Thursday, March 19, 2009

"I Can't Live On $43 Million"

I usually only comment on celebrity divorces, and only if they are really good, but in this case, I am making an exception because it makes me sick. Not sick as in each of the parties had affairs, because they did. Not sick as in there was abuse or anything horrific, but simply because I'm sick there are people in this world who just have no sense of reality. Anyone who says they can't afford to live for the rest of their lives on a $43 million settlement has no sense of what is real and what is not.

Currently there is a divorce trial proceeding between the Chairman of United Technologies and his soon to be ex, Maria Douglas-David. In October 2005, Maria (36) and her husband (67) signed a post nuptial agreement that says she would get $43M if they divorced and that she would get to keep all of their Swedish properties. She is a countess from Sweden.

She is trying to get the agreement thrown out of court because her expenses are too high and $43M isn't enough. She instead wants $100M and $130K a month in alimony for their 6 year marriage. Her soon to be ex-husband is worth about $400M.

Now, you may be asking yourself, how can she possibly claim that $43M isn't enough to live on for the remainder of her life. Well, look at her WEEKLY expenses. Yes, weekly.

"Douglas-David has filed court papers showing she has more than $53,800 in weekly expenses, including for maintaining a Park Avenue apartment and three residences in Sweden. Her weekly expenses also include $700 for limousine service, $4,500 for clothes, $1,000 for hair and skin treatments, $1,500 for restaurants and entertainment, and $8,000 for travel."

I want to remind all of you again that these are weekly. Not monthly and not yearly. Weekly.

At this rate, she would burn through all of the money in about 16 years. Look. A contract is a contract and as much as I think $43M is outrageous for 5 years of marriage, I can deal with that. What disgusts me though is the sense that $43M isn't enough for you to live your life. Does she realize that 90% of the world doesn't make $53,000 in a year and she spends that much in a week on things that for the most part, don't really matter. I hope the judge decides that she doesn't even deserve the $43M.


  1. She needs to fire the clowns who charge "$1000 for hair and skin treatments" because despite being a year older than I am, this hag looks like my grandma

  2. That's $52K a year right there know, what some of us little people make a year AFTER six freakin' years of college and grad school combined...

  3. I guess she needs to get a fucking job, eh?

  4. Lisa, She'd need a marketable skill or three first. McDonald's is getting picky lately.

  5. I'll think of her when I'm struggling through until next Friday. Bless her poor innocent heart.

    What a crock.

  6. ♪ i'm ain't sayin' she's a gold-digger... ♫

  7. Countesses don't get salaries, huh? Well, gold digging whores have mad skills that she can market on Craigslist. Alternatively, she does have a Park Avenue apartment. Wouldn't she qualify for that show on Bravo?

  8. Man, I don't even know what to say about this. People are having hard times all over and this despicable woman has the gall to demand more $$$ than the ungodly amount she agreed to in the first place.

  9. Oh God...I feel it welling up inside me.

    *Just walk awwwwaaayyyy from the computer, selenakyle, just waaaaallllkk away*

  10. That was one expensive b-job, no? Does big sugar-daddy Georgie David need a new wifey-poo? I'm free next Tuesday;)

  11. Only $8,000 for travel, does she fly commercial? I find this obscene. In this economy where people losing their jobs and homes and are strugling to live on nothing, she has the nerve.........I wonder if she gives anything to charity.

  12. Goodgrief, people who barely have enough to live on really can't afford to give to charity as much as they'd like to. I think her best bet is to forfeit the NY pad and move her greedy ass back to Sweden. That would cut down on maintenance and travel. She might be able to eke 18 years out of the settlement if she gave that a shot.

  13. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I was about to wax pathetic on my own financial state, then realized I'm sitting indoors on a rainy day at a computer and there's people much worse off.
    So, I guess I'd be guilty of the same thing as her in forgetting that there's a world beyond mine, and that I'm lucky for what I DO have.

    Still. BITCH! : P

  14. I'm with you, Enty. I hope the judge doesn't even give her the $43M.

    Perhaps this is something the major media oulets should be alerted to. They're all over exposing gluttony right now.

    Hasn't the "Countess" heard that it's no longer cool to flaunt your money??

  15. Pookie, you crack me up.
    Anyhoo, she's obviously an ass. Get rid of some of your crap, bitch. Claiming poverty is the new Vogue with the ultra rich.

  16. I just did a little mental math, and I'm pretty sure that in my LIFE (40ish), getting my hair did hasn't cost me $52K. AAANNNDDDD, I colour it at home, and pay the big bucks of about $11 a box for that!!

    Seriously, all together now: FUCK OFF.

    Peace out.

