Monday, March 02, 2009

Daily MIrror Blind Item

Which bulimic Hollywood star is worrying film bosses? She scoffs a three-course meal every three hours... then chucks it back up...


jax said...

Angie Jo. she skinny as hell.

second choice Lilo..not so much a stah these days tho.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Skinny Anorexic Kiera K. She started filming or pre-film with Colin

Ror said...

Jennifer Connelly?

I suck at these

mooshki said...

Ah, another classic Mirror item. ALL. OF. THEM. :)

David D. said...


lutefisk said...

Who is currently filming?
Angelina I believe is on a break. Renee?

selenakyle said...

Bosworth, maybe?

Unknown said...

Kiera. It is The Mirror, after all.

Joan Chang said...
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the.princess.leia said...

Angelina is about to begin filming Salt, so it could be her. I'm torn between AJ and Keira Knightley.

I thought Squinty's deal was coke and anorexia.

parissucksliterally said...

Actually, bulimics are usually not super skinny, unless they are combining it with restriction of food. This is why they can get away with it for so long. They do not gain weight, but they are not sickly skinny looking. This could be anyone.

Maja With a J said...


Jungle007 said...

I'm watching Keira right now in Atonement, and she IS hella skinny.

Nevertheless, I'm gonna go with Seth Rogen.

Jungle007 said...
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Pookie said...

*jumping on keira train*

selenakyle said...

Hahahaaaa, Jungle007!

Good one.

selenakyle said...

Fuck. I wanna be skinny again! WAHHHH.

But then I'd lose this big ol' booty and these knockers I finally got once I turned 40.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Ben Affleck?

Unknown said...

Who is Squinty?

Majik said...

Mirror blind, but it does say "Hollywood star", so I vote Natalie Portman being bulimic to go along with her twice a week 'vegan' Burger King binges.

Majik said...

Squinty=Keira Knightly

Anonymous said...

Too vague. Besides, which one ISN'T bulimic?

mooshki said...

Seth Rogan earned my love when they asked him how he was losing weight and he said "eating less and exercising more." Not "Yogalates" or "Piloxing" or the other crazy shit celebs do.

Majik said...

Oh oh oh....Jennifer Aniston was in London promoting that dog film...could it be?

Anotheramy said...

Well, really this can only be a little less than half of Hollywood. The other little less than half is anorexic. The other little bit stays thin with compulsive excersize alone.

Anonymous said...

Is Sarah Michelle Gellar filming anything? I had a friend who worked on the set of "Buffy" and she described the erstwhile slayer as the character she played in "Cruel Intentions": A bulimic headcase.

MT said...

Anne Hathaway's my guess. Maybe Emily Blunt...? She had a lot of films coming out/due to be filmed.

HornyManatee said...

I'll jump on the Emily Blunt train.

Judi said...

I thought Squinty = Renee Zellweger. No?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Squinty is Zellweger.

PJ Nelson said...

Yep, squinty is RZ. I was thinking Keira but it could be all. Of. Them.

stiffkittens said...

Keira has bulimia jaw according to Lainey.

Sporky said...

I like Anne Hathaway for this one.


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