Friday, March 20, 2009

Forigve Me For I Am About To Sin

I have been so good and have not mentioned Lindsay Lohan by name in quite some time and this is an exception to the ban, and not a lifting of the ban. I have enjoyed not talking about her fights or posting her photos and I think the world is a better place for it. I'm proud of myself for ignoring the whole warrant situation and the broken window during the fight, but I have to vent now.

Lindsay is on the cover of Nylon this month for their tenth anniversary issue. She is Teri Garr and that magazine is Letterman for all the times that Lindsay has been on the cover and in its pages.

Anyway, in the interview she blames the tabloids for ruining her career. Ummm. Is she serious? Lindsay Lohan is responsible for ruining Lindsay's career. Sure, you can throw some Michael and some Dina and some effed up parenting into that if you want. I will give you that, but there is no way the tabloids did it. Did the tabloids make her go to rehab three times with another on the way soon? Did the tabloids make her late for work or miss work or days shooting? Did the tabloids make her drink or do drugs or chase down her assistant in a stolen SUV? Did the tabloids make her be a diva on the Ugly Betty set? Did the tabloids give her the shortest temper known to man?

Oh, and it gets worse. In the interview she says she would love to be in Alice In Wonderland and makes it seem like she was thisclose to getting the part that Anne Hathaway is playing. She is so full of crap. There is no way she would get near that production unless she was hanging around with Sam at the after party when Sam was working. This is the problem with Lindsay Lohan. Despite the fact that she is the biggest mess around, she does get lots of offers for employment. She really does, and they are not for porn. They are for indies where she would make $100K for a month's work but she won't take them. Why? Because in her head she is a huge star and a great actress. She isn't. I know all of you loved her in Mean Girls, but that is because it was Tina Fey who wrote the damn thing and Lindsay didn't have to stretch at all. Parent Trap? Freaky Friday? She was a kid playing a kid. She did fine, and if she would actually work in some of these indie films she might actually be good. She doesn't want that. She wants A list movies with A list stars.

"I'm talking to a lot of people right now," she says. "One is Sean Penn – I spoke to him again the other day. We're trying to get Seth Rogen for this project, but Seth won't call us back. So call us back, Seth, if you're reading this!"

I think what she is trying to say is that Seth won't call Lindsay back. As much as I would love to think Seth would blow off the a-hole known as Sean Penn, I don't think he would do that. Why would Seth be in anything with Lindsay Lohan? So he can get laid? There is no reason to choose a f**ked up has been actress when there are lots of others from which to choose.

Grow up Lindsay. Take responsibility for yourself. Go work for a living for awhile. If you don't like the tabloids, then move. Leave California. They won't follow you for long, and you won't have any excuses.


jagerlilly said...

I am so sick of that chick. What a mess.

kris said...

Well said Enty!!

Pookie said...

well, at least she realizes her career is wrecked. now if only she'd realize that douchey sean peen isn't the answer.


selenakyle said...

Gyaaaahhh. Bleeeeccccchhhh.

ItsJustMe said...

ITA with you, Enty. Agreed - well said. Could she be a little more obvious that she's humping Sean Peen?

Goodgrief said...

I can always count on Lindsey for a good laugh. Obviously her and Sean were the answer to a BI a few weeks ago.

Ror said...

And it's also a well known fact that the tabloids ruined the economy!

And my marriage...
Any got me layed off from work...
And made Natasha fall skiing...

What a dildo licking loser

Judi said...

I don't even see her as an actress anymore. She's simply one more trainwreck in a sea of trainwrecks who don't really have a profession.

ms_wonderland said...

Tim Burton would never employ that waste of space on Alice. He has great actors lining up to play bit parts. Throwing Lohan into the Alice mix would be like throwing in a hand grenade.

Jeannies Bottle said...

Right on Enty. The thing is how come she doesn't KNOW all this about she still surrounded by sycophants? She's a nobody now, only famous for being a mess. Her parents need to talk to Jamie and Lyn Spears and take a lesson because unless they intervene in a meaningful way, this chick won't live long. Thanks for never mentioning her again, tho.

