Monday, March 02, 2009

Rachael Ray Admits She's Not A Chef

Rachael Ray is going to be on Nightline tonight. Since they have already done the interview, they released a few teasers to get people to watch. In the interview she discusses amongst other things, how she feels the world credit crisis is affecting the various growing economies in the world. OK, so she in fact does not discuss that, but does talk about her FHM shoot from five years ago in the hopes I guess that maybe there will be lots of internet searches for the photos and that people will think she is sexy. I have posted all the photos before, but I'm too lazy to look them up on here and link to them.

She also discusses the fact that she is uncomfortable making $18M a year. Not so uncomfortable where she will give it back mind you or to stop increasing it by endorsing healthy foods like Dunkin Donuts. I mean I am a prime example of how healthy eating a balanced breakfast of a dozen donuts can make you look like a FHM pictorial.

She says that she doesn't regret doing the Dunkin Donuts ads. Of course she doesn't. They paid her a truck load of money for doing it and she can sleep easy at night by talking about how they contributed to her foundation as part of the deal. Uh huh. And how much went to the foundation compared to the truck load of money she got personally paid?

In the one part of the interview I respect her for she does say that she is not a chef.

"I'm not a chef. I haven't created any new technique in the kitchen. I'm not a rocket scientist. I think I'm good at writing accessible, fun, and affordable meals for the average American family. That's what I think I'm good at."

She says that she is just a waitress who got lucky. I'm willing to give her more credit than that. I'm also not judging her for what she has done because I think she at least has become famous for something and has taken what people are willing to give her. She does work hard at what she does. I think most of us would do the exact same thing if given the opportunity. I just like having a little fun at her expense.


  1. MY EYES!

    what is wrong with you Enty? do you not like your readers?
    Cruel and Unusual punishment!
    Has Obama not taught you anything?
    America does NOT torture!

    she may not be a chef but she makes a mean mac n cheese.

  2. I truly dislike her voice. She always sounds like she needs a cough drop. And her husband looks like a child molester; he totally creeps me out!

  3. This picture will haunt me for the rest of the day. At least until Happy Hour.

  4. This is off topic but I heard they found the boat the NFL players were on and rescued one of the guys.

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    That picture isn't nearly as offensive as her voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard, a jackhammer hitting concrete at 6 am, and Fran Drescher rolled into one.

  6. eh....I'd do her.

  7. "And her husband looks like a child molester; he totally creeps me out!"


  8. Forget the picture, $18M a year?! What is wrong with our country? Now Judge Judy, she deserves what she earns! ;)

    Goodgrief, this story is giving me all kinds of pop culture flashbacks: when Simon LeBon was trapped under his boat when it flipped, the epidsode where Magnum P.I. had to tread water for a couple of days before being rescued, and the horrifying "Open Water" and "Open Water 2." I'm glad at least one of them survived.

  9. Yeah, good grief. They found one of the former college football players from Florida.
    As for Rachel, she doesn't bother me nearly as much as some of the other so-called chefs on the Food Channel. Love Tyler, though. His recipes are amazing and always come out perfect.

  10. Oops, that looks weird - the second part of my message was addressed to "Goodgrief" and was about the NFL players.

  11. I liked Rachael's 30 Minute Meal show when it was filmed live.
    Even though all her ingrediants were in the cubboard waiting for her it still seemed doable.
    And it was fun for impromptu drinking games-take a shot every time Rachael uses the adjective AWESOME!
    The later episodes were done with multiple cameras and more cutting away.
    Less believable.
    Her 1 hour talk/cooking show?
    Forget it.

  12. Anonymous11:57 AM


    I still find her annoying.

  13. i think this is one of the rachel pics that were photoshopped so it's her head on someone else's body. if they could just get rid of her head now, all will be well.

    ror, you're male. you'd do

  14. i like watching her cook. she's a good, basic home cook and i find her easy to relate to. it's not fancy or complicated---it's just good cooking and those of us who cook like getting some ideas.

    i don't get why people hate her.

