I know you are getting tired of her, but it has been almost a week since I had a story about Nadya Suleman and this just shows that the only thing she is after is money and fame. How so? Well, the Associated Press is reporting that Nadya turned down 24 hour a day free child care from Angels In Waiting because she wants to be able to film a reality show and the organization would not allow it if she wanted their offer of free child care.
So, the babies are coming home in less than two weeks and she says no to free child care. She did however accept the free clothing for all of her kids because it came from the same company that provides clothing to the Brangelina kids, and they would love to be seen on a reality show.
The rumor I am hearing that is most believable is that a deal should be signed this week in order to film the departure of the babies from the hospital so that can be included in the television show. If a deal is not signed, Nadya has made alternative arrangements to have her own film crew there and then will sell the filming to whatever company makes the deal with her.
It really is good to know that she has the best interests of her children in mind. I mean all of us would turn down free 24 hour a day child care right?
Have you heard about Denny's new Octomom breakfast special? You get 8 eggs, no sausage and the guy at the next table pays the bill.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ Goodgrief!
ReplyDeleteBut, about this story:
That's all.
Why WOULDN'T she turn it down?!?
ReplyDeleteShe's made so many great decisions so far.
Like me turning down a hot millionaire nymph. I'm just not into that stuff.
Wait, she has her own film crew? Good to know that she's spending money on her children in a wise way. *eyeroll*
ReplyDeleteI give her two months tops after those babies come home from the hospital before CPS rightfully snatches them away from her. If I were a resident in California, I would be doing everything in my power to see to it.
i bet big money those kids aren't going home. well not HER home.
ReplyDeleteSo the money she has gotten is that being used for her publicist and film crew instead of using it for the kids and buying a house?
ReplyDeleteOh and don't forget she keeps lying with a straight face.
She's not lying, she's crazy. As in certifiable. She genuinely believes her own schpiel.
ReplyDeleteI was married to that kind of crazy ... there really is no hope for it.
At this point, I don't think those babies will be going home with her. Hope the other kids fare ok in all of this.
If she money for a film crew, then she has money to pay for her's & her children's medical bills, diapers, formula, food, clothing, etc. Stories like this one, which I do believe, are what lets me know that this country needs not just welfare reform, but welfare reorganization, welfare overhaul, welfare something.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as turning down free child care, tell Angels in Waiting to come to my house and my parents' house, because my slutty sister just moved out and left 2 of her 3 children behind. She took the child that she thought she could get some money from.
Any network that airs this show should be shamed into the ground. Any person who tunes into this show, even for a 5 sec "I just wanted to see what it was like" reason should also be shamed into oblivion. People who watch this shit are the reason it exists in the first place.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. Stop posting about her.
Princess, I also believe something should be done how the welfare is running. As far as I know they don't check on illegals or people that are reporting false information to get food stamps. The only way they do go after these people is if someone reports them.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear what your sister is doing to your family. Report her to the cops and get legal custody of the kids.
I'm a California resident and I can't tell you how this gets under my skin. Un-F-ING-believeable.
ReplyDeletei look forward to the day i don't see another word written about this psychotic con artist.
ReplyDeleteI'm with littleoleme, stop posting about Octomom. I also hope everyone stops paying attention to her.
ReplyDeleteShe needs serious help and the kids need to go to a safe haven. I'm surprised that some type of welfare fraud is not being investigated.
@ Princess: That sucks! So sorry.
The thing that really bums me out about her is that those preemies are going to have tons of developmental issues and they NEED round the clock care from multiple, skilled nurses experienced in helping preemies develop. Like the need to be rocked gently in a certain way to stimulate certain parts of their brains so their brains develop properly - all kinds of stuff that goes way beyond simply hiring a few nannies with that money you made from your latest Dr. Phil appearance. So she is basically killing the very same babies she allegedly loves - blocking them from receiving the very real round the clock attention that they will need for at least the next few years - and possibly longer.
ReplyDeleteThis is really criminal behavior going way beyond mere neglect. I hope to God the hospital doesn't release a single one of the poor octuplets to her. They need a different housing and care situation for sure.
