Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Miley Cyrus Could Make You Sick - Literally

Are your kids big Hannah Montana fans? Do you go out and purchase every last bit of merchandise from the show? Do you have the Hannah Montana lunch bag snacks? Yeah, well that could explain why your kid is sick everyday after eating them. You thought your kids were pretending to be sick because they didn't want to go to school, but it was actually the food they were eating which was doing it.

Both in Canada and the US, there has been a recall of the Hannah Montana Peanut Chocolate Granola Bars because there is a good chance they were contaminated with salmonella. While typing that name out I realized that adding the word granola to something does not actually make it healthy. Peanut and chocolate sounds like Reese's to me. Mixing it up with granola just sounds like you are adding extra sugar and calories to what is already a bunch of calories in a peanut butter cup. Sure, it could also be Peanut M&M's to which you are adding granola. Now, that isn't to say I wouldn't eat all of the things I just mentioned, because I would. I know they aren't healthy, but, I am not trying to be. It just always amuses me that someone thinks that just because it has the word granola in it that it is health food.


  1. I hope no one actually gets sick from this. It's bad enough having a Miley epidemic.

  2. I'm just not trusting anything with peanut butter in it right now. It is sad that there has been so much contamination in food lately, especially for those with small children and the pregnant/elderly.

  3. LOL @ Kelly Lynn. Exactly. I hope no one gets sick(er), but anything bad happening to this little twat makes me giggle with glee.

  4. Please do me a favor and recall Miley Cyrus with the peanut butter.

  5. Maybe that's how she planned to ruin Radiohead. Give them tainted peanutbutter.

  6. You know what I love about this post is how Ent started off like he was getting ready to snark on Miley a good bit, butthen got distracted by the discussion of food and ended on a completely different tangent. It's like he completely forgot he was doing a Miley Cyrus post and not a post about peanut butter chocolate and granola.

  7. I thought that recall was only in Canada. Miley is poisoning kids all over North America.

    Have you had Granola Crunchers by Quaker? Mmmmm. No peanuts - just little balls of granola and chocolate.
