Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is Tom Sizemore Back On Drugs?

TMZ is reporting that someone who looks suspiciously like Tom Sizemore was caught on video allegedly stealing a bunch of cell phones from a Verizon Wireless store. Not content with just the phones, Tom or his doppelganger also allegedly stole a pen and a highlighter. I'm not sure how you can use a pen or a highlighter for drug use, but, then again, I am not Tom Sizemore who probably has much more experience in making pipes out of nothing.

Tom just finished his parole in January. Guess maybe once he stopped having those required drug tests, he maybe got a little crazy again. Either that or he is really careless about losing his cell phones and figured Verizon wouldn't mind giving him some complimentary ones. What would be really cool would be if he were busted while actually talking on one of the cell phones he or his doppelganger allegedly stole. Have I used the word allegedly enough?


  1. I'm just amazed that he stayed clean for as long as he did. He's a complete wreck. :(

  2. People here use pens to do meth. They take out the cartridge in the center and snort with them or make them into meth pipes.

    I've had lots of cases where people were charged with possession of meth because of the residue on an empty pen thingie. But then again - could just be random.

  3. That would be terrible if he was back on drugs, I have to say I really don't care when celebrities implode but that show that followed him around "Shooting Sizemore" was intense...gotta feel bad for the guy.

  4. i don't feel bad for him. he fell into drug use willingly. whom i feel for are his family and loved ones who've probably been thru hell b/c of him. so sad.

  5. It's a darn shame to toss away your talent because you were chasing drugs.

  6. Maybe he was practicing for the new MacGyver movie.

  7. Such a boondoggle...focusing on Tom's downward spiral. Never judge someone until you've walked a day in their shoes. Half of Hollywood is banged up on drugs, at least Tom did a reality show to open eyes that it can happen to anyone. Why not mention that he's a ballzy actor whose been Directed by the most elite Directors in film...Oliver Stone, Micheal Mann, Riddly Scott and on and on. He's a great actor and I think if he stole phone and pens and they had hiim on tape he'd sure be charged right now...not like it's a murder scene it you goofs gotta CSI the fuck out of it. I hope he gets back to the top so all you negitive focused pickle puffers can rest your necks!!!

  8. Regarding The Verizon Store Incident. I was with Tom in the store that day. And the guy that worked behind the counter grabbed a bag of broken phones and told us that if we could make any of them work we could have them. But that ass in the store was more interested in selling a story which is exactly what he did. We didnt have a chance to explain..noone was interested. by the time we got back to the store to clear things up there were already 8 los angeles police officers chomping at the bit and of course the press.
