Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guess What? Phish Fans Use Drugs

I know the headline must come as a shock. I mean who would ever believe that a fan of the group Phish would ever use drugs? When I think of Phish fans, they are right on par with The Jonas Brothers right? Yeah, I didn't think you would buy into that. When Phish announced they were going to be reuniting for some shows in Hampton, Virginia, I think I posted that the area might not be the most Phish friendly area they could have chosen.

It turns out, this assumption was correct. The Hampton police along with 8 other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies were out in force during the concerts. There were over 200 law enforcement officers who were out in force and their goal seemed to be as many drug arrests as possible. How many you ask? 194 people arrested with 245 different charges in just three nights. The drugs confiscated consisted of pot, coke, mushrooms and pain killers. I'm still trying to figure out the pain killers one.

The total street value of the drugs was $1.2M which works out to about $6K worth of drugs on each person. I'm thinking next time, Phish fans might want the group to play in say, the Nevada desert, or the Pacific Northwest.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the cops weren't doing this for all the years they were touring. likewise grateful dead.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, if you were minding your own business and acting like you had some sense, the cops wouldn't mess with you at a concert.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Honestly I was there all three nights and didn't see one person get arrested. I think most were arrested in the parking lot and after the show. Merriweather is bad and so is Camden as far as police. It is the east coast not just Hampton.

What is the big mystery with painkillers? Lots of people are into pharmies...personally they make me sick to my stomach but I know tons of people who love to pop Vocoden and Percocet.

It was an unbelievably good show at an incredible venue that has always been loved by Phish and before them the Dead. If you are just doing drugs and doing it discreetly you won't get arrested…the air inside the show was thick with skunky delicious smoke.

I am assuming you have not been to a phish show enty? Because you don't seem like you completely understand the experience or the fans. Still love the blog though!

Alice D Millionaire said...

Also considering the number of people at the show - 194 is nothing.

Kara said...

Hey! What are you saying about us Pacific Northwesterners? That we smoke pot? Eat shrooms?

Oh. Ok. Nevermind. Love Going to concerts in the Gorge.

Kristen S. said...

Or, you know, their home state.

Maja With a J said...

Where they played doesn't matter. What matters is how many people aren't smart enough to hide their drugs or leave them at home. You dig?

Himmmm said...

Considering Trey A's own history with pain killers - most of those arrests must have been for his dealers! lol. LOVE THEM, but poor Trey has had quite the battle himself. Just google "Trey, Phish, Arrest, Drugs" and it will give you the D.L.

But as has been stated...compared to the number of folks present? It was a tiny percentage. I wonder how many arrests would've been published at a Death Row Records Reunion? Or for the upcoming Dead reunion tour (starting in Greensboro, NC - not exactly liberal areas).

Anonymous said...

Whats the big mystery on painkillers? Cmon EL. Give me a break. You talk about starlets abusing prescription drugs all the time.

Still seems weird that Phish would play there. PNW does seem more fitting. LOL@ Kara. I got a pipe thrown away by security there once.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

There aren't enough drugs on planet earth to fool me into thinking that Phish makes interesting music.

That said, I know LOTS of Phishheads, and they are a gentle, fun-loving, docile bunch. Bummer for them.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh, and just to second Buttercup: a couple of friends of mine attended that show, and they've raved in the past at how great Phish shows are at the Hampton Arena. I think the band just digs the venue and has always been pretty loyal to it.

I'm a VA native; just thought I'd toss in my two cents. :-)

Kara said...

Bad Fish - what can I say? I'm a gorge girl!

bionic bunny! said...

vicodin and oxy are big street drugs. i don't get it either, but it bums me out because it makes it hard to get pain meds when needed for pain.

Sporky said...

I thought these smelly hippies broke up. Pfft.

Pookie said...

^what Sporky said.

newsgrrl said...

AP said "Nearly 200 law enforcement officers worked the weekend event, with the Vermont-based band picking up the tab."

Band paid for the security - therefore the band busted the fans :)

Never been to a Phish concert...

BlackseatDriver said...

Didn't Trey have some trouble some years back with and underage 12 year old girl? He was alone with her at night in a boathouse, if I recall correctly..

Julie said...

i supposedly went up to the lemonwheel in...97? but i don't remember it. not because i do drugs, probably because of a contact high.

because, i don't do drugs hahahaha

seen Phish at Merriwether Post, but I'd never known them to play Camden? thats more local to me. (a lot more so than maine)

I've seen them a few times. As far as musicians go, they're pretty awesome. There are a few songs I can jam to (the first 6 minutes at least) also, I don't think I've ever seen a band once. Oh, Sheryl Crow. NEVER AGAIN. I just went for the wallflowers though, whom I've seen 3 or 4 more times. (I go through weird phases)

Wolfmans brother from slip stitch and pass. I will always love that song. and Cities. Actually, thats pretty much the only album I can of theirs I can relate/to. I tried Junta. not so much.


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