Thursday, March 12, 2009

Levi & Bristol Break Up

Come on. All of you thought Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston were going to last forever didn't you? From what I have read today it didn't even last until the birth of their baby. It seems to have ended right about the time that Levi's mom was arrested for drugs. Since then, depending on who you believe, Levi and Bristol have been model parents and Levi has seen his son everyday, or you could choose to believe that the Palin family considers Levi's family to be white trash and so Levi is not allowed to have his son at his house. Or, you could go to the other extreme which is that Levi's family are a bunch of money hungry pigs cashing in on the Palin name. The last one comes from Palin's political action committee. I kind of took out their fancy words and replaced them with what they really meant. Although, they did use the words cashed in in their press release. It was supposedly written by Bristol, but it is all spelled correctly and DuZnt LoOk like this, so I have doubts that it is really from an 18 year old.

"Unfortunately, my family has seen many people say and do many things to `cash in' on the Palin name. Sometimes that greed clouds good judgment and the truth."

I think we all know they probably stayed together longer then they would have if it wasn't for being in the spotlight. I bet they had already broken up prior to the Vice President announcement because there are just too many stories about both of them cheating to not be believed. When it comes down to it they are just two teenagers who had a kid and broke up. Happens everyday. It just so happens one grandparent is facing serious time in jail for drugs and the other grandparent wants to run for President in 2012.


  1. "DuZnt LoOk like this, so I have doubts that it is really from an 18 year old."


  2. wow and i really really really believe sarah palin when she told me they would get i have nothing left to live for.

  3. I don't know about you guys, but I am SHOCKED. SHOCKED, I tell ya.

  4. Meh, so two teenagers have a baby and then break up. Despite who her mother is, I still don' think this needs to be the "Breaking News" that the news channels say it is.

  5. Darn it, I had just managed to forget all about them and that whole sorry episode in history. Now I hafta delete my mental hard drive again and re-boot.

  6. Darn it, I had just managed to forget all about them and that whole sorry episode in history. Now I hafta delete my mental hard drive again and re-boot.

  7. But what about the WEDDING? And the pretty dress I had picked up for watching it on TV?

    Apparently Levi is realeasing some statements on his own, saying they have been split up for a while... Meaning how long, exactly?

    BUT, since this is now BREAKING NEWS, does anyone actually think it will have any kind of impact on Palins career? I doubt it.

  8. I am glad that Bristol isn't marrying this guy because of the baby or any other reason for the general public to accept. They are far too young to be married, but are now parents. At least Bristol knows she can count on her parents for their support in raising her child. As an adoptive mom, it would have been great to see her place the baby for adoption, but that is truly a personal decision.

    It just sucks that Sarah is going to be maligned for this in the press. Obama's brother lives in poverty and sells drugs in Kenya. Bill Clinton's brother is a total loser. Carter's brother-another real winner. Reagan's kids have embarrassed him too and W's girls have done some very foolish things as well.

    It actually makes me like a leader more if I know he can deal with the same kinds of situations.

    Oh...and by the way...if this were Obama's teenaged daughter, she would be applauded by the liberals for her strength and courage. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites!


  9. Please, please, please can we keep politics out of the comments? Everywhere else, sure, but it would just be so nice to not have to deal with that here.

  10. umm i'm not american ice angel but i don't think this is the only thing Palin would be critized for....just saying !!! every time she opens her justs gets better and better !!

  11. oh christ peddle that nonsense elswhere,this isn't a politcal site.

  12. Okay, I know there was a no politics request but I thought you guys deserved a heads up. I live in Alaska and Sexy Sarah is on her way to torture the States! She is going to visit "like-minded" people. I wasn't aware that she had a brain, so I'm not sure where she will find these people, but you've been warned, expect some fabulous sound bites from the Palinator.

    She is SO gearing up for 2012. It's her only shot really, I don't think she would be elected as a Walmart greeter, let alone as Governor or Senator in the state of Alaska again.

  13. Amen, Ice Angel.

    Enty, et al - if you don't want political comments on this board, don't post 'news' about political figures or their families.

  14. Politics + CDaN = anger and sadness for all. :(

  15. Babs, there's a difference between talking about famous political figure's lives, and talking about their politics. John Edward's baby-daddy drama is just as slimy no matter which party he belongs to.

  16. @ Ice Angel

    I definitely agree with some of the stuff you've said. No one should get married just because one is pregnant.

    However, outside of the Palin & Johnston families, is this really breaking news? I mean, to me, this is as newsworthy as Charlie Sheen's oldest daughter having a baby and then breaking up with the father. (BTW, I'm only using CS's daughter as an example.) This girl is 'famous' because of who her Mother is, not for really anything else. It reminds of celebrity children who become 'famous' because of their parents. (I guess at least she doesn't have 14 children and is planning on letting us taxpayers pay for her "I'm desperate to be Angie Jo" plastic surgery.)

    On the other hand, I don't think that it would be such a big story if her Mother wasn't Republican. Of course, it might be a big story because of the way they paraded the two of them, especially him, around during the RNC.

    Just my opinion and sorry for the political talk.

  17. Mooshki - you may be right, but unfortunately the discussion never stops at the slimy event / person/ politician. It ALWAYS brings on the snarky political repartee - it's human nature. I still think that if you don't want the 'bring us all down' political discourse, you shouldn't play with fire by bringing up the 'Breaking News' (Really?) in the first place.

  18. Who the hell gives two shits?

    I can believe that statement coming from Bristol. She seemed pretty articulate and well-spoken (for a teenager) in her Fox News interview.

  19. @ Ice Angel -

    ...and Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. So fucking what?? Palin maligns HERSELF every time she opens her mouth. Your candidate lost. Get over it.


  20. I don't blame her, every time we would visit the in-laws I would be fearful that my child would end up sucking on a methpipe thinking it was a toy.

    I am sure that his Mom's arrest was the culminating factor. It would have been for me. I mean I know he is probably not involved in any way, but I am sure he stuck up for his family and it created anymosity.

  21. Mooshki - after reading Sporky's post, I rest my case.

  22. I think if there was any intention of them getting married, they would have done it before the baby was born.
    If they really planned on spending their lives together, a wedding would have been in the works.

  23. Babs, don't blame Sporky for something that Ice Angel started.

  24. @ Babs - *shrugs* She stated her opinion, I stated mine. End of story. At least on my part.

    Thank you Mooshki! xoxo

    And on that note, I'm off to lunch.

  25. Ouch. Consider me reprimanded.

  26. I probably just helped you prove your point, didn't I? :)

  27. Bristol Palin and Her Fiance Split=Brief Political Plan Ends in Trash. (Anagram)

  28. I am impressed Pink Skull!

  29. I am so glad for her. She got pregnant, so what? She doesn't need to compound the mistake by getting married at the age of 18 to someone she wouldn't consider otherwise.

    I'm no fan of SP, but I am definitely pleased that she didn't make Bristol get married. It bugs me slightly that they pretended during the campaign that Bristol and Levi were going to get married, but that was pretty inevitable.

    I'm sure she and the baby will be fine and will be better off than being trapped in an unnecessary marriage.

  30. i don't care what side of the political fence you all take.

    we all hold strong opinions (STRONG, i tell you!)--at least i know i do, and a few of you do as well--i make a point of keeping my politics out of the comments section out of respect for those of you that may not believe as i do. i just hope you can all offer me the same courtesy.

  31. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Ditto, Pookie!!!
