Thursday, March 05, 2009

Quick Hits Part Three

Didn't get a chance to see the Jimmy Fallon/Cameron Diaz dance off last night? It's pretty good.

Heroes To Return - Realizing they really have nothing else to air, NBC decided to go ahead and bring back Heroes next year. Hedging their bets though they only ordered 18 episodes which should save them some money and also allow them to add a few on at the end if they want to make a series finale. Not saying that it won't be back beyond next season, but lets face it, did you really expect it to even make it to next year?

Holly Madison and DWTS - Kim Kardashian is probably ready to go off on someone over at ABC. Instead of bringing Kim back to the show, to replace the injured Jewel, ABC went ahead and picked someone else who got famous by taking off their clothes, which in this case is Holly Madison. I mean what would be a more wholesome choice than the woman who, umm prepped Hugh every night and then, umm, yeah. Welcome to America's living room sweetheart. Don't forget your baby oil.


  1. OMG! Jimmy Fallon's show is SO unwatchable. I'll be floored if it last's more than a few months.

    It's actually painful to watch. Thank God Craig Ferguson!

  2. So when's Conan taking over the tonight show?

  3. I still like Heroes, so there!

    "I mean what would be a more wholesome choice than the woman who, umm prepped Hugh every night and then, umm, yeah."

    And yet still a more wholesome choice than Denise Richards.

  4. That's really too bad about Jewel. She was the only reason I was planning on watching this season!

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I'm with Mooshki. Heroes is still pretty good. Certainly the only thing I watch on Mondays other than How I Met Your Mother. (Though with my crappy antenna, I end up watching them online more often).

  6. That was good??
    No. Not at all.

  7. it's called cable or satellite, dnfrommn. just kidding...

  8. did heroes get better? i really did love the show, but i finally gave up. it just got too dark.

  9. I guess someone read about Holly's plight on CDAN and cut her some slack.

    I saw Jimmy's first show. Thought it was alright. He definitely had a case of nerves. So did Conan when he first started. Give him some time. I didn't watch last night because I watched Nathan Fillion on Jimmy Kimmel.

  10. Conan takes over for Jay Leno in May.

  11. I have to agree with enty on the video. I was pleasantly surprised...its not THAT good...I guess my expections were pretty crappy from the start. But it was entertaining nonetheless.

  12. sucks!

    Hereos was soo good when it first i find myself lost after 5mins and not caring.

  13. Heroes could be a good show if it would pick one plotline and run with it for longer than twenty minutes.

  14. I thought Heroes was a little scattered last year; much better this year.

    DN, try Chuck on Mondays too. Pretty funny and Adam Baldwin has his butch on if you like that sort of thing.

  15. Adam Baldwin is a GOD on Chuck. And the rest of the cast is great too.

    Cirse, I wish they had kept Micah and the girl in New Orleans for that reason. They were a nice sort of 'mundane' balance to the big 'drama' of the conspiracy arc(s). Her power was a neat one, too.