And then there's her other six kids - my heart breaks for them.
24 hour a day free child care? Dude, I would have been thrilled with 4 hours of free child care once a week--and I only have one!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, don't think there's much Childrens Services can do. There are thousands of children who are in far worse circumstances with their families than Octomom's kids and CS isn't helping them. With money coming in, she'll be able to support them in the famewhore style she craves.
ReplyDeleteGoodgrief, you're on a roll today, lol!
ReplyDeleteJax, from your mouth to god's ears.
Can you say "C U Next Tuesday?"
this whole story makes me ill--those kids should never be released to that psycho.
ReplyDelete@ Beth - I was going to say the exact same thing.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is a complete nightmare. She shouldn't have been allowed to have 1 child let alone 14 billion or however many it is now. It's absolutely criminal that she is denying these babies the care that, not only do they need desperately, but that they fucking deserve...
This really pisses me off, hey.
My son was six weeks premature with no developmental issues but the type of baby who couldn't be set down for more than a couple of minutes without freaking out. He grew out of it but man, was that exhausting. I can't imagine having eight high needs babies and turning down help. And the choices she is making now may mean that the hospital won't release the babies into her care ... so in the end, her craziness could get the kids the care they need after all.
ReplyDeleteWith the money she gets from a reality show she can pay for her own child care. (and diapers, and formula, and a house, and whatnot)
ReplyDeleteLongtime lurker -- Love Enty's posts, but I had to actually comment on this one, seeing as how I don't think it was fully explained...
ReplyDeleteWhile I personally don't agree with ANY of Octo-mom's crazy decisions, I do HOWEVER feel there was a bit more unbiased posting on another blog that showed the non-profit org offering it's 'free' services is also being repped by the infamous Gloria Allred, in addition to actually being an org that places preemies with foster care parents, rather than being an 'in-home' service for the birth mother.
I don't know about anyone else, but the fact that Gloria Allred is somehow connected, however remotely, doesn't bode well. Not only that, but her public declaration was that if Nadya Suleman did NOT accept the help, then she would personally see to it that a CPS investigation was conducted...which sounds pretty much like a threat to me.
Not saying the situation doesn't merit some intervention or investigation, but the way it's being done doesn't sit right with me. If the goal is to ensure that she can adequately care for ALL her children, in addition to the newborns, shouldn't that be a requirement BEFORE they are released to her???
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ReplyDeleteteehee, Goodgrief! i guess that email must really be circulating b/c i got it this w/e and was loling too! love it.
ReplyDeletei'm seriously thinking the hospital surely must know she's got all these reality tv plans, and as such, won't release the babies...i hope they end up being the whistle-blower so that she can be thoroughly investigated.
hmmm...Jasmine, that's serious food for thought. you're right!
It really is good to know that she has the best interests of her children in mind. I mean all of us would turn down free 24 hour a day child care right?
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. FOURTEEN kids and not a brain cell in sight.
This worthless byotch is beyond reprehensible. WHY is she being allowed to do this? She ought to be in jail for all the fraud and games she's running.
Jasmine, now that's a great idea for a poll: Who do you hate worse, Octomom or Gloria Allred? :)
ReplyDeletePlease, please Social Services. Step in & keep this woman from getting her hands on those babies. The house isn't large enough for the special equipment needed to monitor these babies conditions. It sure as hell isn't large enough for a film crew.
ReplyDelete@ Mooshki: Hmm, it's a close call, with Allred being a professional famewhore (and getting paid disgusting amounts of money for it) parading herself as a 'leader' in womens rights OR crazy Octo-Mom putting her need for fame and 'glory' ahead of her FOURTEEN children...ok yea, I guess I would still say Octo-Mom! Her self-delusion knows no bounds, sadly.
ReplyDeletei vote gloria allred. octomom is shithouse crazy. allred is crazy like a fox.
ReplyDeletealso, from what i heard, allred's offer still cost the taxpayers money.
also, where do i sign up? my youngest is 23......