Friday, March 13, 2009

Bret Michaels Doesn't Want You To Forget The Diabetes

Bret Michaels is releasing a tell all book in June. The title is going to be Roses and Thorns: The Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy To My Reality. OK, that is a lengthy title. In the book, Bret basically says that he has been a drug using man whore for his entire adult life, but as an after thought, throws in the fact that he is also a guy who suffers from diabetes.

I guess he wants to remind us all that he isn't that bad of a guy no matter what he does because he has to live with that everyday. I've watched that show of his and he's a tool. He has no respect for the women on the show and I think trying to get us to sympathize with him just because he has diabetes is kind of pandering. I'm glad it shows the people who do suffer from diabetes that they don't have to give up on their dreams of being a rock star or living a normal life, but it just feels all oily the way he uses it as a shield against any negative reviews of the way he has lived his life.

That being said, if I find myself stuck in a bookstore in June I will probably sit down and read the thing. I don't think I would actually want to purchase it, but I would like to read about the fist fight he got into with CeCe DeVille and if either one of them actually landed a punch or if they were too worried about messing up their hair or knocking their coke off the table.


  1. He's a big loser and is about all of 5 feet tall. Whatever. if he wasn't a has-been that had been in some sucky faux metal band 25 years ago no girls would even consider giving him the time of day. I never liked him.

  2. I will, most likely, purchase this book and read it. I just...would.

  3. I watched one episode of his vh1 show and he is such a pig. He made one of his girls go home because she was still grieving over the death of a parent. Not that he was concerned about her, mind you, but he didn't want her around if she wasn't always thinking of Brett and how to make him happy.

  4. "he's a tool", enough said.

  5. Peter Sutcliffe murdered 13 women and attacked several more, but because he's diabetic he's not a bad guy, right? What the hell kind of logic is that?!

    Momster - Wow, that's cold. I know all the girls are desperate whores, but even a whore mourns...

  6. Bwetty Boy going to be at the Iowa State Fair, yeah, the FAIR circuit and I could give a flip but my daughter who always watches his non-reality show is all for it.
    Not on my dime.
    THAT's the crowd he's pandering to.
    The half his age demographic.

  7. he used to be so hot and now he looks like a total tool and thanks to his show, i know he is one!

    and seriously, every rose came out 150 years ago, how much more mileage can he really get out of it??

  8. a druggie diabetic. yay. there's a winner. end\

    teehee. him and jessica simpson are playing the same venues.

  9. Why would he have any respect for the chicks on that show? They're all skanks. I mean, so is he, a greasy, greasy, skank. But still.

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Ms.Leigh, I have to disagree. I met him back at the height of his "fame" and he was not hot at all. He was short and dumpy even back then.

  11. ugh, that is so disappointing. so he just photographed well? damn photoshop!

    and collagen.

    and european hair extentions.

  12. I'm seeing Brett with Poison this summer. Only reason I'm seeing them is because they will be on the road with Def Leppard, who I want to see.

  13. Bullsh*t.

    Crawl in the corner and cry some more.

    Spend some time in a wheelchair because of three autoimmune diseases, have your family cut your food because you can't handle a knife, give up the things you used to love because disease and meds took that away from you, try to shuffle cards to play a game with your kids and realize you cannot do that simple thing anymore...have people look don at you or ignore you because of the wheelchair...

    Or spend sometime walking in the shoes of someone like me; someone living in total poverty, but happy; someone dying of cancer; someone returning from war or any other the other issues brave, non-celebrities face daily...

    Then you can cry, boohoo and whine all you want. Until then, sit down and STFU.

    Sorry for the rant, I know we all suffer in our own way, but come on dude.

  14. Ellebee, I think you should write him exactly that in a letter. This ass has NOTHING to complain about.

  15. Most men with Type 1 diabetes, who are in their 40's like Brett, suffer from impotence...which makes his posturing as an insatiable horndog all the more pathetic.

  16. I liked him when he played Chris Isaak's neighbour on Chris Isaak's show about a thousand years ago. That's about it.

    Yeah. Shitloads of alcohol through the years will give you diabetes. My uncle got it for the same reason.

    They did it to themselves.

  17. Well shakey, bret developed diabetes at the age of 6 (or somewhere around there, before he was 10), so I doubt alcohol had much to do with it. BUT he's not being responsible by drinking like he does, that certainly doesn't help diabetes.

  18. this guy is a total train wreck!!! And what the heck has he done to his lips...oh and the wig is even funnier. Notice, you never see him without the bandana on his head....sometimes with the hat. He's a whore loving manwhore and his show is beyond pathetic, I can't believe girls would go that low.
