Friday, March 06, 2009

Chris Brown Wants Your Kid's Choice Votes

Everyday I tell myself that I won't have to post anymore Chris Brown stories because there is really nothing left to say for right now. I also keep telling myself that things could not be any more disturbing and that rock bottom has been reached in the mess. Nope. I could not have been more wrong. I thought it was bad enough that after being in court and accused of two felonies that you go spend your evening at a hotel bar and stay out until almost 4am while presumably the woman you are accused of beating was probably waiting at home for you. I'm hoping also the bar didn't serve a 19 year old, but this is LA, so you never know.

But honestly, that is nothing compared to what he did before he went to court. Prior to his making an appearance, Chris decided to head on over to his MySpace page presumably looking for a hookup for after court. But, while he was there he went ahead and decided to get all of his fans to vote for him. No, he wasn't asking for your vote for a-hole of the year or man most likely to punch someone while driving. Nope, instead, Chris wanted all of his teen fans to vote for him in the upcoming Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, in which he is nominated for Favorite Male Singer and Favorite Song for Kiss Kiss.

He wrote, "Hey fans, Vote for Chris on the Kids Choice Awards 2009 link provided below... Thank you for your support."

Yeah, and if you do vote for him, he will send you an autographed photo of Rihanna and what happens to you if you don't vote for him. Seriously? I mean I understand that this was probably the work of a publicist. I get that. But what publicist in their right mind is going to think this is appropriate? What kind of message is this sending to kids who do vote? Oh, and the awards are on March 28th and since his next hearing is not until the first week of April, I'm sure Chris will be there at the event smiling and posing and preening and flexing his muscles with Rihanna on his arm. If I am Viacom, I am making sure that Chris Brown doesn't win a damn thing. All their awards shows are fixed anyway so making sure he doesn't win should not be a problem. The next thing I do is make sure that he knows he is not welcome at the awards. If he shows up at an event targeted at kids, the resulting bad publicity will be horrific for Nickelodeon.


  1. i will boycott any company involved if he wins or is allowed in.
    i heard a guy on the local radio say "we don't know if Chris did this, he's presumed innocent until proven guilty. it's her word against his"
    i almost drove my car into the curb...i mean come on MEN, take a stand on this already. it's gross.
    Enty- thank you for standing up about this. and to all the other men out there that know that this is wrong.

  2. This guy is a peice of work. I wish he would just go away. I get nauseated looking at his picture.

  3. Disgusting......and PLEASE tell the marriage rumours....are not true

  4. Damn straight! I HAD been in love with Chris Breezy since he was, like, 15 (yeah, sad and gross...I know...) But he's absolutely done in my mind. Re: the publicist...word is no one wants to deal with Chris, so it makes sense to me that he could only hire someone so insensitive and thoughtless. Otherwise why would the flack be working with him anyway?

    Thanks, Enty. From the ladies of the world, we appreciate all real men LIKE YOU.

  5. neither this kid nor the pr flack have normal instincts. you can't cover up the sun, that moves only makes him look like more of a woman beating douche.

  6. i will bet now that they're back together..she won't testify and the case will be dropped..and then he'll drop her once its all settled:

    then we'll have to not all gag at the poor Rhianna stories about really believing he loved her and so on.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I agree with Pookie. The people in his circle are not right-minded. They're about the business, and must believe that if they act "as if," the kids will, too.
    I wonder if there are any kids whose parents make sure they don't see this stuff and might tune in to the show none the wiser.
    By the way, is it possible to miss this? I can't remember what it was like when Mom or Dad controlled my information intake. I don't know if any parent has that ability anymore, which is a sad thought.

  8. The comments over at E! online are sick. One claimed Rhianna made it all up for publicity.

    If this guy does not get time in jail and education in domestic violence issues, it's a signal that beating up a woman is fine.

  9. Now that we can all agree that men who physically abuse women are horrible, let's remember who else belongs to this group:

    Josh Brolin
    Mickey Rourke
    Sean Penn

  10. My kids watch Kids Choice....if his mug is on there this year I will have to put Nick on Parental lock out permanently.

    La Dona - sadly I LIKED him to... you weren't the only one. what do you mean "no one wants to deal with him"

  11. Why would she make it up for publicity? Shit, that's some pretty bad publicity for herself if that was the case (which I don't believe for a second)

    Yesterday we were talking about how bad Canada is in terms of justice, but this is the one way in which I think we have a better system- When a domestic abuse is reported here, the police press charges. It's set up this way because in so many cases, the woman will return to the man and change her story around- a decision that could prove to be a fatal one.

    I thought that someone posted on a different post about how this is also the case in Cali. Is this true? If so, it shouldn't matter what she decides to say; the police report will speak for itself.

