetic doing it, but I have to admit that Richard Fairbrass thought this thing through first, knew that the jokes would fly if he did that, and worked out hard at the gym, and he looks damned good. He stopped my snark dead in its tracks. (Good for him.) If the new single is catchy, too (good luck with catching lightning in a bottle twice!), then we'll all be voguing around like fools again singing another funny, wonderful song for another couple of decades.

  16. I understand any snark directed at them...but they done good for British home town boys.
    Better than me...
    *sees pic*
    *appreciates effort to look good in an outfit I wouldn't be seen in by my 27 year plus hubby*

  17. I can see someone saw Michael Lohan's Mesh shirt. If you haven't, check out

    I made a comment about him looking like Right Said Fred and then had to search images to prove the point to myself.

    Mesh shirts should be burned!
