Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Martha Vickers' Daughter Is A Little Upset With Me

Somehow I have upset the family of Martha Vickers. I didn't even know that was possible considering I have never written a word about her. Apparently though I must be sending some kind of anti-Martha Vickers message that I don't know about, and now her daughter is upset at all of you and me. Of course since she doesn't have your e-mail address, I am the one who gets the letters. I'm not sure which comments she is referring to in her e-mail and Martha has never been the answer to a blind item, but somehow the daughter is still upset.

For those of you who would like to learn more about the career of Martha Vickers, you can read about her here. This is what I received from her daughter Tina. If any of you can find where mean things have been said about Martha on the site, would you please let me know so I can send her a personal note of apology. Not Martha, but Tina. Martha is deceased so it would be tough to send her a personal note of apology.

I am not quite sure who email or whatever this is...but I will tell you that I am the daughter of Martha Vickers that I have read emails about her and I will tell you all to stop talking shite about my mother......and also stop thinking that you all know about her life with AC Lyles and Mickey Rooney and please stop talking about Timmy Rooney like you think you all know him as well as you think you know my mother.....My mother Martha Vickers passed on in the 70's ....and I have several websites that actually talk and speak well of my mother and this website I must say with all the talk about Timmy....Mickey, AC speak not well of any of them....Speak what you want of others but do not speak ill of my mother Martha Vickers...How dare you guys chat about someone you do not know and assume!. and talk about brother Teddy's brother, and you all never knew him....stop it....


  1. all i see is a paragraph with a lot of dots.

  2. Jeez, the only thing anyone said about Martha was that she might have been married to "JJ" (the code name for the person who told Enty about Timmy) and been one of Timmy's roommates. Nothing bad was said about her anywhere that I can tell.

  3. could she have meant comments in the Timmy thread?

  4. Okay...I'll be first...I'm sorry....whoever you are....

  5. I have never even heard of her.

  6. WOW.... I wonder what she says to the blogger that indeed spoke bad about her mom. She's probably confusing enty with another blogger. The only thing I apologize for is for not knowing who Martha Vickers is.

  7. "and talk about brother Teddy's brother, and you all never knew him....stop it...."

    i'm sorry about your mother's death Tina. However, how does one expect to be taken seriously when we can't even understand your ramblings? it compromises the intregrity of the letter and it's purpose when you write it like you're currently intoxitcated.

    i've read this site long enough to know that Enty has not written a disparaging word about your late Mother. perhaps you are refering to the comments? in that case their is very little that one can do to stop the internet and it's users from expressing their opinions.
    you'd have better luck holding back Naigara Falls.
    good luck with that, and godpseed.

  8. And she's confusing "Timmy" the blind name with Timmy Rooney. I think she just looked at the names mentioned in the comments, and the gist of the story, without reading exactly what was being said.

  9. ps blogger,please introduce spellcheck to your commenting.

    for me alone.

  10. Timmy?


    Ben Affleck?

  11. So somehow this woman has deduced that her mother is involved in a blind item...along with Mickey Rooney and AC Lyles.

    Hmmm....time to revisit the old hollywood blinds. Vickers may not be the answer to any of them, but if her daughter has written this, then there's some juicy stuff somewhere connected to those names.

    Thanks for the head's up Little Vickers.

  12. Time to up the dosage, sweetheart.

  13. All I said about your Mom Tina, is that I read she was a dead fuck.

  14. Tina.....I have no idea....what you're talking about....please explain.....we are all this to do with Timmy/Shimmy?.....then you should know......Timmy/Shimmy was a pseudonym....aka code name....not the real the blind stop it....

  15. I looked through the Timmy/Shimmy posts and I haven't found anything disparaging about Ms. Vickers. I guess I'll hit up the Old Hollywood posts next.

    Also, maybe someone left a computer logged in at the asylum. Are we sure this is even MV's daughter?

  16. I'm clueless as to what this is about as well. But the poor woman obviously is trying to stand up for her departed mother, so good for her for caring.

