Monday, March 02, 2009

Chris Brown Rumors From The Weekend

It's amazing what a little reconciliation can do for generating some public appearances. Although all the stories about Chris Brown partying up the weekend with Khloe Kardashian were not true, at least it did make Khloe feel like people actually cared about her and made her newsworthy even for five minutes. It also showed that although she might not be drinking and driving, she certainly has not cut back on her drinking.

But, what the weekend did show is that Rihanna's entire family is behind her decision to get back with Chris. I saw an interview with her father over the weekend and he was totally supportive of her decision and thinks she is doing the right thing. All I have to say is that if some guy ever beat my daughter like that, there would be no reconciliation and the guy might not even be alive.

Rihanna's dad obviously doesn't care that much about his daughter. He doesn't. You might disagree with me and say he cares and that he is just being supportive, but he doesn't care. Let's say that if when Rihanna was 10 years old the family dog attacked her and made her face look like that, would the family rid themselves of the dog? In Rihanna's family it looks like the answer is no.

Chris Brown on the other hand seems to be enjoying the fact that now he can show his face in public and have fun and do what he wants because for the first time since all of this happened he showed his face and further confirmed the fact that he is an idiot, by riding a jet ski with a wool cap on. Meanwhile, Rihanna had to stay inside because, really, there is no point in her ever coming out again because she has ruined her career forever and given Chris his career back.


  1. i agree with your last sentence, but i hope that it is not going to be true.

  2. If some dude ever beat one of my daughters, I'd beat him with his own junk and then shove it down his throat for him to choke on it. HOw any parent can "support" their daughter being with a KNOWN beater is beyond my scope of logic.

  3. Really Enty, you believe that last senctence you wrote? I think their careers will suffer about equally now. I also don't think Rihanna's dad cares about her, only MONEY!!!!! I also think Rihanna and her family were either blackmailed or paid or something for her to take him back. Just my opinion of course.

  4. At this point, they both get what they deserve...each other.


  5. She's an idiot...but apparently she comes by it honestly.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Jax hit the nail right on the head.

  7. At least he's only beating waves.

    For now...

  8. Yup these kids are the main breadwinners in the families so publicly the relatives have to make nice as to not shut off the cashola faucet.
    But just think of all the new video storylines it will generate for Rhianna's next single.
    Her and Chris slugging it out on top of a piano
    for 'Unfaithful Part 2'.
    I know it's not funny but THEY are the one's turning it into such a bad joke.

  9. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I love how the pictures showed him flexing his muscles. Yeah, Chris, we know you're strong, we've seen the handiwork of your womanbeaters. Now put them away.

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I think both careers will suffer.

    I knew all it took was for this guy to say he loved her for her to forgive him. Typical Abuser/Abusee situation.

  12. I agree that her Dad is more interested in her money than her well being. The fact that he condones this kind of thing leads me to believe that he has probably laid his hands on a woman as well.

  13. this must be the week for talking about fucked up morons.

  14. when women take abusive guys back ... they basically deserve what they get in the future ... ive seen it too many times

  15. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I'm hoping that this is all BS from CB's PR people. Maybe she doesn't want the spectacle of a trial, etc, but will not actually get back together with him.

    On some sites people were saying things like Rihanna should be beaten up and attacked by the fans if CB goes to jail. So it could be influencing her public stance on the issue.

  16. Jeez, my dad would never have put up with anyone abusing me but him.

    As people said in the last post, Rihanna at least has the excuse that Chris has probably completely twisted up her head. Her family does NOT have that excuse. Shame on them.

  17. To any readers who have been in abusive situations themselves, please remember that we're just talking celeb shit here, and I think if most of us knew your stories we'd have sympathy and understanding for what you went/are going through. :(

  18. the only reconciliation this asshole would get if that was my daughter would be the one between my boot and his ass.

    having said that, give her time. she's very young. nobody ever believes the prevailing wisdom applies to them. 'he's different.' 'he loves me.' 'it was my fault.' in time, she just might figure it out.

  19. bawana, WHAT?? People are seriously saying that? I guess i shouldnt be shocked, but i am...

