Thursday, March 12, 2009

It Pays To Know Amy Winehouse Which Sucks For Nicole Richie

According to The Mirror, Amy Winehouse's 12 year old goddaughter is getting paid $15,000 to walk the runway at Liverpool's Fashion Week in the hopes that her attendance will get Amy Winehouse to show up. While Amy Winehouse showing up will probably bring a lot of publicity, the thought of Amy Wienhouse drunk and with access to a runway makes me kind of scared for everyone else in attendance.

Apparently though, this payment to 12 year old Dionne Bromfield is more than the organizers were willing to pay Nicole Richie to show up and walk the runway. As a result, Nicole has pulled out of the event. Yeah, it must suck to know that a 12 year old who may or may not bring someone famous to the show is worth more than the fame Nicole Richie would bring to the show.

I'm sure that if Nicole was offered a spot in the show and has indeed pulled out, her pregnancy will be used as the excuse why she had to suddenly pull out of the event.


  1. I would pay anything to see that trainwreck hit Fashion Week, could you imagine the stunts she would pull???

  2. When is this show? I have to see it.

  3. I have to say I have no interest in watching Nicole Richie.
    Of course, would love to see Amy crawling around snatching people's drinks.

  4. LOL @ lutefisk. Me too.

    I am *so* crossing my fingers that this goes down.

  5. Liverpool has fashion?!?? :-/

  6. I don't blame Nicole. That is pretty messed. Winehouse is a mess right now obviously. Kinda makes me think....

    When Nicole was all drugged out, she would have probably generated the same attention. Now that she's cleaned up, no one gives a shit what she does.
    Winehouse is a parasitic cesspool of crack, and people can't get enough.

    *sigh* whatta world...

  7. Yea but Amy is English and Nicole isn't. Amy is probably way more famous over there.

  8. True... But is a fucked-up british celeb really so hard to find? I'm sure Lily Allen would do it for £40...

  9. Anonymous1:39 PM

    do the British people even know who Nicole is?

  10. With London Fashion Week being such a tacky waste-of-time event, i can't imagine what a treat the Liverpool one is...

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

