Random Photos Part One - Four Hugh's In One Post!!
Dave gets married. Dave gets the top spot. Seems pretty simple to me.Amber Tamblyn got beat out by Dave, but I know she will understand. Amber is one of my most favorite people in the world, and I'm glad she walked a red carpet so I could post her photo. - ECA
Christina Applegate working the crowd and signing autographs at Letterman.
Oh Claire. You broke your smiling streak. I don't think she will ever beat 5 in a row again. This is the Claire Danes we have all grown to know. Hugh Dancy still seems pretty happy though.
It is always good to see Edie Falco and James Gandolfini posing together.
Fran Drescher also looks great.
Not so much though for Gretchen Mol. I feel like she is going to slap my hand with a ruler while she teaches school in a one room schoolhouse.
Hugh Grant on the set of his new movie. Judging by the horrified expression on his face, I'm guessing he might just have come from a love scene with Sarah Jessica Parker.
I have no idea if this is Holly Hunter trying to be sexy, or if she has something caught in her teeth.
I don't think I could pull off a plaid suit like Hugh Jackman here. I think I would look like I was wearing some big bedspread or something.
Hugh Laurie again today, but this time with no velvet.
All of my favorite people are in the blog today, including Jena Malone. I love Jena.
I wish that reality show with Joe Pantoliano would come back. He is one cranky guy, but it was really good.
Molly Sims has no problem with the trapeze.
Ditto for Brooke Burke. And on a side note, how strong is she to be able to do that, hold it for a photo and smile all at the same time.
Mischa Barton on the other hand looks very confused.Natural for her. Don't think I cherry picked this photo either. I went through 20, and she doesn't come close to lifting off the ground with it.
Kotton Mouth Kings - New York
Doesn't it seem like to you that Mary Kate Olsen's clothes always make it look like she is slouching. They always look so heavy, like they are pulling her down with their weight.
Natasha Bedingfield and her new husband.
Nicole Richie and her maybe never going to be husband.
Who stands like that? Pee pee dance anyone?