Friday, March 20, 2009

Random Photos Part Two

Billy Joel & Elton John get the top spot in this section. It was close though. Fleetwood Mac is a little lower and their music is just about as good.
"Hi. Would you like to be #4 today?"
"Hi. Would you like to be #5 today?"
I know it's hard to see, but the tall dude in the middle is Ben Affleck.
Two of my favorites. Bill Irwin and Nathan Lane.
Christie Brinkley looks incredible.
Courteney Cox on the set of her new television show.
Remember that crush you used to have on Corey Haim?
I love Dave Foley. Now of course I will be forced to watch Kids In The Hall episodes all night.
I'm looking, and still don't see any signs of infection or Ebola on Doug Reinhardt. Give it time.
Fleetwood Mac - New York
Probably one of the biggest smiles ever from Gwen Stefani.
Hugh Jackman is actually not getting coffee. Shocker.
That is one big jacket John Goodman has on.
So, there hasn't been a huge fuss over Joe Jonas and his "Asian" photo. I think it is probably because he looks like he is putting on his makeup.
Kevin Federline, his girlfriend and a cake with candles that I'm guessing are going to be painful to blow out.
I guess Tom decided he liked the boy look better.
Kevin James then proceeded to break dance.
This was the most flattering photo of Kathleen Turner I could find. It still kind of looks like Alexis Arquette in Wedding Singer, but it can't be helped.
Lili Taylor will always be one of my favorites.


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