Anonymous said...

You have twisted her interview.She didnt say the tabloids or the paps ruined her career.She said they made it difficult cause she has become a tabloid obsesion.
She didnt say she has financial troubles.She has the leggings and the model photoshoots and now that spray tan.She said she doesnt have an acting job and its difficult for her,cause yeah thats her main job.She also said she has a house to pay for.If she leaves LA you will call her a coward , something she certainly isnt.
If Samantha was a man , no one would have had a problem with that mans actress girlfriend being at his gigs.Look at Catherine Heigl,her husband is a litle known singer who does gigs in clubs and she follows him around almost everytime.No one says anything.As for Tina Fey,you must be the only one who doesnt know that she considers Lindsay a great actress.And guess what.Lindsay was the one who chose Tinas script and promoted it.Tina admitted it herself.
You say you dont care,but i have a feeling you are just a huge fan dissapointed cause Lindsay didnt followed what you and the rest wanted.Keep on playing the good American girl,live a life pretending to be straight while bearding,(so many other Hollywood young stars do it)and be plastic.Well YOU SAW IT IN MEAN GIRLS.SHE MAY BE MEAN.BUT SHE IS NO PLASTIC.

Carte Blanche said...

I watched every episode of "confessions of a teen idol", and loved it. Those guy admitted that they got so wrapped up in the lifestyle of their early years that they let it all go away (without even realizing it, most times.)
I'm hoping to see her on a 2022 version of the show. She had it ALL and let her ego/addictions get the best of her.

That said, I don't want to think about that piece of trash until the year 2022 version of "confessions".

Moosefan said...

Anon-Honey-she has blamed everyone else for her issues-Case in point-The movie she did with Jane Fonda-SHE WAS WORKING WITH JANE FRICKIN FONDA AND COULD NOT GET IT TOGETHER-claimed she was sick but there were pictures of her out at the clubs. The producer of the movie threatened legal action against her and made it public. Asthma? Exhaustion? I do not know many asthmatics that smoke and as for her exhaustion-please-she was out until all hours, missed her call times and wants to blame exhaustion. Oh and her other health issue-her appendicitis? Remeber that lovely video of her running across the street into a car-the day after surgery.
She has had more opportunities to fix her shit or get her shit at least together and she was the one who screwed it up. Let her ass leave CA, so what? You would think that NJ would welcome her back with open arms and she could get on some show shooting in NY, NJ-NO ONE WANTS HER. She is the poster child for excuses. And look where she is now...

Anonymous said...

Moose where is she exactly?She made a clear choice to be real with herself.But i kind of agree.She wont make it in this industry anymore.She is too good for these fakers.Lindsay has something of the old school.She has ingredible talent,she is arrogant,she is damaged and very vulnerable.
I do hope she marries Samantha and lives a very comfortable life as the wife of a pretty wealthie Jew.
You can all keep on hating.

Anonymous said...

Yes... That will always be the dream for us all won't it be... Oh to be the wife of a "pretty wealthie (sic) Jew." *looks around*

MommaBear said...

Oh, boo hoo. Poor Lindsay. She's living in a coke fueled fantasy world, and the MEDIA destroyed her career? I don't think so. If I were to show up for work habitually late, bombed out of my mind, and I get fired, it would be no one's fault but my own. She needs to take responsibility for her own destructive actions.

At best, she was a marginal actress who scored the 'golden ticket' to the big time, and she screwed up. She could have gone on to hone her craft, and develop an impressive body of work. But no, she chose to spend her time abusing drugs and seeking out the media at every opportunity. She craves the attention, and appears drawn to the media glare like a moth to a flame.

She has the most unbelievable sense of entitlement, not unlike most of young hollywood and their hangers-on today (those hangers-on would be you Paris, Nicole, and Kim). I don't think that it's ever crossed Lindsay's little strung out brain that you have to work for the things that you want in life, and that no reward or accolade (career, money, respect from your peers, or Acadamy Award) ever comes without effort and determination.

