Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Put Every Orphaned Kid In A Box And Mail Them To Angelina Or Madonna

Madonna is at it again. She is going to test the biological limits of mother nature and have a child. Oooh. She's going to adopt another child. Got it. Malawi again. Yeah, hopefully this time, Madonna will find a child who doesn't have a dad who loves talking to the press. It's happening this weekend. Madonna found time off from her busy schedule of, ummm, dating.

I'm trying to figure out why Madonna is adopting another child. From what I see, she doesn't spend much time with her current brood, so it must be just some bet she has going on with Angelina Jolie. Most of us would bet money on the Super Bowl. Madonna and Angelina bet on who can adopt the most children without having the media say anything negative. It is kind of like Jenga, but with humans. Adopt too many and the whole thing falls over faster than Nadya Suleman spotting a dollar on the sidewalk.

Unlike Angelina, it appears that Madonna doesn't have the patience to grease the wheels of adoption in any other countries. She probably figures she knows the players in Malawi, has paid them well, and know they will give her a child when she wants one, so why bother going to a different country.

Do you think it will be a girl this time? Lourdes is all grown now and Madonna doesn't have anyone else to share with who isn't male or named Gwyneth, who come to think of it. Noo. Couldn't be. Gwyneth has done full frontal right?


mooshki said...

Love the tag, Enty.

I get her (professed) motivation - so David will have someone who shares his heritage - but she already seriously bent Malawian law to get him, and it's going to be even worse this time since she's single. Both her sense of entitlement and the fact that she's basically buying another human being are offensive.

Maja With a J said...

They are still children that come from extreme poverty to a life they actually have a chance of living. It sucks that there are so many childless people out there who just cannot wait to have a baby of their own, and would make fantastic parents but have to wait a lot longer (or are not allowed to adopt), but still.

Elizabeth T. said...

The money she's going to spend outfitting this kid in designer clothes and flying him around the world and paying his nannies could really help the people still there couldn't it? I don't know what she does for Malawi itself, but I hope it's something.

mooshki said...

Also, for both her and Angelina w/Pax, wouldn't it have been better for them to help the kids' birth parents be able to take care of them? From what I can tell, both of those parents would've kept their kids if they could afford to.

jax said...

ugh Madonna...Malawi babies are SOO last season.

r said...

Mooski: Exactly. Adopt a FAMILY, not a child.

Teach them about keyhole gardening, solar cookers.

Give them a $100 laptop.

Her ego makes me sick. And he doesn't HAVE A Malawi heritage if he lives with her in LONDON!!!!!!! What way to better help him understand his culture than to help make him and his family successful THERE!!!!!

She makes me sick. She is buying a human for a plaything, a pet. GET A DOG. OR A RABBIT. OR RAISE HORSES.

Elizabeth T. said...

Yeah, I do find it a bit disgusting to take a child away from his or her birth parents instead of helping the child lead a full life in their own country because the celebrity lifestyle is apparently so much better. Especially when we have so many kids in the U.S. without parents or homes.

Momster said...

I bet Guy Ritchie is so glad to NOT be associated this time around.
Time to hire another overworked underpaid nanny.

MnGddess said...

Madonna's money would be better spent helping American families in Appalachia or other areas with medical attention, food and education.

Sporky said...

The future therapist bills for all these kids would support a small country.

Pookie said...

adding to the above comments...ita...thing is, $$$ will buy this next child, laws will be bent again and she'll get her way. it's sad actually.

hmmm, i've wondered the same about gwyndouche too, enty.

ItsJustMe said...

Alternate tag: when massive egos start to implode upon their selves.

lutefisk said...

I read that she won't be getting a baby so fast this time, between her divorce & flaunting her relationship with her new boyfriend, she doesn't quite stand up as well as when she was with Guy Ritchie.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why these celebrities are adopting in other countries when we here in the US have as much adoption going on and of need of parents. Especially now that the economy is the way it is.

Also what is Madonna doing to speed up the adoption and why is she in a hurry?

MontanaMarriott said...

In AJ's defense, you see her with those kids all the time. However I rarely see Madonna with her kids. I think we see more of her at parties and manhunting then we see her with her kids.

Jungle007 said...

lol @ the malawee/ malawhy tag :)

It makes me think of a etshop. Does she walk around the village and look at all the poor children, msuing to herself over which one would look best in her home? I don't see the point in "helping" one child by bringing them to an environment where they are virtually alone.

Madonna is not a solid mom who spends real, quality time with her children like most normal parents are. She seems to be on tour half the time and dating teenaged boys the rest of the time.