  15. Molly-'re right. I have zero scruples. Well, my peen doesn't anyway.

  16. nancer, it's her voice and the way she comes across that i hate. i've never tried her recipes because i can't watch her for more than two minutes.

    ror, no peens have scruples. even when they're attached to some

  17. I get the feeling that she




  18. Molly-

    Amen. Peace be with you my child.

  19. and the lord be with you, father ror.

  20. I like Rachel. I think what made me really respect her was when I saw her talking about how she got started with this career. She worked hard putting together hundreds of easy to do recipes with a clear idea of creating a user-friendly cookbook, not a fancy one, and she started doing local TV appearances and stuff in Buffalo. Then she approached publisher after publisher in New York to try to get some help publishing the recipes, and finally one publisher took her on. She worked really hard to get things going and it's so hard breaking into the publishing world, let alone the rarefied world of cooking experts - good for her for doing so well.

  21. Molly-
    This will flip your lid, but I'm actually an Ordained Minister! For reals!

    But, fuck that shit I say. Doesn't pay for shit and had a hard time picking up babes.

    Boys, no problem. But, I don't swing that way. Or so the police report shows.


  23. ror, no shit???!!! it shouldn't surprise me really. i dated some guys who were in the seminary and they ended up being bad boys! and by bad, i mean really fun!!

    lmao at the rest of your post! you're on a roll today.

    glad you got your head screwed on straight and got out. some of those people are effed up!

  24. i dont think they found either of the football players. there was one survivor but he wasn't one of the football players. There were 4 people on the boat.

  25. Sorry but that picture looks like her head pasted on someone else's body. Can't believe it's really her. And I've never watched her because I can't handle the Marge Simpson-esque voice.

  26. I think it was admitted that those pictures of her were photoshopped.

    I find her annoying and will just flip the channel when her show comes on. But my husband (who is a chef) has nothing but burning hate and contempt for her. Every time there's a trailer for her show, or we accidentally flip by her show when it's on, or see the name on the channel guide, you get an earful from Mr. Hellfire. It's an unstoppable stream of hatred that comes out of his mouth when Rachel Ray is on.

  27. Perhaps you guys are correct and that's not her body. She not wearing her MAN watch, which I hate.

  28. Harriet, sounds like you married a man with good taste. (No pun intended.)

  29. i'm w/ you enty. she's fun to poke fun at...but she's been straightforward in how she came about her success. she's not trying to be something she isn't and that's pretty cool in my book.

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Of course she doesn't regret doing Maxim. Every single picture from that Maxim set is someone else's body. Compare the resolution and clarity and size of her face/head to the rest of her body. This is the one that looks the most convincing but a few others are truly horrifying.

  31. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Few people know what to do Rachael Ray in the past. Quite by accident I found a curious video. In her biography about this is nothing!
    Such an abomination, I was not expected. I thought it was decent girl and never would be removed in this kind of sex video. I still do not believe that saw!
    watch on DIGG
    I think this should know everyone!

  32. As a fairly serious home cook, I admit I'm underwhelmed by much of her food. But I cannot take away from her what she has provided to the typical American family. And she admits that is her focus. She is good at that. I may not like her or her food (sometimes), but I would certainly rather a working single mom make the time to cook one of her recipes than get their children McDonalds. So I give her credit for changing that for a lot of people.

    But Sandra Lee? *SHUDDER*

  33. She's always made sure that nobody calls her a chef ... she was actually invited on Iron Chef and she balked because she's not one, but they wanted her to do it anyway, and she won.

    I don't like her talk show, I don't even like some of the stuff of hers I've made, but I can not help but admire anyone who takes a hobby or a talent and turns it into a multi-million dollar empire that not only keeps her in butter, but employs a lot of people that wouldn't have those jobs if she hadn't had the smarts to follow her dream.

    I aspire to that.

