Monday, March 09, 2009

Hayden Panettiere Has A Meltdown

Hayden Panettiere may only be 19 years old but she has certainly moved her way up the entitlement rankings very quickly. This past weekend she had her second biggest red carpet hissy fit. Her first of course was when she threatened to kill an US Weekly reporter after they had reported on her breakup with that guy Stephen from Laguna Beach. I'm guessing she gets her temper from her dad which doesn't bode well for any of Hayden's future relationships.

This time, Hayden was at a charity event in Hawaii. First of all, how can you ever get upset with anyone if you are on vacation in Hawaii. Sure, if you live there, you are going to lose your temper from time to time, because hey, it is where you live and so the whole day to day life stress, but vacation? Forget about it. Plus, I'm sure the charity, in this case, the Rehabilitation Hospital Of The Pacific probably paid a great deal to have Hayden attend the event and say good things about them and generate a lot of positive publicity. Instead they got a surly teenager who who screamed and yelled at photographers and reporters while walking the red carpet.

When Hayden arrived she yelled at the photographers to back up and then posed briefly as evidenced by the photo above. After about 30 seconds she started walking in and blowing by all the reporters. When Hayden paused for a second, one of the local Hawaii reporters, touched her on the shoulder and asked if they could have a word with her. Hayden turned around, and screamed, "Don't you ever touch me!"

I think it is apparent why she and Milo broke up. Hayden then turned to the press handler and basically made it clear there were not supposed to be any interviews at all with her. She did it in a very smart ass rhetorical way, but it was clear that Hayden was ticked off that someone even asked. To make it all complete, Hayden then walked up to all the rest of the reporters and said, "You all make my life miserable."

To me, reporters have generally been very nice when dealing with Hayden. Her, dad? Not so much. According to US Weekly, Hayden then spent the next hour in a private cabana with Justin Long and his brother and probably complained about how the press assaulted her.

I'm sure the hospital just loves hearing all about how wonderfully behaved Hayden was and I'm sure they will invited her back next year. The purpose of these events is to raise money. You invited the stars in hopes they will attract the press. The stars then, in return for their fee, speak to the press and talk about what a wonderful organization the hospital is even if they have never heard of it. It is the way it works and I'm guessing there won't be anymore free trips to Hawaii for awhile in Hayden's future.


  1. Hayden Panettiere Is A Moron

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    what a troll. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  3. save the self absorbed cheerleader, save the world.

    Hayden, your show sucks now,behave.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    LMAO - just found this article on her IMDB page in the comments - how appropriate!

  5. She'll be forgotten soon. "Heroes" really isn't that interesting anymore.

  6. Cali Girl - thanks for the link, that's hysterical. A wrestler named Vladimir? She probably picked him up to protect her from those nasty reporters.

  7. Does anyone else suspect she's become friends with drugs? It would explain her behaviour and love for partying (i can't imagine how anyone would do this if they were thinking clearly - think about all the people reporting it...Even Mimi knows when to hide the Diva!)

    Besides, coke is really cheap there!

  8. If attention makes her so uncomfortable then perhaps it's high time for this twat to go flip burgers for a living.
    Her behavior is repulsive.

  9. I know I'm going out on a limb here, but it looks like she's taking a deep breath in the picture, and that makes me think she might be high on something...and meth is readily available in I said, it's out on a limb...

  10. hey paris hilton 2.0 STFD AND STFU - that is all

  11. "Ooh, look at me - I'm a big TV star!"

    "Oh - don't look at me! I'm a big TV star!"

    These little twits want it both ways. They want the fame and cash and lifestyle that comes from a hit show or movie career, but they just can't bear the invasion of their 'privacy'. Grow up and realize that without the press or your fans, you are nothing.

    And BTW, your show sucks the big one.


  13. ohhhhhh, stiffkittens, you may be on to somthing!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I wished I cared...on second thought maybe not.

  16. Agreed, Shazz. I stopped watching the show months ago. Could not care less about this ditz..

  17. Why do some people become so famous over nothing?? Pop culture these days is ridiculous.

    But, if you think of the stars of the 80 and 90's, and who's washed up and doing "the surreal life" now, I think we can righfully assume where Ms. Panty-tear will be in another 8-10 years...

  18. Wow.

    I do like her dress, though, even if it looks like lingerie.

  19. Well if the girl gets nasty with the press then the press should boycott the little snot. No press would be a real career killer. I don't see her talent being great enough to excuse being this attitude. I give it two years until she's posing nude or Skin-emax After Dark.

  20. Well, okay, I do admit that the girl is kind of a twerp for her behavior, but I have personal space issues, too. I HATE it when strangers tap me on the shoulder.

  21. I remember years ago her trying so hard to be a celebrity, she hung out at a club with Paris Hilton, basically begging to be photographed, now the paps are ruining her life....whatevs! I am not buying what she is selling. I find her very very gross.

  22. which island was this?
    didn't know any of them was a hotbed for anything but the bud ("bud, man?"). hope to god my niece doesn't hear about this, since my SIL & BIL keep dragging her HS drug reform-school ass every where they go.
    yes, i love my niece, but she has a problem: her parents. oh, and the meth.

  23. wait, should i have posted that in the other thread?

  24. Massive PMS? That's what makes _me_ act that way!

  25. I blame the age 19. Isn't Chris Brown also 19? Young adults that age usually have the feeling of immortality and invincibility - "I can do anything .. fuck off if you don't like it." Very prideful .. and we all know what goes beforeth the fall.

  26. Sounds like she's paranoid.
    Which drug is it that causes paranoia, again?
    Oh yes - coke.

  27. she is a 19 yr old kid, tho ... we might want to give her a break ... how much stupid shit did we do at that age and how did we to ppl
