Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pete Doherty Sold Drugs To The Strokes

Well, I'm sure The Strokes will be happy to know that Pete Doherty threw them under a bus. I doubt it will come as a huge shock to anyone that The Strokes may have dabbled with some drugs, but to actually come out and say you sold them the drugs, and did it more than once, says a little bit about how Pete must be needing some money. Hopefully at some point his money shortage will cause him to write a tell all book about his time with Kate Moss. That is what I want to read. Hell, just make it about his life. Start with when he became a gay escort and just go from there.

In an interview with ShortList Magazine, Pete says, "I used to sell a few little things on the side, you know? The Strokes were on their first tour, and were like just a few American lads in London looking for a good time. They met a friend of mine, who said I could get them a few bits and bobs. I think I sold them a load of acid, they gave me tickets to their gig, I got them some more acid and it went from there.”

The last part about it went from there is really interesting. Does he mean it went from there and he ended up selling them more drugs or different drugs, or that his career as drug dealer to visiting bands took off after that?

I'm glad he has a career after music. I can't wait to see if The Strokes respond to this and if Pete has any additional details to share about who was with The Strokes as guests at that time and if they also shared in the acid.


MontanaMarriott said...

Okay I just have to go there, 1. What woman would want a man who has admitted to being a GAY escort? and 2. LOOK AT HIM, who would pay for him?!?!!??

misterbunn said...

who is Pete Doherty and why should I have heard of him?

lutefisk said...

any chance he looked better earlier on?

Anonymous said...

He's got an album getting ready to come out here shortly, and believe it or not, I've heard its f'n great. This guy is the luckiest doofus on the planet.

Pookie said...

not meaning to sound morbid, but i'm surprised he's still alive.

M. said...

Pookie, I'm with you there.

Its amazing to think that both he and Amy Winehouse are still amongst the living after the life choices they have made and continue to make. Boggles the mind...

Sporky said...

LOL @ lutefisk! Just be glad he's not smiling in this picture - his teeth conjure images of a picket fence in a bad neighborhood.

lutefisk said...

Sporky--I have seen his teeth. I don't understand how he can get anyone to go near his mouth. ew!!!!


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