Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Katy Perry Wants To Be A Beauty Pageant Mom

Apparently this is a slow news day because I'm talking about Katy Perry and her love of children's beauty pageants. Seems that Katy was a contestant a couple of times as a child, and although she never finished higher than second she loved being in them and says she thinks of herself in one everyday. On her blog, she wrote that the thing she has missed the most about being in Europe the past few weeks is the show Little Miss Perfect which she considers to be the best program ever in the history of television.

"I have been in Europe for almost three weeks and have obviously missed the best thing that has ever hit television."

She obviously didn't see Showbiz Mom's & Dad's when it was on Bravo awhile back. If she did, then maybe she wouldn't feel exactly the same about the whole thing.

She realizes she is too old now to compete in child pageants but she makes it clear that when she has kids she will want them to compete in them. Well, I give her career about another year and then she can go ahead and get started on that. In a few years when she has a child and they turn 3 or 4 then she can make a comeback using a reality show of her dragging her kid around from town to town to out them in pageants.

"Okay, maybe there's an age restriction. That's fine, I'll just become a pageant mom." The photo above is Katy Perry competing at a pageant at a grocery store where she finished second.


  1. Sadly my dear mom wanted me to compete in them when I was about 4 or 5. I wasn't having any of it even at that age. Jonbenet Ramsey anyone?

  2. there's something about katy perry that i just don't like. I can't put my finger on it. It might be the fact that I automatically hate anything perez hilton loves.

  3. Yay, another reason to hate her!

    jenna (original), maybe it's because she's an almost perfect example of a "fame whore?"

  4. This just confirms why I've always disliked this Perry chick. She's as annoying as a strawberry seed in my back teeth.

  5. I've channel surfed and come across these children's pageant shows, with actual BABIES tarted up. I'd like to say it's disgusting, but that's too harsh, so I'll just say it's just wrong on so many levels to put babies in pageants.

  6. I love how the moms always say "she wants to do it." Um, she's getting your undivided attention for hours a day, of course she wants to do it! If you gave her that much support to play soccer, she'd want to do that instead!

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    are those 15 minutes up yet, Katie?

  8. I have to admit that I have been watching that show "Toddlers @ Tiaras" on TLC. It's a lovely little trainwreck of a show.

  9. Harriet, that commercial with the lil girl going "I look gooood" in her bathing suit?
    just gross.

    another GREAT reason to call a fame whore a fame whore. also this explains her attire on many occasions.
    "Look at me! i'm riding a giant banana on stage! i'm so current and edgy!"

  10. It's all Jon Benet to me....

  11. harriet...i got caught up in the episode where a little girl that one was flashing about the $$$, and kept going on and on about how she was going to buy a cow. as funny as that breaks my heart when i think of it.

    i wonder what pageant parents say to themselves in order to justify the exploitation?

  12. "ShowBiz Moms and Dads" was the BEST show on TV. I could not get ENOUGH of that shizzle. LOVED IT! More than any show that's ever been on the air. Except for "What Not To Wear". Forgot about that one.

  13. She just wasn't a very cute kid. Sorry to say.

  14. She just wasn't a very cute kid. Sorry to say.

  15. She wasn't a cute kid, but it's not the best-looking kid who wins those things. The winner is always the kid (or parent) who plays the pageant game the best.
    I think my daughter is very beautiful, but I would never whore her out for something as backwards and shallow as a pageant. I would much rather her take pride in her talent for drawing or her skill at basketball than in her ability to mimic a living doll.

  16. @ Pookie: That was the only episode I saw. "Mom, can I buy a cow now??"

    I find these pageants to be so utterly sick. I put it on to watch the shameful parents exploiting their children, and was disgusted by just how sexual some of them FORCE their kids to walk/dance. Just disgusting.

  17. You guys have all seen "Little Miss Sunshine," right? I have to watch that again now...
