Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Bachelor Must Hate Dancing With The Stars

By next week, I think the whole Bachelor episode would have faded from our collective consciousness. The 24 hour news cycle really wouldn't have allowed it to continue as we would have moved on to other news. Unfortunately for Jason Mesnick, Nancy O'Dell dropped out of Dancing With The Stars, and ABC made the brilliant move to bring on Melissa Rycroft as her replacement. Brilliant for ABC and for ratings, and devastating for the tool known as Jason Mesnick. Now, for as long as Melissa continues to remain on the show, and judging by her performance last night and her popularity with viewers that could be a very long run, Jason Mesnick will have to relive his tool behavior repeatedly each week over the course of the show.

Take for example a review of Melissa's performance yesterday from People. They didn't even bother talking about her scores until the last paragraph. Instead they lead with the fact that she had been screwed over by Jason. Every week, the world will be reminded what an a-hole he is. Thanks ABC.


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    guess this means she won't be the next bachelorette.

  2. Wow, her claim to stardom is that she dumped on national tv. I made a wrong turn in life somewhere along the line.

  3. "Wow, her claim to stardom is that she dumped on national tv."

    No, that was the chick from "Flavor of Love." LOL!

  4. Actually, good for her. If this guy has to have the public reminded of his inconsideration over and over again for the next 8 weeks, then so be it. Sometimes you reap what you sow.

  5. DN, i think the next bachlorette was confirmed as jill something or other...i forget the name.

    wow that melissa girl isn't going away quietly. teehee. and jason the jackass is going to extend his 15 min. by default. should be interesting.

  6. Hell with Jason - DWTS is going to turn her into America's Sweetheart. To be honest, she was pretty damn good last night, especially considering how much time she had to practice.

    My little geekette heart still wanted Woz to do better, though. D:

  7. I agree, she did pretty darned well for only having 48 hours to practice.

    Woz certainly did have fun!

  8. I was seriously disgusted that this pathetic waste and that oyher pathetic waste were the replacements. The Bachelor is like Rock of Love without all the trashtastic drama. But then she danced...and, well, you gotta love a comeback story.
    As for Woz, screw the judges. Holly and Denise sucked as bad and were NOT entertaining. Woz was entertaining, so why were his scores lower? And why does that stupid diva Julianne get to dance with her SO. Unfair charisma advantage!!! Oh well, she ends up screwing all her partners one way or another anyway.

  9. DWTS has never had truly big named celebrities - they have always been more C/D list. Trista was on before, so Melissa is actually Bachelor contestant #2 to be on the show. I wasn't sure how her cheerleader experience would benefit her as ballroom dancing is very different, but I thought she was immensely graceful and I enjoyed watching her. I definitely prefer seeing her on there vs. Denise Richards, who looked like a complete psycho and mess. And Holly Madison...that is not a girl comfortable in her own skin, and definitely another mess. I don't think four weeks would have improved her performance much.

    I look forward to seeing what Melissa does when she has the same amount of practice time as the others; she could really go far.

  10. I recently had the opportunity to interview Alex Michel, the first ever Bachelor and it provided some insight as to Jason Mesnick's decision making. http://bit.ly/2K6hR4

  11. Surprizingly I enjoyed her performance more than most last night. It was actually sort of moving. The girl's had quite a rollercoaster week and she handled it like a star, so I'm a little less cynical if she does become a "star" out of it all. Lord knows that if I'd been dumped for another woman on tv, I'd be hiding out in Enty's basement scarfing down dibs and vodka for the next 6 months!

    I think they should keep her on the show 1 week- for every week that douchebag spent lying to her face off camera!

    They say the best revenge is living your life to the best of your abilities. Get 'em girl!

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It seems kinda bogus that Melissa is there, but if she's actually good at it, well then more power to her.

  13. they need to change the name to
    "Dancing with whatever's left!"

    Dn- no that 'honor' went to Jillian Harris, a good Canadian girl! look for tons of dates in Vancouver and Whistler.

  14. bonnie hunt has been railing on the bachelor for quite a while, and and he and the new girlfriend on yesterday.
    it was kind of creepy. i didn't watch the show, and all i really know about it was what bonnie had said. she was pretty tough on him.
    but the creepy part was how he sat there the whole time holding (molly?) really close to him. i'm all for love and affection, but it didn't seem normal, at least not on tv. and every time they'd break for commercial or audience reaction, he'd nuzzle her or kiss her on the lips--- like i say, something about it bothered me, and i'm a physically demonstrative person. it was disturbing in some way.

  15. "Dancing with whatever's left!"

    I love it! LOL!

    Bunny, on TMZ they were asking him questions, and instead of answering, he'd just slurp on her face. It is disturbing.
