Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Guessing Jessica Simpson Didn't Do Well In School

It has been a very long time since I attended any kind of formal educational institution which required me to study and take an exam. Sure, there is an exam when I get done with traffic school every couple of years, and it seems like the satellite company wants me to learn a new set of channels and the numbers they are associated with every few months, but other than that, not too many tests. But, as my channel surfing indicates, if you care about something you can memorize it.

Saturday night was the last stop on the Jessica Simpson "I'm never doing this again" tour, and despite the fact that she must have played 40 dates, had numerous television appearances and had to sing her songs 30 times while recording them, she still can't remember the words to them. On Saturday night she forgot the words to two of her songs. Her songs. Not cover songs, but her songs. The first time, the audience gave her a break. The second time they booed.

All artists forget the words to their songs at some point. It happens. When you are a group that has hundreds of songs, you are much more likely to forget. However, it rarely happens more than once on a tour because it is embarrassing and so they work hard to fix it. Apparently Jessica Simpson has no such qualms about being embarrassed. This is not the first time, or the second time, or the third time. It has happened almost every night she has played. What I think it comes down to is that she honestly doesn't care about giving a good performance. I have concluded the only thing she cares about is making money. There is no other explanation. She is getting paid regardless of whether the audience likes her or not.

The review from Saturday was that she was lifeless and there wasn't much energy. Don't you think if it was your last show you might want to really put your all into it? Really enjoy it and go out with a bang? A show in front of lots of your friends and family? Not in her world. Oh, and if you think the photo above is just me reusing one from last week. Nope. She wore the exact same outfit again that she has been wearing almost every night. Hopefully if there is another tour, Jessica will think less about herself and her paycheck, and more about all the fans who are paying money to see her perform despite the really hard times.


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