I'm guessing that when rapper Flo Rida was growing up he didn't really get to do many Easter egg hunts. He probably didn't get any baskets filled with chocolate, and the only bunny he saw was a cartoon he watched on the weekends. Why do I say this? Well, the city of Lexington Kentucky, and several states are on the lookout for Flo Rida's tour bus because someone on the bus wasn't very kind to a rabbit.
According to several witnesses, Flo's bus stopped at an intersection. Two people got off the bus and in front of everyone on the street killed the rabbit. Apparently they did more than kill it, but the newspapers in Lexington don't want to offend their readers with anything salacious so they are very vague as to what happened. I don't think there was any sex involved if that is what you are thinking. It is also unclear whether the two men left it there at the intersection or took it back on the bus. If they took it back on the bus, I know they are going to say it was killed for food. If they left it on the side of the road, then they will have some questions to answer.
The interesting thing is that police in several states are looking for the bus so they must have done something truly awful to the rabbit. I don't know how else you can justify having police actively searching for the bus.
ReplyDeleteThese types of "people" have no business in the world with the rest of us. There is no humanity in these "people".
Amen Lisa.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't justice be reduced to the punishment same as the crime?
Makes me sick.
This is really sick.
ReplyDelete"I don't know how else you can justify police actively searching for the bus."
ReplyDeleteMaybe because there have been other complaints re: this ONE named rapper... hmmmm... maybe in regards to photos...????
sigh. music industry folk. lotsa crazies.
ReplyDeleteThat's sickening. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they didn't publish the details - I usually can't stop myself from reading that kind of thing and then I really regret it afterward.
ReplyDeletewhat the....
ReplyDeletethe law needs to reflect the crime.
ReplyDeletewould we feel differently if he got out and killed a dog?
this is vile and i hope those rat bastards pay- Vick style.
I'd say that this was 'subhuman' except it would be a great insult to subhumans.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I would ask this: where was the rabbit? Was it on the bus to start with, or just by the road?
I agree, David D. If the Flo-Rida guy has a particularly rural entourage, I could see somebody wanting to eat rabbit for dinner. Killing and skinning it on the spot would be tough to watch, but a relatively 'normal' act.
ReplyDeleteGetting to know a rabbit for any period of time (like if it was a pet on the bus), makes it just grotesque. I have a feeling that unless the cops are just terrible racists, it is not likely that they would have a manhunt on for hunting and killing dinner. It must have been something worse.
If anyone finds the real story, please post the link!
OMG. I officially hate Flo Rida and his asshole posse. :(
ReplyDeleteWe don't know that Flo Rida was himself involved in anyway, so before we crucify him I am going to wait for the facts.
ReplyDeleteThat said, who ever did this deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law (and then some). I have no tolerance for mistreatment of animals.
I hope that IF he was not involved, that he immediately fires this person from his 'posse'.
Also, I am not sure if Flo Rida qualifies as one name? (for the one name rapper blind). What do you all think?
got no problem with killing for food.
ReplyDeleteGot a real problem, though, with animal cruelty, or any other kind of cruelty for that matter, unless of course it's a punishment fitting the crime...
Back atchya, posse assholes. Hope you get what's coming to ya.
And cover up those gross man-boob while you're at it.
ohhhhh big tough guy
ReplyDeletethanks for saving the world from an innocent, fluffy animal.
I was thinking Flo-Rida was not one name, which is why I didn't suggest him for the blind yesterday. The hyphen makes it too debatable. Also not sure I would call him A-list just yet, he needs to establish himself more. Right now he is firmly a two hit wonder.
ReplyDeleteMooshki, I am the same as you - I always regret reading the details and yet I read them every time, especially in cases like this where the story is really vague otherwise. From the sound of it they tortured the rabbit in such a way that it probably wsan't edible by the time they got through with it, so saying they wanted it for food is probably not goint to hold up as an excuse.
If several states are looking for him now I wonder if they did this more than once or if they did something else on top of this.
Whnether or not we condemn Flo-Rida depends on how he reacted to the situation. It doesn't seem that he was one of the two guys who did this, but if his attitude about it was 'whatever, on to the next tour stop' then he is going to be seen as just as coldhearted as they are. Those odudes should have already been kicked off the bus for that so if he waits until the press gets really bad to 'fire' them that only makes it look like he's just trying to save face.
And this is completely OT but I suddenly have a craving for some Cadbury eggs. Hearing or seeing the word Easter always does that to me. Sucks that I stay so far out in the boonies, not sure just yet if it's worth the 25-30 minute trip just to get some.
Also, maybe there are super-monster bunnies in Lexington on the attack, but I don't think it takes two men to kill a rabbit.
