Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jada Pinkett Wants To Start A High School

Despite all of the negative feedback surrounding the opening of the school Jada Pinkett and Will Smith created, Jada thinks the school is doing great and wants to add a high school for the students who are currently enrolled in The New Village Leadership Academy. When the school opened, it generated a lot of criticism because it uses a Scientology based instruction method. The school swears up and down that it is secular and has nothing to do with Scientology. Uh huh.

Jada says that she loves the way the school is designed and that it encourages "100% mastery." Apparently what that means is that all students are supposed to keep retaking exams until they all get a perfect score. Well, if they do the same thing in a high school, it will be the first school to ever have everyone with a perfect grade point average. I'm not sure I see the point in having people take exams repeatedly until they score 100%. What it would mean to me if I were a student is that I didn't have to study because I would know that I would get to take the exam again and again until I got a perfect score. What is the incentive to study?


  1. oh fabulous, more children leaving school enabled to look words up in a dictionary, indoctrinated in L Ron Hubbtard's crap and not much else.

    I will definitely encourage parents to enroll their kids in a system designed by lying con man. Not.

    What is wrong with these people?

  2. Will Xenu give the graduation speeches?????

  3. "100% mastery" should be the tag line of a straight-to-video JCVD movie, not a school. Jada is very dumb, and that along with her insane self-confidence, her secretive nature and her fake-as-shit's husband's income is a deadly combination. I really pity the kids enrolled by their (stupid beyond belief) parents in that sham of a school.

  4. "100% mastery" - Just makes me think of Jade in a leather cat suit, holding a whip.

  5. For anyone who wishes to read what scientology and their education system does to people

  6. I went to a school like that for awhile and it did work. For the unmotivated you cannot just float by on the 75% that regular schools would let you. Since you cannot go to the next level without 100% pass, you keep trying until you know the material well. Peer pressure prevents you from lagging because you don't want to be 10 levels behind someone else your age. I learned more in those two years at that school then in four at college. Obviously, not a fit for everyone and it is alternative learning style but worked with me.

  7. @kimi, was it peer pressure or the threat of being sent to ethics?

  8. we had a school like that in our district. it lasted 1 year and was abolished due to the outcries of parents. kids were forming ulcers, getting anxiety and undue stress.
    it was a fucking horrible way to learn and contributed to a LOT of cheating. FAIL.

  9. My issue with this is that kids end up just regurgitating data and not truly UNDERSTANDING it.

  10. Exactly Jax. It's that kind of perfectionist attitude that causes eating disorders, OCD's etc. Teaching children they fail if they are not 100% perfect will cause a lot of fuckery later in life.

  11. Hmm, I do have OCD.............

  12. Take the Playstations away from the little brats for once. That'll teach 'em!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I wonder if the school will let the students use calculators on tests. Do kids even know their multiplication tables anymore?

  15. Possibly worst of all is they'll get all kinds of love and good publicity for being advocates for education. Wait until Kneepads reports on this. The story will be polished to a Xenu-free shine. I'm glad there are at least a handful of us who know the frightening truth.

  16. Taking a test again and again until some perfect ending. Isn't that akin to auditing?

  17. how has the lie of xenu been able to blind hollywood? that's insane, literally.

    thx, Psychos are Nuts, for the link. wow, fascinating stuff!

  18. i see our scio troll is back, although maybe troll is a strong word.

    and i thought the smiths home schooled.

    do you guys realize, if i'd been forced into 100%, i'd still be in kindergarten? even in my favorite subjects, by my favorite teachers (my very favorite would always toss in a trick question just for me), i couldn't do 100%, and i know i'm not stupid. i memorize very well, but that's not learning, and that's pretty much what these kids are learning.
    i wonder how this school stacks up against the state boards?

  19. oh, thats how i got through some tests (like, driving tests here in sweden are a lot harder than the ones int he us) - I just did it over and over again, until I knew what questions were coming and how to answer them.

    Did I get 100% after a couple of times? You bet I did. Did I learn anything? Nope.

  20. scientology=BAD

  21. Don’t know what to say. Seems like a good option if you have no chance to enroll to another school. I mean, t cool people are opening the schools, but when it comes to any kind of believe (no mater religion or anything else) it becomes a crap. I feel like it’s hard to study in my school and I even use australian assignment help to stay relevant, but I’ll never change it for similar school.
