Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hania Barton? Zoe Barton? One Of Mischa Barton's Sisters Is Messed Up

X17 swears the video below is of Zoe Barton. I could be convinced it is Hania Barton who you may know from her repeated trips to rehab which are blamed squarely on the shoulders of her older sister Mischa who had allegedly introduced her to the finer aspects of celebrity living. Hania if you will recall was admitted to the hospital after overdosing on muscle relaxants the day after Mischa was arrested for a DUI. The two tend to compete for attention. Judging by this video though, I don't think this sister is going to be competing for anything anytime soon. Hania used to have blonder hair, but now her hair color is similar to Zoe's. Oh well Zoe, Hania, it is still a messed up Barton sister.


  1. PLEASE tell us she doesn't proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle in this semi-catatonic state.

  2. I like how at one point she ashes on herself and then smiles like she's having a private convo in her head with one of the Smurfs...

  3. I hope that x17 did not pay for this video. At times it looks like the same footage repeated. Just how it appears to me.

  4. Jebus - that looks like an Intervention commercial.

  5. How old is this girl?

  6. I just googled her trying to find her age. I am proud to say that I had no clue that Mischa, et al are from the UK.

    This poor girl needs help.

  7. Mummy and Daddy must be so proud!

  8. Seriously, what the hell?

    Was she on a smoke break during an office job?

  9. She's just washing down that third Xanax of the day with a smoothie and a cig to keep her chillin till Happy Hour!

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM


    So she's a little lethargic looking. If she's on anything its probably a downer. Pills, drunk, whatever. Maybe she had a Xanax and a few cocktails. I swear I've been more wasted than that on just a bottle of good wine and a spliff. I regularly see people more fucked up at my local bus stop. I really expected more, considering the hype about this video.

    I'm not saying its entirely positive to be on any of those things, but let's be real this girl is no Amy Winehouse. If I hear about a crazy drug video I expect to see cars getting hit with umbrellas and crackhived bitches going barefoot on cobblestone for a quick run to the corner for some popsicles, you feel me?

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if this is Zoe... Why not have a third stoned sister?

    Hell it's not that bad. She's stoned.

    Whoop-dee-doo. I can send you vids of stoned people, Ent. But i guess it's only entertaining if they're related to someone famous.

  12. I agree with Jungle. Whoop-de-fuck; she's stoned. So what? You should have seen ME at that age! Glad I never had a famous older sister.

  13. It's kind of creepy how she looks right to the camera and smiles in a slow demented way.. she knows she is being filmed.