ReplyDeleteWith so few details it's definitely possible this is a story getting blown out of proportion, but it really doesn't sound good.
Gayla, I agree. He may not have been directly involved in the killing, but if he knew about it and was 'ok' with it, that is just as bad, imo.
ReplyDeleteI have faith that there is a special place in hell for animal abusers.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there are MANY restaurants out there that serves rabbits, but that doesn't mean you can take it upon yourself and kill it. If his people was so hungry, they shoulda pulled into Burger King.
I think it's disgusting too, Gina, but killing, dressing, and eating wild animals is pretty common all over rural North America.
ReplyDeleteBut, as I said--I can't imagine an all-points-bulletin if this is a mere misunderstanding about dinner.
you can't just kill animals off the street you need a dann license and it has to be IN season.
ReplyDeleteno excuses.
Personally I'd make the drive for Cadbury eggs.
ReplyDeleteOh ya, this is one tough guy all right. Hell, his first name is Flo after all.
i was there, this happened in my hometown
ReplyDeletewhat had happened was: the rabbit done died ... a woman was knocked up
cannot, will not read stories about animal cruelty. anyone who would hurt an animal intentionally should be marched out back and summarily shot in the head.
ReplyDeletei don't even know who this prick is, but i hate his guts.
there is no excuse for this, dinner or no. certain types of rabbits are raised for meat, and the industry is still not above board in their "dispatching" techniques.
ReplyDeletei'm very glad to hear that several states are involved in looking for these assholes, it proves that us bunny advocates are finally being heard-- and i know a bus full of dipshits that better hope the cops find them before i do.............
LOSER to the Nth degree
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one wondering how they actually caught the rabbit? Maybe rabbits are super slow in Kentucky, but honestly I am surprised that they actually caught the rabbit in the first place.
ReplyDeleteIf you click Enty's city of Lexington link, you'll see that this Flo guy claims his bus pulled into the intersection and saw some drugged out guy on the street (I'm not gonna type it out here) with the rabbit. They're backed up by someone who called into a local news station, who claimed the 2 guys from Flo-Rida's bus were trying to help the drugged out guy.
ReplyDeleteAnd for all y'all's info, lots of people here in Kentucky eat rabbit (not me, tho). This public display has to be pretty gruesome to get the police involved.
This is a little OT in regards to the bunny, but how did he (flo rida) come up with his name? To me, and probably a lot of others, it just looks like florida with a space.
ReplyDeleteHuge waste of police resources.
ReplyDeleteThe pursuit of killers, robbers, and rapists is being put on hold in order to hunt down rabbit abusers.
Thousands of rabbits get run over by cars every single day of the week. SFW?
People who are this sentimental about wild animals (women and girly men) should not be allowed to vote or make any other major decisions on public policy.
Repeal the 19th Amendment!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteodocoileus- your a dick.
ReplyDeletethat said, i agree with the rest of you that this must have been huge for the man hunt going on. And to whomever said that his name is florida spaced apart,,,, OHMIGOD! I have listend to his music and i gotta tell ya, i never noticed that before! LOL! Is he from florida? maybe he just really likes the state...
p.s. animal abuse is always a red flag because this leads to more heinous crimes usually- many serial killers were once animal killers...plus its just wrong to hurt something just for the fun of it. Even to eat food, we are not mindless animals who rape and pillage for our food, you can eat meat if you must but spare the animal pain if you can, thats just humane, you know?
First of all, Flo Rida didn't kill that rabbit. There was a homeless man there with the rabbit. The homeless man is the person who ripped the rabbit apart.
ReplyDeleteAll of this was recorded and the local Kentucky police has the footage.
Good for kimmypie1 to wait for the facts, and as LaLoo pointed out, it didn't make sense that someone could easily catch a live rabbit on the street, it appears that this incident didn't happen has originally reported. As whole_lotto _luv and Mark Dieujuste's comments indicate, this sounds more like in the wrong place at the wrong time. From the article here;
"This is just a misunderstanding," Flo Rida said. "We were just stopped at an intersection, and we saw this man who was strung out on drugs dismantling an animal."
The article, (as whole_lotto _luv pointed out in their comments), also states that someone who saw the incident contacted the local TV station and stated that rather than harming the animal, someone from the tour bus got out to try and help this person. If you read the comments section on the article webpage, you can see someone else posts that they had indeed seen this person by the side of the street with the (dead) rabbit that day.
Finally rather than a huge manhunt, (like it was going to be tough to find them again. The tour bus is wrapped in a huge advertisement for his album and single), the Lexington Police just contacted the Kentucky State Police to locate the tour bus, because the Lexington Animal Control wanted to question the people on the bus regarding the incident.