Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaake Likes Them Very Young

Aaaah, Blake. It wasn't bad enough that you introduced Amy Winehouse to drugs and helped to ruin her life. I say helped, because ultimately the choice was Amy Winehouse's to make and she made the choices she did and has continued to make her own choices, but I am going to give Blaaaaaake a big assist in helping to destroy her life.

Well, now Blake has set his sights on someone who is 16 years old. That's right. According to The Mirror, Blake's new girlfriend is 16 years old and is still in high school. Francesca Morralee has been spending time with Blake since he got out of jail. When he had been released for a short time back in January they were hanging out a great deal at her house. Well, not really her house because she lives with her mom, but still, you get the idea. While he was back in jail, Blake wrote to her all of the time and they exchanged phone calls when he was allowed and they have been inseparable since he got out of jail.

Blake, who is 27 has been saying that he wants to divorce Amy, and why not. I mean he is done with her. He spent all the money he can and now just wants a lump sum to go away and to spend time with his new girlfriend and give her the life every 16 year old wants. I mean isn't it the dream of every 16 year old girl to spend time with a drug addict ex con who can show you the best way to smoke crack and to inject heroin and to show you the world of hookers and abusive relationships. Sounds special. It's probably what she has been dreaming about since she was a child.

To show you the level of maturity of this girl, on her Facebook page, she had this to say in her status update, "Fran has a secret! An exciting one! Fran is so happy with her boy. Oo-er!"


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    With that picture of him who would be stupid to date that idiot. I guess another idiot.

  2. do they not have parents in the UK?

  3. the thing is, there is a group of young 'scenesters' in London, who just follow people like blake and pete doherty around thinking they are living a young rock and roll dream. You know the type - so trendy it hurts (they also probably have their dad's credit card in their pocket but they dress like they are homeless). Peaches Geldof is their idol. Its a 'London' thing. So the fact that blake has a 16 year old girlfriend does not surprise me.

  4. "Peaches Geldof is their idol."

    Candidate for scariest sentence every written on this blog.

  5. Now that I think of it, Peaches & Blaaaaaaake would make a great couple.

  6. enjoy the STDS!

  7. oo-er? what the heck bells is that? what a twit...what is the age of consent over there, anyway?!?

  8. I'm sorry to think this (let alone type it) but can you imagine how disgusting that guys nethers must be?
    Because you KNOW that this 16 year old is firmly aqcuainted with his trouser snake.


  9. wth?! WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? they can't possibly be ok w/ this.

  10. i think age of consent is pretty young. i remember having that discussion regarding emma watson.

  11. more like ewwww-er

  12. Age of consent is 16 in the UK (even then, such an age difference between an adult and someone so young is frowned upon by anyone with morals).

    "oo-er" is a Carry On film kind of phrase ("oo-er Misses" etc). It's usually used by 'English farmer types' to mean something cheeky/naughty in a PG13 sex kind of way. Can be paired with a thigh rub for added emphasis :)

    Gotta love us Brits...

  13. Benny Mardones lives!

    {I know it's an obscure reference but look it up. It's worth it.}

  14. 'Candidate for scariest sentence every written on this blog.'

    lol - thanks mooshki!

    you should see these girls though - my young cousin is one of them, she actually used to hang around with peaches til she got a clue.