  12. Tiffany - I'm not sure if I read it here or somewhere else, but when CB took so long to release any sort of statement word 'round the blogosphere was because he couldn't find a PR company to represent him at that point (and obviously celebrities can't utter a single solitary word - "sorry" comes to mind - until it's been approved by some flack).

    Kathryn - that's a good list to maintain and keep in mind. I had forgotten all about Brolin and Rourke's pasts. Not anymore.

    Jungle007 - it depends on the evidence accumulated. Rhianna has allegedly not pressed charges, but the evidence gathered has apparently been convincing enough that the police are proceeding without Rhianna's testimony. Let's just hope that's enough for a conviction, even in LaLaLand.

  13. Jungle i think Enty had said in a recent post that 70% of all abuse cases tried, the victims have recanted. i don't think it makes a difference if they have physical evidence.

  14. I guess I'll have to go vote every day to be sure he won't have to attend the awards. Anything to help the cause!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. If you're interested in applying public pressure on Nickelodeon, I've put contact info for the network and the two main sponsors of the awards show: General Mills & Dreamworks (Monsters vs. Aliens). If anyone has better info, please, update. This is what I used to voice my wish that Chris Brown not be allowed to appear or perform. (electronic form)

    General Mills (email, phone, and address on the page)

    Dreamworks (address/phone)
    1000 Flower St.
    Glendale, CA 91201

  17. they don't need her to testify. they have all they need without her cooperation----her statement at the time, the blood in the car, statements from her assistant and the witness and those photos.

    she was pissed enough at the time that she told them what had been going on and they've got it. just because she's made up with this asshole, that won't help him in court.

  18. oh, and she doesn't have to press charges. the plaintiff in the case is the state of california, not her.

  19. Ten bucks says that if Chris and his goons can't pay off the assistant to change her statement she ends up in a tragic "accident".

  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Eloise, I just went to that link for to put in my comment about this asshole.

    I can't believe these companies would even consider this jerk for a nomination.

  21. I went to Nick to put in my vote. Only one vote per day. Per computer. So I've been to 10 computers today. Not a very busy day work wise. I'll be in my comment at the web site too. Tina will be proud of us all!

  22. This is what I wrote to (I explained what was going on to my son and read it to him. He's sad, but he agrees):

    I have read that Chris Brown is nominated for Favourite Male Singer and Favourite Song. This saddens me. He beat his girlfriend (the actual police report is on the internet), there is no doubt. Why give this person a chance to be rewarded by children who don't know what kind of person he is - the kind of person some of these kids have to deal with every day? I sincerely hope his nominations get withdrawn, and he is not allowed to come near these kids.

    If Nickelodeon allows him to do this, then I can only assume Nickelodeon condones his behaviour. Unfortunately, we will remove the bookmark for Nick games, and we will not go and see Monsters vs Aliens, or any other Nickelodeon-sponsored movie/event/tv show, nor buy any Nickelodeon-sponsored item. This includes my son's beloved Spongebob.

    It's the parents who control the money. Not too many parents want their children to look up to a "man" who beats someone he supposedly loves. This is so much worse than what Pee Wee Herman did.

    I do hope you realize how wrong this is, and think of the kids first, and not any ratings the beater might bring in because people want to look at the freakshow he has revealed himself to be.

  23. Thanks, Eloise! I've registered complaints with both Nick and General Mills. Completely appalling.

  24. I tried registering a complaint with General Mills, but the form buggered up. Hopefully too many people complaining. I'm on hold to the consumer line right now. Wait time is greater than 5 minutes.

  25. I fucking love bureaucracy. I was directed to the Canadian toll-free number. I asked if they received many comments about the Kid's Choice Awards. She said no, *because they don't have anything to do with it*. I told her General Mills is sponsoring it. Not in the US, she claimed.

  26. Finally got another American number. She said she will pass my concerns on to the appropriate ears. (The Canadian woman told me she's disgusted with Rihanna going back to him.)

  27. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The "victim" went back to him. Let it go cuz at the end of the day neither Chris or Rhianna is putting money in your poockets. Where is the outrage for non celeb DV victims? Lets start by trying to change the law to make it manditory jailtime for first time dv abusers.Lets help those that dont have a voice or pr rep.

  28. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I think the collective outrage will help bolster newer tougher laws for DV. It took a long time, but the fact is in most states the prosecution proceeds despite the victim's refusal to participate.

    The one thing that truly irks me is that Chris Brown may ironically serve time while that murderer Phil Spector gets off. Our justice system is screwed up!

  29. Sent to Nick, GM and Viacom.
    Here's the contact page for Viacom:

    Let it rip, people. THIS, we can do something about.

  30. Also, Nancer's got it right. The authorities have the evidence - the prosecution no longer needs her. The plaintiff in criminal actions is The People of the State of California. If it does go to trial, the defense would do better with a bench trial. They'd be hard pressed to find untainted jurors in this city.

