Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Octo-Mom Fires Her Free Nannies - May Become Porn Star

I have been staying away from the Octo-Mom posts, but I just couldn't ignore the fact that she fired the absolutely free Angels In Waiting, in part because it appears she couldn't handle Gloria Allred coming over to her house everyday. Also, it seems Octo-Mom thought they were just doing it for the publicity. Gasp! A Gloria Allred group doing something for publicity. Shocker. The fired nannies will be taping an episode of Dr. Phil today.

The thing is that Nadya Suleman is giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars in free child care and she says she is going to hire her own nannies. Notice the phrase, going to. Has not done so yet. It is just her. With four octuplets home now, plus the six she already has, she is taking care of 10 children by herself.

One company that has also offered free child care is Vivid. You might not know Vivid, but they are an adult video company that are responsible for giving us the Kim Kardashian sex tape and setting back porn 20 years. Apparently they have offered Nadya $1M to tape a reality show at her house and will provide her with free 24 hour care. The catch? All the nannies will be porn stars. Trained of course, but still porn stars. Further, Nadya would have to agree to appear semi-nude in a XXX movie. She doesn't have to have sex, but does need to pose topless.

I'm wondering now if the other 4 octuplets will have to stay in the hospital now because I doubt they will be released until she gets some childcare. Maybe she should call Michael Jackson.


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