Monday, March 09, 2009

Look Out For Flying Phones

I guess we can all understand now why Naomi Campbell didn't really care if she was seen with other guys when she was supposedly dating only her Russian billionaire boyfriend. As I revealed in January, Naomi has not really been shy about being with other people even while dating Vladislav Doronin.

Well, now it turns out he probably didn't care because he is married. You would think that it wouldn't take a News Of The World investigation to turn up the fact that a billionaire is married with a 12 year old kid, but it did. Had he never been seen in public before he started dating Naomi? I'm sure he wasn't probably in the papers everyday before then, but it would seem to me you would probably attract some public attention on the way to accumulating a billion dollars. You don't usually make that kind of money delivering newspapers or cutting coupons. People tend to notice if you have a billion dollars.

Well, it turns out that he has been married for 21 years, and isn't even separated. His wife has said, "This is just a ridiculous affair. Vladislav is married to me and we are still a couple. Naomi is deluding herself if she thinks she can take my husband." His wife did add that she is embarrassed by the whole thing and that kids at school tease her daughter.

The couple have been together since she turned 16 years old.


  1. Options available: Put up with it and continue to have Eleventeen Gazzillion dollars and do what you want anyways.

    Or go stand in the bread/Vodka line everyday.


  2. I wonder if they have a pre-nup?

    What the hell is that guy doing? He must know his child is being teased as a result of his disgusting self indulgence - nice parenting that...

  3. Forgot to add: Could Naomi get any more plastic?! It looks like her face is incapable of moving.

  4. Hope the wife never signed a prenup cuz if the man wants to leave he will. She'd be better off without him IMO. I don't understand how she can be ok with it. Take his money and split!!!!

  5. I wonder if he tells Naomi the wife doesn't understand him? That as soon as the kid gets a little older he can leave? That he and the wife don't even sleep in the same room? If he leaves the wife, she'll kill herself?

    Or maybe rich guys get a free pass with the B.S.?

  6. califblondy - Like Naomi cares about that lol!
    She's well known for whoring herself out to rich men for gifts, holidays and probably also money.

  7. What a slug! Your child is being teased because you want to be indiscreet about screwing around on your wife. And Naomi, honey karma will hit. You better not sleep with the heat on too high or you'll melt into the sheets.

  8. we're talking about a violent woman who sweats excessively and wears bad weaves. i say naomi completely deserves the pedophile billionaire.

  9. They say Karma is a bitch.... I agree with Stiffkittens, this is Naomis style but the reason why there is so much divorce is from people messing around with married people. Infidelity is real and people do leave or get left when affairs see the light of day. The marriages that manage to stay together have there battle scars.


  11. "we're talking about a violent woman who sweats excessively and wears bad weaves. i say naomi completely deserves the pedophile billionaire."

    Yup. Fuck this bitch. Well said, Pookie!

  12. Uh-oh......

    I feel some cell phone-throwin' about to commence.

    Y'all better duck n' cover under somethin' sturdy...I hear Naomi's got quite the arm.

  13. no offense, and no calling out on the grammar line meant, but that would be,
    "nyet" ror!
    now you can add "bi-lingual" to your resume.

    i imagine we can all come up with some others, so ror can add "multi lingual" without sounding dirty!!

  14. Nope, it's spelled Niet.

    Look it up

  15. I don't understand why anyone would assume the husband would actually leave his wife.If he wanted a divorce, he would have done so by now. He also hasn't made any indication that he wants to marry Naomi.

    From out here, their affair doesn't look so much like a romance as much as it does like a well-publicized "f@*& buddies" relationship. It provides both of them with convenience and publicity.
