Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which "Celebrity Apprentice" was such a boozebag behind the scenes that all alcohol had to be removed from the set?


  1. ANY of them, LOL!

    I'll go with Rodman...

  2. I think it's Dice as well. He had a weird diatribe that Trump ignored and he seems to be on a different planet.

  3. people still watch this? Seriously reality tv should be banned.

  4. Actually, this round of C.A. is pretty good. Dice was the first person out, so I don't know if it's him. Maybe Dennis Rodman or Tom Green? This blind might be revealed after next week's show.

    Out of everybody, Jesse James has been the biggest surprise.

  5. Tom Green has been the biggest surprise for me. When he chooses to he is actually a civil decent business man.

  6. NOt Tom Green...thus far he's been outstanding & professional.

    Clint Black? Apparently he's an unpredictable ass who rages at his teammates.

  7. Oh, and Dijea....I do. And several million others.

  8. I'll go with Joan but only because she's less obvious than Dice or Rodman. Any of them could fit the bill though.

  9. Ya, I was bummed about Clint. He's always come across as such a nice guy and I've loved him for years, but apparently his team mates aren't too fond of him. Tom was driving me crazy last week. It's hard to tell though because of the editing.

    Except for Dennis and maybe Annie, I always wonder if we're seeing the real deal in a "reality" show.

  10. In the previews for next week, Rodman is shown boozing it up and then disappears. I vote for Rodman.

  11. Anonymous12:33 PM

    This blind doesn't say it was this season, though? Could have been the last season, which I didn't watch either, so I have no other meaningful contribution. ;)

  12. Im gonna go with Joan or Melissa Rivers

  13. Khloe Kardashian. Rember the DUI When she was in NY fliming she was spotted at he INFAMOUS Dorians Red drinking and making out with a guy that worked with her DAD

  14. Califblondy--

    I don't watch the show, what's been so surprising about Jesse James? I always thought that beneath the exterior beat the heart of a wise businessman with his head firmly on his shoulders. I hope he hasn't proven the opposite.

  15. i have no idea since i haven't watched the show. all i've seen is bits of the cupcake incident in commercials... so i'll go with dice. hahah.

  16. i might have watched if i'd known scotty hamilton was on. could i have put up with the assininity of the others?

  17. Dice is the obvious. I dont think its him tho. Clint Black has done things in the past that have led me to believe he is a major jerk and egomaniac. He's behaving well with that considered.

  18. Reality TV makes me want to stick a finger in my mind's eye.