I agree with the above comments that she should help the communities and/or families in africa instead of stealing their children like some evil child servce worker on a power trip.

FrenchGirl said...

i'm sceptic!i don't know how think!
i think she's honest even if she seems to choose her children as i choose my shoes!

Jungle007 said...

etshop = Petshop :P

Jungle007 said...

and msuing = musing.


mooshki said...

Montana, I also just found that Pax's mom is an addict, and he was adopted from his grandparents, so it wasn't just a matter of $. And whatever else you say about Brangie, those kids usually look really happy. David usually just looks shell-shocked.

dr narcissist said...

Wow, yeah, exactly what Rebecca said. Madonna -- with all her yoga, macrobiotic, kaballah shit -- is so, so, so consumed by ego that it's almost a parody. She is pure comedy. It is ego that makes you think that YOU need to adopt this child and raise him in the Hollywood way -- rather than, say, donating $200,000 to a Malawi village to help educate, build infrastructure, gardens, solar energy, technology, etc. But no -- why do that when you get ego gratification by being in the tabloids, and consequently, blogs?

She makes me sick.

Cheryl said...

Totally agree with MontanaMarriott.
AJ and Brad always look exhausted, like they really raise their large family. We know that Madonna's nannies work overtime for little pay and she herself has said that she is not a very good mother and doesn't like spending time at home.

I had to read the Gwyneth line several times before I got what Ent was saying.

jax said...

Sylvie0 becasue our adoption laws are much tougher and more intrusive,not to mention take a lot of time.

my guess is she doens't want to answer the tough questions in America or she's an impatient cunt with megalomania.
oh did i say that out loud?

GladysKravitz said...

Not to mention that she's FIFTY years old, and counting. The kid will be graduating from high school when she's almost 70. There's nothing wrong with being 50--if I had a twin, you could ask her--but this is the time of life when you start to slow down a little, get mellow, more introspective, become wise instead of consumed by power and greed. Oh yeah. We're talking Madonna. Never exactly the picture of maturity, even now in her mature years, I guess.

Anonymous said...


Eileenie McMeanie said...

Brilliant, jax! My thoughts exactly. She makes me sick and it creeps me out that she's "dating" someone in his early 20s.

B626 said...

Fast forward 15 + years when all of these 'purchases' rebel.
The books and movies will make Mommie Dearest seem like Ozzie and Harriet.

Anonymous said...

"Adopt too many and the whole thing falls over faster than Nadya Suleman spotting a dollar on the sidewalk."

I honest-to-goodness snorted some of the juice I am drinking out of my nose at that. I love you, Enty.

Normally I'm all about people adopting kiddos that need care, love, attention, and stability just like any other child deserves, but I hate hate hate seeing self-serving publicity-minded cows like Madonna do it... all she's going to do is hand the poor kid off to a nanny to raise. I'm sure it's a better life than what the kid would otherwise have, but how exactly is that giving a child a loving family?

bionic bunny! said...

@ gladys:
i'll be your twin, close enough, eh?
my kids are 27 and 23, the eldest married 2 years now, and i'm not ready for GRANDCHILDREN. not having a problem being 50 or grandma, i just don't have the patience.
and jax stated it correctly. our laws would not allow that kind of lifestyle. i believe "stability" is up there near the top of the list. jet setting around the world around the world is not a stable life for a child.
vadge goes beyond unstable. i hope she doesn't get her way this time.
i wouldn't want her getting a furry child, either.

ardleighstreet said...

Hmmm ... Which child would lokk best in my photo ops???

Ughh! Please! How would anyone give this woman other children?

I NEVER even saw Rocco(her bio child) smile when he was with Mumsy.

Please do NOT give her more kids Furry or otherwise. Can't you just hear her line of justifying BS now?

" I am doing it to HELP the child and give it oppourtunities it wouldn't otherwise have." (yeah like a normal life).

Jasmine said...

WHile i personally want to adopt in Africa when i am ready and more adult ( thinking 35 yrs old or so) it just sickens me when celebs do this. Even brangelina changed a 3 yr olds name (pax) when they adopted him. These people forget that the children are in fact from other countries and you need to help that country, raise the child with knowledge of their native country, and give the child the attention it requries as an infant entering a new strange place with a new strange parent. I agree that david looks shell shocked mostly and poor little rocko hasnt been seen in awhile. I dunno, i hope this child will get not just the designer duds but a good head on its shoulders which sadly i doubt will happen with ego head madge.


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