  17. I think we just got ourselves a free reveal. Now we just have to figure out which blind!

  18. Or maybe this person knows more about some of the OH stories and is trying to give us some type of clues.

  19. Tina, I've got a tip for you. If you're a grown adult and can't write a grammatically correct sentence, then please hire someone else to type your correspondence for you; otherwise, you appear uneducated and ignorant.

  20. Looks like Martha Vickers was quite the looker back in the day. But her daughter sounds like she might just be livin' in a trailer.

  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Martha Vickers was in "The Big Sleep" with Bogart and Bacall. She was gorgeous. I'm sorry that you're upset, Tina.

  22. Lord, not even people who are old and suffering from dementia are safe on this site. I’d like to think we were all nice people once, and then the internet came along. I suspect Hell is going to be full of bloggers (you’ll find me hanging out at Starbucks).

    LMAO at your comments. ‘Crazy lady’ probably will be writing back though.

  23. Lol Babs ,Syd & Ror!

    I have no idea who this woman is, and the message from her daughter(?) sounds like spam/trolling.

    If they were truly upset, they would have used exclamation points instead of full stops.

  24. I think i remember someone guessing Martha Vickers in one of the BI last fall. I'll look. It may be the one that stated after the actress married she stopped making films.
    In The Big Sleep, Bogart says about her,"she was trying to sit on my lap and I was standing up". She was beautiful and I love that movie.

  25. I'm not sure if anyone guessed Martha Vickers for a BI, but it's definitely possible. I agree with the theory posited that Ms. Vickers's daughter stumbled upon the Timmy/Shimmy thread and made assumptions. (Incidentally, I just read that facinating tale!) I thinik she's very confused and a bit paranoid. Plus, the comments made by guessers to blind items can hardly be ENT's fault, can they?

  26. Hey--was she the one with the dwarf, the goat and the chocolate frosting?

  27. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Gift? Is that you?

  28. If she wasn't deceased, I would say might be an attempt at drawing attention to her latest movie (you know, like Jennifer Aniston and her booby tie cover, or Angelina, Brad and the never ending triangle of doom). Those celebrities will stop at nothing to get their name in print.

    This is actually sad. It must really suck being the child of someone famous and always trying to live down the scandals of their parentage.

    I wish the Jolie-Pitt clan strength in weathering their future embarrassment. [I'll take Door # 3 Monty... and what have you won? Horse licking moms tits! Yay!]

  29. Think about it this way, if she is Martha's daughter she is probably presently in her 70's or 80's perhaps she has misunderstood the Timmy/Shimmy blind item and taken some offense to it. I love that at her age she's using the word "shite."

  30. She is an escellent publicist--she has us all talking about someone we have never heard of.

  31. Ror: I am inviting you to the next family funeral! :)

  32. Basically she's saying that her mother wasn't a transvestite's roommate. She also thinks the blog's commenters are speaking ill of some other dude named Timmy, AND speaking ill of her brother Teddy's brother (HER stepbrother? Or just some guy who calls her brother "bro" like, close friend?) Who knows. I think, however, that she is highly qualified to take over writing Ted C.'s colmn when he goes on break...she is every bit as coherent as he!

  33. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Ugh, someone needs a few hobbies. How lonely a life do you have to lead to be googling your mother's name all the time and taking up her offense?

  34. This i why you don't drink and post people. I had no clue who this chick was until seeing this post and to be honest, I still don't know who she is now. I'm too lazy and uninterested to look her up.

  35. it reads a lot like a drunken rant. i've never heard of the lady or her son(s), but to the woman who wrote the note- learn to deal with being related to a celebrity. not everyone's going to write what you like or want about them. you can't write hate-letters to everyone who so much as mentions your mom's name. be happy she's remembered and grow up.

  36. Bad Fish!!! hey you!! :)

    I mean, really...where's Marie Dressler's family? We were flat out saying she was a fricken MAN and I don't see her relatives thrice removed crawling out of any woodwork.

  37. "but to the woman who wrote the note- learn to deal with being related to a celebrity."

