I have been staying away from the Octo-Mom posts, but I just couldn't ignore the fact that she fired the absolutely free Angels In Waiting, in part because it appears she couldn't handle Gloria Allred coming over to her house everyday. Also, it seems Octo-Mom thought they were just doing it for the publicity. Gasp! A Gloria Allred group doing something for publicity. Shocker. The fired nannies will be taping an episode of Dr. Phil today.
The thing is that Nadya Suleman is giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars in free child care and she says she is going to hire her own nannies. Notice the phrase, going to. Has not done so yet. It is just her. With four octuplets home now, plus the six she already has, she is taking care of 10 children by herself.
One company that has also offered free child care is Vivid. You might not know Vivid, but they are an adult video company that are responsible for giving us the Kim Kardashian sex tape and setting back porn 20 years. Apparently they have offered Nadya $1M to tape a reality show at her house and will provide her with free 24 hour care. The catch? All the nannies will be porn stars. Trained of course, but still porn stars. Further, Nadya would have to agree to appear semi-nude in a XXX movie. She doesn't have to have sex, but does need to pose topless.
I'm wondering now if the other 4 octuplets will have to stay in the hospital now because I doubt they will be released until she gets some childcare. Maybe she should call Michael Jackson.
WOW. I don't get the whole porn thing for her, never have. Who is it that wants to pay $$$ so badly to see her breasts?
Is there a bigger ambulance chaser than Gloria Allred? She'd do anything to get her face on the five o'clock news. I heard the 911 call this morning with the caller asking for Gloria to be removed from the house.
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending OctoMom in any way, but I think it would be tough to trust anybody with the kids and the fact that they could turn around the sell any stupid story to the press. "Ooooh, baby #6 farted and Nadya ignored it."
I heard that Allred called Child Protective Services about the mother, and the mother believed the nurses hired by Allred were there to spy on her, and THAT'S why she fired them.
ReplyDeleteSomebody SHOULD be checking into her, and I wouldn't think it need be so crafty.
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ReplyDeleteMaybe they she is like a dog and has several nipples since she pretty much birthed a litter. I think the XXX thing is more suited to her personality. She is already whoring out her babies and everything else she can think of. A reality show done by her is going to have something else going for it than 8 screaming babies and 6 noisy kids under 7. Who in their right mind would want to watch that?
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ReplyDeleteI hope she is buying more that one little package of diapers. I don't think anything this woman does is for the wellbeing of her babies.
ReplyDeleteAnnMarie I heard the same thing. I also heard that Czech (Octomom's attorney) made this statement to the Associated Press"
ReplyDeleteCzech said that Suleman will have her nannies trained by nurses from the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center, where the octuplets were born on Jan. 26. Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson said the hospital sends out home health nurses to provide training and guidance to new mothers, and at least two such visits have been made to the Suleman home. Anderson said he was not sure how much the program costs.
She always looks so pleased about the pap attention!
ReplyDeletePeople have lost their kids for less than what this baby-maker has done.
That picture is for the paps. One tiny bag of Huggies and no shopping cart.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I noticed about Octomom and those diapers? They're Huggies ... not generic Target brand, not from Costco. Huggies. If she was a true struggling single mom, they would be Target brand. I call bullshit on Octomom. And have to hate on her a little more.
ReplyDeleteJust had to point that out.
Everything about her is just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
ReplyDeleteWell good for her!
ReplyDeleteI support her 100%, and think she's making the right choices.
I also think O.J. is innocent...
i'm trying to keep in mind that the media is the great distorter of facts. i'm not trying to defend octomom, lord knows it would be a hard thing to do, but i don't think we have all the deets here. i'll hold back from making a judgement call, she gets plenty of that w/o me joining the pack. for all we know she may have been smart in getting rid of allred and her minions, and who's to say it's just her and the 10 babies? that would be impossible for a single person.
ReplyDeletewonder what's going thru the groundhog's mind?
ReplyDeleteI thought Angels in Waiting was only going to provide nannies if Nadya would not do a reality show?
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for her, but I also realize that she put herself in this position, as well as seems to enjoy the publicity of it, and lying about things.