    Also, yes, R is a victim and I am trying very hard to not blame the victim. Her family, on the other hand, have no excuses.

  20. I was hoping the reconciliation was NOT true. Hard tofeel sorry for anyone involved.

  21. It's another sad truth, Enty, that your last sentance is probably right on the mark. Women always end up on the short end of the stick when things like this happen.

  22. Except Tina Turner. And sadly, I don't think Rihanna is a Tina Tuner (maybe someday!)

  23. When I heard this I thought of the millions of girls looking to her to see what to do when/if faced with a situation like that. Then i sat my 12 year old daughter down and held up Rihanna as an example of exactly what not to do. This sickens me.

  24. The thing with Tina Turner was that Ike made her, and she knew that. That's why she won't talk about his abuse in interviews, and it's why she didn't want anything from him when she divorced him, other than the name "Tina Turner" which he came up with. Ike Turner was a drug addict, violent, abusive and manipulative, but he was a real musician. Doesn't excuse how he treated her, but she knew and she decided to move on. The story of Rihanna and Chris Brown has nothing in common with that of Ike and Tina and I wish people would please stop comparing the two (nothing against you, Tea Lady, but I've seen other comments here and on other sites...)

    Unfortunately, Rihanna is not the first, nor the last woman who returned to an abusive relationship. Yes, it's stupid and all kinds of wrong but he probably has total control over her in a way that we can't understand. I hope she does ultimately get her head straight and leaves him...unfortunately it might take an even worse beating before she does.

  25. unbelievable!

    this little girl literally doesn't get how she's short-changing her career and the example she is putting out there.

    i'm not saying she should take up the torch and champion abused women's rights, but i am saying she should be more cognizant of the impact she's having on young women as a result of this.

  26. Anonymous4:36 PM

    At this point, I agree w/all of the folks who said that Rihanna deserves whatever he gives her from now on. Come on-I can be sympathetic towards low income women who return to their abusers b/c they feel like they have no other options, but Rihanna is a gazillionaire by now. I'd take some of that sweet money, and hire some nice thugs to teach Chris Brown the meaning of karma. Instead that idiot took him back. Whatever. I hope you enjoy years of broken cheekbones, jaws, noses, and whatever else he'll realize you're willing to take, Rihanna. What a moron.

  27. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This is kinda off topic, but I wanna know who was a Chris Brown fan BEFORE the abuse? Just wondering how it impacted people's opinions of him and if there actually are fans out there committed enough to Brown to threaten Rihanna?
    Nuts, I tells ya!

  29. i can't stand all the bs about how she's an idiot and she's going to lose her career and she "deserves" whatever happens to her in the future. it's sad that people have such a lack of understanding for basic psychology and the affect abuse has on the psyche. rihanna's bruises have barely faded, so of course she hasn't had the opportunity to think about the situation clearly to understand that the situation with chris will never change 'for the better'. she only follows her heart, which any one of us would or have done at some point, especially at 21.

    people make mistakes and this is rihanna's mistake. NOBODY ever "deserves" to be abused, it's a matter of how much abuse one has to endure to stand up for themselves and walk away. with such a "supportive" family, i can see where rihanna would be confused about that decision and stay.

    seriously, people. to believe any abusive situation is just open and shut like that is ludicrous. it may be that way to you, but you're probably lucky enough not to have to deal with it or have learned it already. give this woman a chance to without adding to her pain.

    i'm definitely rooting for her to open her eyes and walk away safely, however long that may take.

  30. Ms.Leigh - well said.

    Rihanna is next to broke - Chris is her money train, and her family knows it. It's not a stretch to think that father dearest persuaded her to get back with Brown; nor is it to assume that she has a history with abuse that began with her dad beating her mom.

  31. "Rihanna is next to broke"

    ??Seriously?? I am not being sarcastic, I honestly just would NEVER guess that. She has 2 hits songs on the radio right now and has pumped out CDs since her fame started, what, like 4,5 years ago??

    If she's broke, I'm f*cked. She must be either REALLY bad with money, strung out on heroin, or a shopaholic with budgeting problems.

    Can I just ask, how do you know how much money she has????