As a woman old enough to be her mother, I have some advice for our old Lindsay. Get a life. If she were my child, we'd be dusting off her resume, and I'd be literally kicking her drug riddled ass all the way to the corner gas station to apply for a job. A real job would do wonders for her attitude. It would be a humbling experience, and it's about time she was humbled, if not ashamed of what she's become.

Of course, for all my ranting, I hold out no hope that she'll actually grow up. She'll more than likely end up dead in some ally like happens with so many other junkies. It is so sad.

Barton Fink said...

I love/hate Lindsay Lohan. I mean, she is sometimes one of the most beautiful and photogenic women in the world. At other times, yuck.

One of my coworkers theorizes that LL was molested as a child, and when I heard this theory, I felt sad that I could not in good conscience make fun of her any more. "No," my coworker said, in a Glenda the Good voice, "just because someone was sexually molested, that doesn't mean you can't make fun of them." I felt good again, cuz I love making fun of Lindsay.

But she is one effed-up psychopath, no matter how you parse it.

irishstayc2 said...

Alright anon - aka Lindsay - Samantha Ronson is not PRETTY! SO get it right - she will be the wife of a homely WEALTHY jew...OK!?

and Amen Enty... nice "come to jesus " blog for lindsay!

jax said...

"Showtime Synergy!"

holy shit where's Roxie and the Misfits???
that was sad as hell.

Anonymous said...

As one of the sad few who saw I Know Who Killed Me, Lindsay can be a terrible actress. And I'm with Ent, Mean Girls was the perfect combination of actress and material. She needs a script that's decent to work from.

She wants a Kate Hudson life, and she's simply not likeable enough to pull that off. (Kate Hudson might be a bitch in real life, but she doesn't broadcast it to the world because she knows it will affect her career.)

lutefisk said...

Hey, I am just happy that Dina & Ali seemed to have vanished for now.

Anonymous said...

Who would hire her when you cannot trust her to even show up for work?
She needs to get a real job -- maybe even behind the scenes, like a script girl. It would be steady pay for a while. Get rid the girlfriend, get rid of your bad habits, stay out of the press.

Winston Ono said...

amen sister!

Maja With a J said...

Lindsay Lohan reads this blog. Anonymous 12:12 is obviously her. BE ADEQUITE!

But yes, I agree, and I have been saying for a long time (many times on here) that it is a total mystery to me how that girl ever got to work as an actress. She is ABYSMAL at it.

Maja With a J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B626 said...

This gal gives red headed ladies a BAD name.
I know they're not all as effed up as her but that's the way it's looking!
She was OK before the hormones kicked in.

RagDoll said...

I think she's a fucked up mess who is tanking her own career, but I also think she's a talented actress. Really, I mean, in THAT age group, who is there? Camilla fucking Belle? Ashley Tisdale? Come ON. With a little more self discipline and a LOT less self-medication she could still scrape herself up off the floor of the nightclub restroom and have a respectable career. I think she should take the indies. Take the indies, make a point of showing up on time and being agreeable, begin to piece back her reputation. If she did that, and dropped the ridiculous pretenses she'd maybe have a viable career again...and all before the age of 30. But she really needs to address her demons first, she seems to be mentally ill or suffering from a personality disorder

Anonymous said...

Her sense of entitlement and lack of personal accountability make me sick. She needs to shut the hell up and go away already. She had everything going for her, and made a few stupid mistakes. I don't fault her for that, but she never owned up or learned from her mistakes. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault; poor widdle Lindsay! Give me a break. Admit you effed up, learn from it, and move on... blaming everyone else for your shit makes you look like a real a-hole, and it's no wonder that people avoid her like the plague or laugh when her name comes up (tell me you can't picture Seth Rogen laughing his ass off at her begging him to acknowledge her.)

/end rant

stiffkittens said...

Oh my...LOL! It doesn't get any more pathetic than pretending to be your own fangirl...

Hohan, if you're reading: Please use protection at all times. The world doesn't need a Lindsay 2.0!

Anonymous said...

i couldn't have said this better!


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