Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jealous Much?

The NY Post is reporting today that Michael Strahan went a little overboard in his jealousy over Nicole Murphy. Suspecting she was cheating on him, he didn't call Cheaters which is what you should always do, because hey, I need my entertainment at 3am on the weekends. There is nothing I like doing more than watching an episode of Cheaters while half drunk. I'm not sure I have even seen the show sober. Is it just as good?

Anyway, Michael had put a tracking device on Nicole's car, and Nicole grew suspicious because Michael always knew where she was. So, one day, Nicole and the guy she was cheating on Michael with stopped off at a Range Rover dealer and sure enough, a tracking device was found in the car. This was the second time Michael had played this little game with Nicole, and was something he used on his ex-wife all the time. That, and of course the secret cameras he had placed around the house which managed to capture his ex-wife's naked sister.

When the tracking device was removed from Nicole's Range Rover, Michael showed up about a minute later. I guess this is why he stopped playing in the NFL. He was way too busy following Nicole all day. He grabbed the tracking device from the vehicle, and Nicole and Michael broke up shortly thereafter. Now, yes, Michael has obviously proved that he is a very untrusting guy, but in this case, Nicole had been cheating on him for about a year before the incident at the dealer. Maybe if she had been honest, she could have avoided all of this. She says she had been reluctant to break up with Michael because her children were so fond of him. Uh huh. Sure, that's a good reason. Instead she thought that showing them a really jealous guy. Oh, and that the way to deal with unhappiness is to cheat and lie. Good times.


  1. What a guy. But Nicole should have been honest with him in the first place. Come on, cheating for a year. I don't think she did anyone any favors by not fessing up. How could she keep up with 2 guys for a year?

  2. is she the ex Mrs. Eddie Murphy ? If so.....i can guess where she learned her 'skills'

  3. Damn, and I liked Strahan so much until I read this.

    I have HAD it with assholes of all kinds right about now...

    And her cheating ass isn't any better. Break up with the dude if you don't like him, slut!

  4. Why is it the guy is always made out to be the asshole? SHE was cheating. And he probably wanted some proof in case she wanted to sue him for some stupid reason.

    Yes, he's a dumb ass, as proven in his last marriage. But he's now learned to follow his gut instincts in the dating arena.

    If a woman tracked her cheating boyfriend, she would be applauded. But when a man does it, he's being over jealous and a control freak.

    Bunch of Bullshit

  5. I respectfully disagree, Ror. I know women who spy on their boyfriends all the time (i.e. stealing their computer passwords, checking their phones while the guy is showering, etc.) and I do not call them my friends. When they catch their guys cheating I always tell them "well, isn't that what you were looking for?"

    If you don't trust your partner, they shouldn't be your partner.

  6. Perhaps the 2nd relationship is more exciting if it's forbidden. She should've just broken up with the first guy. Make a decision woman!

  7. Ror, you are right. I used to work with a woman that was married with 2 little kids. She suspected her husband of cheating. Between her, her family and her friends they were always trying to catch him in the act. One day she gets a phone call at work telling her he just pulled into a motel outside of town. So her friends met her at the motel with cameras in hand and got some awesome pics of him and his gf. People worshipped the ground she walked on for quite a while after. But if a guy had been the one being cheated on, I doubt he would have been treated with the same respect.

  8. sounds like Stahan is uber controlling to begin with and probably only aided in the situation.

  9. I'm sure the Range Rover was his anyway.
    And she didn't want to break up with him because she didn't want to lose her future payday.
    SHE was the one cheating, let's not forget.

  10. 5 kids and juggling two boyfriends?
    She could make some extra cash being a spokeswomen for those energy drinks!
    Like she needs it.

  11. Ent: no, Cheaters is not as good unless you are drunk and/or stoned.

  12. So they weren't married? Lady - just break up with the dude if you want to be with someone else. You aren't married and don't have kids. Move out. Weird.

  13. it takes some real balls to cheat on an intelligent, rich, huge, NFL player -- he is a cool dude, what a bitch -- women these days are as bad as guys if not worse