  17. How freaking greedy can one bitch get? $43 mil nots enough, boo hoo .. I need $100 mil plus alimony every month to keep me in the manner in which I am accustomed, well get accustomed to this, bitch, theres a recession going on and people who are starving and living day to day, not week to week now. Oh this makes me sick! I think we have found someone worse than Kimora ..

  18. God these people make me so goddamn angry.

    I don't care if it's a man or woman doing this, it's one of the most disgusting things ever. I just wish the judge would say (this will never happen) she gets nothing or give her a "small" lump sum of a million.

  19. So what you're sayin is....she'll be available soon?!?

    Time to dust off the stalking, er, I mean, dating gear...

  20. Wait, one nice designer outfit costs $3000, and there are 7 days in a week. Does she get discounts or something? My weekly clothes budget averages at least $20,000, more if I have special occasions that require diamonds. Hell, I don't think $43 million would last me two years!!! What a cheapskate that guy is.

  21. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Ok, I get that maintaining 4 large residences can cost a bit of money per week (maids, security, etc.). Fine. She's a countess so she's never learned how to drive, so $700/wk for limo seems fairly cheap as much as she's traveling ($8k/week seems pricey to me, so she must be flying a lot), and 1500 if you're eating in fancy restaurants 3meals x7days is pretty cheap (<$100/meal). But the $4500/wk on clothes. Really? Every week?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these are reasonable expenses, but isn't a divorce settlement supposed to be to maintain the lifestyle you had while married?

  22. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Totally obscene. I hope the judge just refers her to the day labor pool.

  23. Yep, I hope the judge says "THAT'S it, you're not getting ANYthing!"

    But, no prob. I'm sure she'll find another john--I mean, "husband"--soon enough.

  24. Anonymous2:18 PM

    She needs a Toyota and some peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.

  25. I'm finding out there is only a recession for certain groups of people. It's being preached as if it's actually universal but that's a lie.

    There are a whole lot of people who are not touched by it.

    That being said this woman is going to fight to maintain this lifestyle and very well may get some of what she requests.

    Am I bitter? Of course but who cares. After all I just read today that Mariah Carey may be buying a $125 million dollar home.

    Now THAT really ticks me off!

  26. I am sorry, but plain and simple

  27. This woman claims she needs this money, in part, because she quit her $1 million-per-year job (somewhere in finance, I believe), so she could spend more time traveling and entertaining with her husband.

    To me, that sounds a bit like she has some marketable skill inside that shallow little brain. In which case, perhaps the judge should order her to GET A JOB instead of trying to sponge off of her soon-to-be ex.

  28. i literally have seven cents in my wallet...

    i hope the countess gets everything she's due...and i do mean EVERYTHING

  29. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these are reasonable expenses, but isn't a divorce settlement supposed to be to maintain the lifestyle you had while married?"

    Unless you've only been married five years, cheated on your meal ticket, AND signed a post-nup. Biting the hand that feeds you is never your best bet.

  30. Am I bitter? Of course but who cares. After all I just read today that Mariah Carey may be buying a $125 million dollar home.

    Now THAT really ticks me off!
    Honestly, if she likes it i love it and i am hardly a mariah her defense at least she's earned her money, she can flush it down the toilet if she chooses...

    Excess is personal, greedy is not...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. J,

    Nobody needs a $125 million dollar home.

    "In these hard economic times" (as everyone keeps reminding us) it's either insensitive to flaunt your wealth by TELLING PEOPLE that you're buying that home or insensitive for the tabloids to pass it on to those of us who are struggling.

    I don't want to hear about her anymore than I want to hear about this Countess, or the Octomom. So what if Mariah supposedly earned hers.

    Gwyneth earned hers too and she's flaunting it.

    Maybe we just shouldn't hear about people who get to waste money whether or not they've earned it.

  33. Thanks for including this,Ent,to give me that feel good warm and fuzzy before bedtime!

  34. *sigh*

    No, she doesn't realize that 'cause she's a Swedish Countess brought up with a sense of entitlement. I guarantee you that she has NEVER a day in her life understood what life for the "common people" is like. She wasn't raised that way.

    "I'm not saying that it's right, I'm just saying that I understand". ;-)

  35. "Now i ain't saying she's a gold digga"

    .....Oh wait. Yes. Yes i am.

  36. AwwwWww Fuck, Pookie, you beat me to it like... 9 hours ago.
    My bad.

    That's what happens when i post before I read. :(

  37. if she's getting that much a week, and has sweden properties, does she just want that $ to sit in the bank and collect interest--b/c it sounds like the weekly payments would cover everything she needs & then some...

    btw, $700 a week for limo service, especially in NYC is CHEAP--so she knows how to find a bargain!

  38. Anonymous10:54 PM

    My message to this gold-digger wife:
    Get rid of all your stupid high-maintenance material objects, and then you won't have the bills you have. Live like the rest of us, bitch.