To be fair about the picture without seeing the whole set: we might not be seeing the cart, and sometimes paps will help out for access to take the photos. No defending the brand name over generic though.
my sympathy is for those kids. i do not feel sorry for her in anyway. i have sympathy for her parents though.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that she is always able to get out of the house without any kids and doesn't look like a total disaster in sweat pants and with puke all over her??? She's in the pictures everyday. Who's watching all those kids at home when she's out posing for the cameras?
ReplyDeletehow can anyone feel sorry for this bitch? she was actually discussing the father of all these kids IN FRONT OF her kids---one of whom could be heard asking who he was!
ReplyDeletethere's no end to the anger i feel towards this woman.
she also pretty much came out and said without donations, she'll be going on 'government assistance.' so i see that as a threat---'you people are going to help me out one way or the other.'
i still predict she'll lose these kids. there is no way 14 kids are in a safe environment---especially when 8 of them are premie newborns. it's just fucking insane.
Okay, the Angels in waiting, in my understanding, are licensed nurses. They have a DUTY to call CPS or DHS or whatever your local child protective service is should they think children could be in danger. I'm not saying that these kids are, although I think it's likely. But the volunteers could lose their licenses for non-reporting if it turns out that it was an unsafe environment. And there are a lot of things that could constitute unsafe. It doesn't nec. mean that someone is intentionally harming the children in that home, it could mean that they are understaffed, underfed, under cared for, that there is too much chaos in the house for the special needs of the children, etc. So I don't really think that's all that scandalous.
ReplyDeleteAnd I work for a med mal defense firm. If one of our lawyers had arranged for free care for one of their clients, they'd probably be checking on it, too, under this circumstance. The last thing you want is a med mal suit filed...and I'm telling you, it is a matter of time before this woman sues the fertility doctor that implanted her. Just a matter of time.
This woman makes me sick, that goes without saying.
This may be a little off-topic, but can you imagine how many calls Child Protective Services probably gets a day on this woman? With all of the media attention and speculation from all of us out here, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a separate line just for Octomom reports.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that the rest of the kids will be released to her. She is nuts, & I hope is being properly observed.
ReplyDeleteI love that Oprah is too high and mighty to allow OctoMom on her show, so she kicked Nadya down the production company line to Dr. Phil. Watch for a "Cooking for 14" special on Rachel Ray next week.
ReplyDeleteI reconsidered my original thoughts. I think everyone is right - she hasn't made any decision that is in the best interest for her children so why start now?
ReplyDeleteWhy is the State of California allowing a single person to manage the welfare of 14 children? I would think you would be pushing it to have 14 cats or dogs in your house, much less kids.
ReplyDeleteThere were only 3 Angels in Waiting nurses, they were not supposed to take pictures of the newborns which they did (supposedly it was to sell them for personal gain). Also, she has hired her own nurses with a Kaiser program to which she has to pay for them herself.
ReplyDeleteSadly it seems EVERYBODY is using the children....
she's a dumb wh*re.
ReplyDeletesorry, but Angelks in waiting would have been the best care those babaies could have gotten for FREE. you could not buy that kinda care,certainly not her.
i think this 'mother' is a paranoid schizo as well. she doens't want any help and freaks out when having people in her house. it's not 'right' at all.
take the babies, leave the nutjob.
I know it's wrong, but I laughed my ass off when she brought home two more of the babies and someone on TMZ asked "what, does she have them on layaway?"
ReplyDeletei would be super pissed if she had moved into MY neighborhood! it was bad enough yesterday when a couple of idiots kept messing around and parking in the middle of the street, blasting stereos and letting their small children run rampant, screaming at the top of their lungs (yes, i AM the cranky old lady)! if i had her and her attention whoring, the 400 kids, the paps, all of that, you can BET i'd have the sheriff and CPS out here every two hours.
ReplyDeletei have said all along that allred was in this for her own reasons, and is an attention whore in her own right. as is "dr." phil. i've seen some of his shows with octo and/or allred and he just panders to both of them, i swear the man is drooling-- and it's all just sickening!
Um...has anyone else noticed how skinny she looks in that photo? Compare that to the original interview where she looked kinda blobby.
ReplyDeleteSoooooo, MAC and some lipo?
Dear god help this woman if she ever has to misfortune to cross my path.