Thursday, March 12, 2009

But Angelina, It Was Just A Back Rub

I'm sure it has happened to all of us at one time or another. You find yourself alone with the nanny or the gardener or pool boy and they look a little tired and a little stiff and so you offer them a drink and then give them a massage up in your bedroom. There is nothing sexual about it, it is just you being a good host, employer, or what have you.

According to Star Magazine, when Brad Pitt decided to do something similar for their nanny recently, Angelina Jolie went ballistic. How bad? Well she slapped him across the face and fired the nanny right then and there.

"She completely flipped out," says the insider. "She got right in Brad's face, screaming at the top of her lungs, and told the nanny to get out of her house and never come back!"

This happened in the bedroom of the twins and Brad was rubbing the back of the nanny. After Angelina started screaming, the twins woke up and so Brad was trying to get them back to sleep and also trying to make Angelina and the nanny happy.

I'm sure the nanny probably just pulled a muscle and Brad was helping out. He likes to help people. He's a helper.


  1. hahahaha!

    Thats all I have to say.

  2. What Trogdor said.

  3. Oh honestly believe this craptacular story?

  4. I don't believe it.

    But nonetheless I still love to read the Star! haha

  5. He should be more careful. Angelina looks like she'd know how to get rid of the body...

  6. karma's a bitch.

  7. you REALLY think She'd be the type to have a HOT nanny.......i can't imagine it.

  8. I could believe this if it was Angelina giving the backrub & Brad asking if he could watch.

  9. and look at the other headline on the magazine...Britney and Kevin falling in love again.....ummm sure

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This is from Star. They cannot be believed whatsoever.

  11. Bad Fish, to quote my old love, "I want to believe."

  12. As much as I would like to see this happen and Angelina would deserve it I don't think we can believe one word of this story.

  13. AND SO IT BEGINS.......

  14. I don't think this is true, considering the source, but if I were Angelina, I'd be worried too. If your guy cheated on, or left, his ex with you/ because of you, he might very well do it again.

  15. and I am, as per usual, with Harriet here. I really think that if you DO find a story in Star, that just means it cant be true...

    That being said, I would actually hate it if it were true. Ever since I took humanitarian action classes in college and there were pics of Angie reading our text books, I kind of like her. Despite everything, I have done stupid shit in my life too but grown out of it.

  16. I don't believe it either but I LOVE that this story is going to ruin Angelina's day.

  17. This story is hilarious, and I love the way ENT wrote about it. I love the word 'craptacular'. I am going to use that word more. You don't actually believe that word of this story is true, do you?

  18. I don't think it's true either. But, if it *did* happen, I would have reacted the same way. Plus I'd have planted a foot up both their asses.

  19. I would have been mad too, but mostly at my boyfriend, not my nanny. I really doubt this is true though.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. " you REALLY think She'd be the type to have a HOT nanny.......i can't imagine it."

    Haha, no one said the nanny was hot. If the nanny was old and/or ugly, then this just makes Angelina look stupid.

  22. I like Ian Halperin's version better, and Dawn from Glosslips, at least their head is not in the sand. They ware not afraid to report that Brad is going for custody of all the kids, that there is no Brangelina anymore, everything you see now is for the showdown. Get your popcorn ready, these hits will keep on coming, This story on surface makes Brad look bad, but if you read it, it shows her as violent. This is Pitt against Jolie for custody. You guys need to quit drinking the koolaid, including EL. At least Ian and his lawyers have no problem telling the truth and not fluff puff. I use to love this site, until it went soft. By the end of this year, one of them will be a single parent.

  23. Lisa, couldnt you send links to those sites? I tried to find it, but a google search just got me to a bunch of scientology sites...?

  24. I don't think it's true, but it's pretty damn funny anyway.

  25. Lisa L. Lai - I hate to break it to you love, but there have been "Brad and Angie are breaking up/someone's cheating/massive fights/storming out" stories about them since the get go. It is all bull - you don't think their nanny would have been legally silenced?

  26. Mooshki - The truth is out there... Scully is my 'perfect woman' crush, no lie.

  27. I doubt it's true but the evil me hopes it is.

  28. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I'd have no problem believing this story. The nanny just has to be anorexic-thin and younger than AJ, and I'm sure Brad Pitt would hit that, no prob.
    But I also have no problem believing that Angelina Jolie keeps Brad's man parts in a lock box, or in a vial around her neck. So it probably didn't happen.

  29. Ahhhh fuck. Why even bother posting about it? I 100% agree with Stiffkittens- These stupid stories have always been there and will never end!


  30. Karrrrmmmmaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

    Oh boy...Jen Anisiton probably has that front page blown up, framed and stapled to her bedroom ceiling.

  31. I agree with everyone who posted - Angelina would never hire a hot nanny and gossip mags can't be believe.

    HOWEVER - why would Ent post this piece? He rarely gives this much space to these types of stories. Perhaps he knows something we don't?

  32. I don't think Brad would do anything like that, with Angie and her knives around. She could immasculate him in on swift throw.

  33. how young and/or hot is this nanny?

  34. OMG what would we do without Lisa and Ian undercover to make sure we know the TRUTH about these terrorist spies! Oh wait, never mind, its just a couple of Hollywood actors and a bunch of people who get WAY to much pleasure out of hating on them and speculating on their personal lives.

  35. it'll eventually end exactly the way it started. karma, people.

    and brad better watch it. zahara looks like she can cut a b*tch.

  36. guys, "The Star" ISN'T a beacon of truth and sometimes things "aren't as they seem". You might want to wait for further imput BEFORE you pass judgment on other people's actions.

    (That means you too Ent!)

  37. Stop me if you have heard this .. but if he dumped someone else for you ...chances are ...

    I agree with everyone about Karma and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  38. hey Lisa L...we all know you're really Jennifer can post under your own name ...we won't judge :)
