Friday, March 06, 2009

Poor Lily Allen

Lily Allen would like all of you to take out your violins and start playing for her. Apparently she is out of money. Completely out of money. Uh huh. She says that she has spent every penny of the royalties from her first album and that since she won't be getting any royalties for about a year from her current album that she doesn't know how she is going to make ends meet. She has been forced to sell her car to pay off her debts and no bank is willing to advance her any money or extend her credit as they would have in the past.

"I've been hit big time by the credit crunch. Actually, I've just had to sell my car because I'm so broke. I bought a car last year and that was probably my biggest extravagance. Clothes, too. I'm always buying clothes. I'm completely skint."

"I'm waiting until I get the royalties from the (new) album and all the radio plays, but that takes about a year. I can't even spend on credit cards. The banks will usually front your money in that kind of situation, but they are not lending at the moment, so it's a tricky time."

Sure, she still spends money on nights out and clothes and art, but all of those are essentials you see. What is tricky is that she keeps spending money even though she says no new money is coming in. Ummm. Well, here is the thing. Right now she is on tour and making lots and lots of cash. Sure, she doesn't get to keep it all, but she gets a nice chunk of it. Plus, she can eat and drink for free on the road. Plus, I'm guessing if she wanted to earn a few thousand to show up at a club, a promoter would probably pay her. It is pretty tough to feel sorry for her. Of course I'm not really helping because I could have bought tickets for her show here on April 2nd, but instead am trying to go for free. It's all my fault Lily. It is because of me you won't have $100 to go to dinner.


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