  31. Now this asshole is gonna mess up my Nickelodeon viewing habits cuz I'm gonna have to boycott because I am a bona fide adult cartoon-watcher.

    Can't somebody please rough up this little bastard and teach him a little "what-for?"

    I do not care if he's acting out cuz his mama got beat. He has the power to STOP THE CYCLE.

    Just doesn't want to...

  32. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You know, it's true at the end of the day neither Chris or Rhianna is putting money in my poockets, or my pockets for that matter...

    Oh. No. Wait... I'm not mad because they're not paying me. I'm furious because I'm once again watching (passively, of course) a woman walk back into the waiting arms of her abuser, it's like watching my parents all over again. *shakes head*

  33. Thank you for posting those links, Judi.

    To Anonymous at 1:21 - Rihanna deserves just as much help as any other person does. Obviously, she doesn't feel she has a voice, and what is a PR rep going to do for her? If we can all voice our disgust to Nickelodeon/Viacom/General Mills/Dreamworks for allowing this known abuser (who the hell goes to anger management if he isn't guilty) to possibly win an award - on a kid's show no less - then maybe, just maybe they'll listen to us. If he is ousted from the nominations, that is sending a clear message that this behaviour is so, so wrong.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Good lord! No words.

  36. I saw something on today to the effect that the reason Usher, et al. were backing off condemning Chris was precisely because she did take him back, and it occurred to me: is it also because she'd cut them out of her life if they kept after him, and they've decided to bite their tongues for the sake of being able to be there for her when (not if) she needs help?

    I thought of that after remembering a woman I once friended on LiveJournal who ended up married & with a baby, and her husband becoming more and more threatening--I don't remember if any physical abuse had happened, or if she was just worried about the possibility, but she posted several long posts about the whole messed-up situation. Naturally, a great many of her friends wrote back to express their dismay & disgust w/the situation, and told her to get herself & the kid out, even offering to help her with the process. And you know what? She came back on LJ screeching away that we didn't know him, we didn't understand the situation, we didn't respect her marriage, she wanted to have another baby with him, yaddayaddayadd, going so far as to unfriend several of her oldest and closest online friends because they dared speak out--God help me for thinking this, but it seemed as if she wanted him to act out so she'd have something to bitch about and get people to feel sorry for her. I'm afraid it was at that point that I unfriended her--without getting into all the particulars of the whole mess, I think I can safely say that while he was in the wrong for being threatening, she wasn't exactly an innocent victim... (Basically, as soon as she met him, she decided that they WERE going to live together within a few months, he WAS going to marry her within a year, they WERE going to have a kid right after that, etc. etc. etc., and she ran roughshod over him until she got what she wanted when she wanted it. Frankly, they're both major pieces of work, and I feel terrible for the child(ren) growing up in that "home"--they're the real victims here.) Understand that I don't think Rihanna badgered Chris into behaving badly--not at all, and trying to claw at someone's eyes when they're trying to strangle you makes perfect sense to me--but I do think there might be some similarities to my former LJ friend in terms of her attitude towards her partner and the whole "How DARE you attack him, you don't know him," ad nauseum, and it's sadly possible that this is indeed why people are backpedalling on calling Chris out for being an abusive douchebag...after all, it's hard to help pick up the pieces when you're nowhere around. :-(

    Just my $.02 worth...

  37. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Nickelodeon should disqualifly him immediately. He doesn't really have a side to his story. We saw the photos of Rihanna. If I were Chris, I'd be worried. Justice on the street is yet to prevail.

  38. I'm so happy that there is a place on the internet untainted by those "she deserved it" fuckwits.

    Props to Enty for being consistently - and loudly - moral and outraged about this, and also to the commenter’s for actively protesting against that piece of scum. I hope that many people elsewhere are rallying too (i’m sure the minivan brigade is out in force). Not much gets more worked up than a parent protecting it's offspring (unless you are Rihanna's dad of course) - and rightly so.

    I wish that other internet sources were not being so politically correct – how could they not realise they are doing more harm that way? What happened to having a backbone?

  39. Hi all, first time poster, long time reader.

    My kids are pretty up on pop culture, and they've watched the KCAs a few times. Thank God they have NO IDEA who this jerkoff is. They don't listen to Top 40 or buy those putrid NOW albums.

    I'm heading over to Nick right now. I hope this guy gets Karmic justice rammed up his ass when this is all over.

  40. I just read on a newsflash that Rhianna's lawyer will be calling on her to testify against Chris Brown.

    I was thinking, maybe she isn't actually back together with him. I am still waiting for a statement from her rep. I wanna see/hear it from her party before I truly and fully believe it.

    Although... if she wasn't back with him, her reps should have issued a statement immediately to deny the allegations that she is, so.... *shrugs*