  34. ... ^ *"mendi"" = p0Rn-spamming TROLL*...

    ... Regardless... I would still "eagerly" *dine on* cutie Rachael Ray's *pie*... especially "with" a dollop of CoolWhip and/or some "Rainbow sprinkles" on *it*... either with my gentle finger(s) or solamente con mis lengue...

    ... BTW... Ent...-> BAAAAAAAAAA.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I used to loathe Rachael Ray, but my opinion has mellowed after seeing her be herself on her talk show.
    I agree with melissa. Sandra Lee is much more annoying/nauseating/freakish. She may not be my favorite person, and she has been quite overexposed, but at least she's not totally fake.

  38. classalpha: translation FAIL.

    particularly funny was your misspelling of "tongue", and your plural use of "my", which would imply "my multiple misspelled tongues".

    next time you want to sound as porn trollish as mendi, and in order to avoid another loser FAIL, i suggest you use a different translator, or write in a language you actually know.

  39. ok classalpha... I've watched u comment for months now and i gotta ask.. What the "f*ck" is *up* with your use of "quotation marks" and *stars*? I don't see any logical rhyme or reason to it... i understand you are "making a point" and trying to "stand out"... but your comment *above* made me feel a bit "queasy" so i just had to "call you" OUT on it.


  40. If anyone cares/needs to laugh, here are the original FHM photos(hop):

  41. you guys that know me... i'm worried about a certain comment above, and it ain't me...................

    RR has always said that she's NOT a chef. i can't stand her baby talk, but her food channel 30 min recipes are pretty cool if you have more than 30 minutes. i've always felt kind of sorry for her.

  42. bionic... for those of us who dont... care to elaborate?

  43. ^... "jungle007" "Em"DMITS he/she/it is a SHEEP,... BAAAAAAAAAA...

    ... #1. I DON'T NEED or USE" A "Spanish translator". FYI... I'm of HISPANIC DESCENT ALREADY... but I'm U.S./North American BORN and RAISED...

    ... #2. WHERE DID my POST "constitute" being *p0Rn*? I 'JUST' SAID I'd "dine on" cutie Rachael Ray's sweet and tender *pie*... PREFERABLY "with" MY FINGER(S) and/or WITH MY "tongue"... *you* 'JUST HAVE A *dirty "mind"*. ?}:[>---... And BTW... I'd "eat" her "taco" and her "burger" too... especially if she "laid" *it* out in front of me OPEN-FACED,

    ... #3. -> "QUOTES" and *A$$TERISKS* used ONLY FOR "verbal" *"Em"PHASIS*. <-

    ... 'NUFF SAID.

  44. Hehe... you said I admit I'm a sheep and then proceeded to bleat again yourself... takes one to know one right? And I get what you're trying to do re: the verbal emphasis; I simply don't get why the words in quotation need to be EMPHASIZED...

    examples- "eagerly", and "with"... words which would mean the same thing in either a horny message or an innocent one.

    Also, you use the "em" as if it means something. It really doesn't, even though i'm sure you have some whacked-out explanation for it. I'm sure it's super-hilarious to you, but to me it just means you've still got about 11 steps left to go.

    Btw, no WAY is your message taken out of context by anyone with a "dirty mind", your message was obviously nasty...

  45. they airbrushed the shit outta her in this FHM , and the one with Cat Cora too .. and maybe another FOOD TV chef ... or was it the girls from G4 ... they need to get the Suzie Homemaker from semi-homemade blonde divorcee barbie doll one ... whatshername

    but they all look hot in em .. especially Cat Cora -- gotta love how women are expected to get sexy like that, even respected chefs

    i likey these shots even though i dislike rachael ray, but very fake looking when i had the issue

  46. Go to hell Rachel fake. You are an idiot and hated by so many. You are not sexy, your voice is grating and annoying, your mouth needs to shut and is freakishly huuuuge. Ick, you are not even a real chef, FAKER.