    This isn't like being the daughter of Clark Gable. No one really knows who her mom is, so I wouldn't tell her to learn to deal with being related to a celebrity, since she really isn't. Even Mickey Rooney was married to her mom way before she was born, so that doesn't count either.

  38. "AND speaking ill of her brother Teddy's brother (HER stepbrother? Or just some guy who calls her brother "bro" like, close friend?)"

    No, not her step-brother. Her brother's brother. The brother would be her half-brother. This would be her half-brother's half-brother and no relation to her at all.

    Her mother had a son named Teddy with Mickey Rooney. Timmy Rooney is Mickey's son with another woman (not Martha Vickers's child). Therefore, Teddy is Tina's half-brother. Timmy is Teddy's half-brother. Timmy and Tina are no relation at all, not even step-siblings.

  39. "if she is Martha's daughter she is probably presently in her 70's or 80's"

    Martha was born in 1925. I doubt she has a daughter who is the same age is her.

    This woman is in her forties or fifties.

  40. - No mention of Timmy Rooney has ever been made on this site, except for the last few posts before this one.
    -Your mom was gorgeous. AC Lyles is 90 years old and no one in the industry today gives a rat's rear about him. They weren't together long - I give your mom the benefit of the doubt on that relationship.
    - You sound like an idiot. Age is no excuse. Yes, have someone literate write your messages. Cut and paste the sections of articles or comments you're upset about because we really don't know, and certainly can't figure it out from your message.
    - Mickey has offspring he knew about yet never acknowledged. If anything, I'd slam him before anyone else you have mentioned.
    - If you're not legit, go away.

  41. *sigh.*

    Whatever, Vickers. Your mother was famous. She worked hard and probably gave you a shitton of money, and you probably haven't had to do jack shit for the duration of your whole, entire life. Your mom is dead. Her feelings can't be hurt. Get over it.

    And oh my GOD! EXCESSIVE ELLIPSES drive me BATSHIT!!!!

  42. i hope Ms. Vicker's daughter reads these comments and gets it that no one--at least at CDAN--has ever disrespected her lovely mother, nor in any way attempted to tarnish her memory.

    i can see where a celeb relative might get upset at things found on the web, but this has absolutely no basis, and i hope she does a little more research next time. (i love it that enty shared this!).

  43. this is just sad... (sorry, ernestine for the ellipses, i promise to try to cut down!)

    now, THAT'S some newsworthy shit. :)

    anyway, this sounds like a sad, confused woman, OR a troll. either way, unless this is a continuing thing, enty, i wouldn't worry. if it really upsets you, take a compilation of the nicer comments here, and email a reply. but check the long headers on the incoming email first!

  44. about giving the Vickers name a bad image.

  45. Have never heard her talk (and do not want to) but Bristol Palin may be smarter than her mother.
    Hey, Miley - have we got a guy for you!

  46. Whoever is reading this......i will tell you i'm the daughter of Ben Affleck and you guys are just too mean to him......and that hurts me too......he really isn't the answer to all fo the blynd items that you talk bout.......maybe some of them k but not all of them.........all you do is talk about my dad and he's a really nice guy and he so doesnt' do al the things you say he does........and how dare you keep mentioning his name over and over like the one about the stripper and the, you knew about that one right?......he's gota movie cmong out sometime this year and.....just kinda sort stop it mean violet

  47. nunaurbiz - Lol.....I think your parents need to............apologise to you for......choosing that name (oh.....and giving you their inbred looking genetics)..........................................................

  48. LMAO, Nunaurbiz!!!

  49. Cool! I made Mooshki laugh!!!!

  50. BadFish said: Ugh, someone needs a few hobbies. How lonely a life do you have to lead to be googling your mother's name all the time and taking up her offense?

    It's her mother. Every day you post here, on your blog and god knows where else about people you've never met. And you're telling her to get a hobby?

  51. Oh hello kettle, my name is pot.'re black!

  52. You made me laugh too, nunaurbiz. At first glance I was like, "hooollly tapdancing ellipses, the daughter lady just left a comment!"