  32. NOBODY deserves to be abused again, because they took the asshole back. SHAME on those of you who said so!
    this whole thing sucks, and none of us know where her head is right now. pretty sure where HIS is, but not hers. no, she shouldn't take him back, but i've noticed that those who have walked in her shoes and have posted are a lot more understanding than those who have not.

    and even if it's not the answer, thank you, enty and mcdooks for sticking up for daughters. my DD may piss me off no end, but even as a mother, i have no problem killing a man who would do this to my daughter. or a woman who would do this to my son, for that matter. and i'd go to jail and rot there, but i think i'd get some respect for it, no?

  33. Jungle007 - Yep, shocking but true. She doesn't write/make her own music, she has to pay for her own videos etc (very, very expensive), the money from record deals is just a loan, CD sales mean nothing to any artist nowadays, and lets not forget her very expensive lifestyle - house, holidays, travel expenses, designer clothing, cars etc.

    She was only paid 70,000 for her last album from what i've heard.

    There have been a couple of not-so-blind items about her lack of money, including this one:

  34. Wow, I just never would have thought that an artist who is so popular could be broke. Now reading the blind and the comments I see that not only does it seem to be public knowledge, but she's even reportedly been facing bankruptcy.

    But doesn't going back to Chris kinda screw her career up a bit? I mean, yea, maybe he'll give her some of his money, but all his endorsements are gone... his $$ flow will be running low soon especially with a gf with such expensive tastes... Not to mention HIS expenses.

    Sh*t, being a celeb must suck some serious ass.

  35. No father I know would act in the same fashion as Rihanna's. Her father is supporting Chris in his action.
    Sick. And not in a good way.

  36. I read Panache Report and they had a BI on her living paycheck to paycheck and being clingy and jealous-hearted, while Chris was cheating on her. My understanding is that the blindgossip BI came out just a few days later and basically echoed the same thing. You'd be amazed at how many of these celebs are flat busted. Like snowkittens said Rihanna doesn't write or produce any of her own songs and only has a couple of endorsements to fall back on, but is trying to keep a high profile and lifestyle. You can only survive in the industry so long doing that.

    I'm not surprised but I'm still sad, you know? I wasn't even counting on her going through with pressing charges but I was really hoping she'd have the strength and backing support to just leave him. But as far as Rihanna's family, it's pretty obvious at this point that Rihanna didn't grow up in the best environment herself. And we know Chris' situation. So that's two unstable people who have never seen a healthy relationship in action and under the pressure of an industry that only cares about appearances and $$$, they probably never will.

    Jungle007, when Chris first came out I thought he was cute and had catchy songs. I never actually paid for his music but I generally liked him. When I found Panache Report I found out some things about him that were not so cool (although there had never been a mention of him being abusive there were other things that pretty much had put me off him. Then when this story broke I was just done.

    I will never understand the mentality of blaming the victim and anyone who is saying they'll "beat her up" if she sends Chris to jail is fucked up in the head and probably grew up in an equally fucked up environment with fucked up people to think that way. I kind of get the "well fuck it, if she likes it I love it" opinion - although I do not agree with it I know that when you see someone continue to return to a bad situation you eventually get exhausted with even caring since it seems to be pointless. But still, I never blame the victim or say they deserve it, it really just makes me more depressed b/c they clearly have been broken spirituatlly, emotionally, and mentally to believe that is normal.

  37. This situation is just so tragic, all the way around. People just seem to be pushing these two into the mode of "forget it happened." Always a dangerous situation - even worse when you are talking about two young people.


  38. VERY well said, Ms.Leigh & bionic bunny. I was in an abusive relationship in my early 20s for 5 years-but in my case it was emotional/psychological & sexual abuse-no beatings. It took me 4 tries before I completely broke free, & it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I have an incredible family who has always been supportive of me, & pushed for me to end it many times during the time we were together, but b/c of the screwed up psychological hold he had on me, I couldn't...not then. I don't know what exactly it was that "woke me up" & gave me the strength to walk away, but I pray that Rihanna finds that strength (& hopefully soon). Of course it's not right that she got back with him, & I knew EVERY SINGLE TIME that I got back w/ my ex that it was not the right thing to do, but just couldn't break the ties at the time.
