Friday, March 13, 2009

Hayden Panettiere Is Still A Pain

Hayden Panettiere continues to have a very bad week. Even when she tries to explain herself, she sounds vindictive and makes everything that came out about her this past week right on point. Apparently Hayden consented to an interview with OK! to try and explain everything that has gone on this week. Well, I say interview, but in actuality it just appears that OK! got fed a few lines from her publicist and printed those.

In response to the allegations that she is trying to get Milo Ventimiglia kicked off the show, she said, "Milo and I are very close. We have enjoyed and continue to enjoy working together." Umm yeah. That doesn't answer the question about whether you are trying to get him kicked off the show. Apparently she must be having some luck, because the guy who runs Heroes says he is till deciding who is going to get to stay on for next year. Those are not very encouraging words if you are Milo.

As for why she went ballistic in Hawaii, she says, "I have tremendous respect for the media and reporters – particularly the press who treat the people they are interviewing with dignity. I am appreciative that the press has supported me, my career, and especially the causes I feel passionately about. While in Hawaii, one reporter grabbed me suddenly from behind and frightened me. It happens. Typically, the press has treated me with great respect."

Umm. How did he frighten you. He touched you on the back of your shoulder because you had blown off all the press. As for wanting them to treat you with dignity, maybe you should show them some as well. Oh, and by dignity do you mean reporters who are going to kiss your ass and/or pay you for the privilege of getting to speak with you? I have never seen worse spin. All it shows is there was no way you can spin the truth. She was an ass and nothing is going to change that.


  1. I'm freaked out that she's dating "Max" from Days of Our Lives. Especially since he looks so much like Milo.

  2. I can't stand this self serving little midget. I hope her stupid show cancels and have her standing in the un-employment line...wishful thinking I know.

  3. It's not like you've never been "grabbed from behind" before, bitch.

  4. I still watch this show. If they kill Peter off this season, I'll be pissed. I wouldn't miss her at all.
    Wouldn't be surprised if she's going down the Britney/LiLo route.

  5. I pity those that are on her payroll. Can you imagine being her PA?!

  6. Things on the Heroes set must be really interesting. The show no longer commands the impressive demos that made it a hit, and is reaching new series lows every week.

    They are not raking the money they used to, and in order to get another season they are going to have to cut costs, and cast members.A lot of cast members. Milo is not the only one with the head on the chopping block,Ali Larter is not safe either.

  7. Momster, I agree.

    Hate her, hate her hair. Looks like a total wig on the show, and not much better in any recent photos.

    Go away now, thankyouverymuch.

  8. i really like this girl and want her to grow up into a good actress, so for now i'm going to hope it's just growing pains and that she'll snap out of it soon.

    she's 19, high profile jobs and going through a breakup with a co-worker. she gets the benifit of the doubt for now.

  9. i'd hate to see her go down the lindsey route, but it looks like she's wanting to merge onto that highway, doesn't it...

  10. she always did seem to have the bitchface down. I think she's that answer to one of the four for friday blinds about the pregnant actress being caught by her dad with her (now ex) boyfriend(Milo).

  11. I think she's too snooty to be a party girl. She's quickly getting a rep like Avril; a BRAT. The difference is that Avril has some sort of talent, while this tart has none.

  12. "Avril has some sort of talent"

    I beg to disagree, LOL!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hear, hear Mooshki!

    Dear god, my cats have more talent than that fake punk princess...

    Thank you trash can!

  15. she's a child acting like children act. her ex should date a grown up next time and the press should blow her ass off.
