Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Just Don't Care

All morning I have been trying to get excited writing about John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston breaking up again, but I'm not. I honestly just don't care whether they are together or not. I didn't care when they got together the first time, nor when they broke up the first time. I didn't care when they got back together. The only time I had an inkling of caring was when they went to the Academy Awards together. I thought that was kind of nice. It didn't make me want to post about it, but it was kind of nice.

I'm tired of every article or interview ever written about Jen asking her about her feelings for Brad and Angelina and that whole thing. I would say give it a rest, but apparently, the magazines are being encouraged to ask those questions because then it generates more press for Jennifer and the magazines get more sales so it is a win/win.

In an ideal world I just wish Brangelina and Jennifer would just go away and let us move on to new people and new rumors. It is just a never ending cycle with these three because they all have very good people working for them who know how to manipulate the press and to say things sure to generate more publicity.

Today I posted the nanny story because it was interesting and if Jennifer Aniston was caught rubbing the back of her pool boy, I would think that is pretty interesting as well. Unfortunately though, what we get day after day is just fluff, and not even good fluff.

I wish that John and Jen would stay together because then all we would have to read about are marriage and pregnancy rumors. Instead, now we will have to go through the who is she dating game for months on end. I hate it.

I think that is why I love writing about lesser known celebrities. It seems like their stories are more interesting, plus, we have not heard about them everyday for the last four years.

Did you realize that Mr. & Mrs. Smith came out four years ago? For the last four years, I doubt there has been a week or even three or four days where Jen, Brad or Angelina has not been mentioned in a magazine or tabloid. I would also guess that one of the three has been has been on a cover of a magazine at least once a month for the past 48 months. It's too much. No more please.


  1. Ha, "Share," you were right. :)

    Is there really a lot less juicy celeb gossip nowadays, or have we become jaded? I can't decide...

  2. can we do a six month ban on jennifer, john, angie and brad?

  3. My thoughts exactly. Gossip is in a major slump right now.

  4. Twunty, maybe it's the economy. Celebs can't afford their antics anymore. If that isn't enough motivation to end the recession, I don't know what is!

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Will someone just please marry this bitch already? Please? I'll give you five dollars!

    (I kid, but I actually wanted this to work out for this time, as much as I didn't care, and absolutely loathe John Mayer)

  6. The worst part is, nothing NEW has actually come out about them. We all knew he had an affair 4 years agto. They've just spent all this time disputing it for no apparent reason.
    It's retarded.
    PLUS, The more I see Angelina, the more she looks like a weird science experiment. Half retarded cat, half nip/tuck patient.

    *YAWN* These people bore me. Good for Jen and Jon for ending whatever that was they had going on.

  7. I do find it funny that nobody really gave a crap that Vince Vaughn just got engaged. Further proof that you can hop off the fame train if you want to.

  8. ha! people STILL bring up Liz Taylor, Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher and always will.

    it's the Old Hollywood 50 years from now...our grandkids will be reading a Brangelina blind on Crazy Millenniums and Lightyears on their retina screens written by the EL6000.

  9. his finace is from Okotoks,'s a small ass town. i cared! that's like missing a sale a day late.

  10. It would be more exciting if Angelina & Jennifer caught Brad rubbing John's back.

  11. It's ok. I'm flying in to comfort Jen. Don't care if she wears Brad's old shirts and listens to his tapes.

    We'll be hitting Mexican resorts.

    Cameras optional.

  12. YUP-
    Who cares...

  13. lol, GK

    john's a douche and will quickly be forgotten, but i don't mind JA. at least she doesn't come across as smug and arrogant as do brangelina. i'm over their self-righteousness.

  14. I thought their appearance at the Oscars was strained. Kinda like looking back at when Julia took Benjamin and revealed not long after that their relationship was over.

    Gossip might be in a slump, but I'll read any kind of trash. It's what I do. It's who I am.

  15. I agree w/ califblondy, it seemed like the last few pictures of John and Jen had Jen draped all over him, and he had a look on his face like he couldn't wait for a moment alone to check his Blackberry.

  16. So Mayer has literally "quit this bitch".
    Does this mean she is the answer to the blind about the photos not selling for an actress (who will court interest through some dastardly affair or whatever with a married man?) Because lord knows JohnnyBoy wouldn't give up that publicity machine if it wasn't broken...

    She could be photographed fucking her dog, and she would still be a bland plate of oatmeal. What is wrong with her?!
    At least the smug duo can be interesting now and again (as long as the Ange isn't doing that Mother Earth bollocks).

    I miss true smut!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The very fact that you, as a celebrity blog site, is saying this is so awesoome enty. I love that you hate the fluff crap just aas much as we all do and instead of capitalizing on that you denounce it... this is why i wuv you.

  19. Let's put them all on a tiny island. NEXT!

  20. Jen heard that Angie beat Brad, dumped John while letting him claim it was his idea so he doesn't look like a schmuck, and Jen is now sitting in her car parked outside Brad & Angie's right now waiting to pounce.

    Guaranteed that's a story in Star next week. Any takers????

  21. ElsieFire - Lol. Maybe it was Aniston who 'leaked' the fight story... Or maybe she has a mole in the Brange home?
    The media loves to portray her as the desperate, loney, old, jilted woman (and she does nothing but prove them right - just like the Brange like to make sure everyone knows they're too smug for their own boots).
