Friday, March 13, 2009

At Least Miley Did Like Radiohead

I would have thought this Miley Cyrus vs. Radiohead feud would have blown over by now, but Thom Yorke won't let it go. Apparently he must think that Miley Cyrus can in fact ruin his band. I think just the fact that Radiohead was Miley's favorite band has ruined them for everyone else. How can you love a band knowing that Hannah Montana used to want to be the president of their fan club.

In case you are not aware of how the feud came to be, it all started last month at the Grammy's. Miley had a dressing room a few down from Radiohead and she was dying to meet them. Dying to meet them like a 16 year old girl dying to meet them. Kind of like 10 year old girls and the Jonas Brothers dying to meet them.

So, Miley did what any 16 year old girl would do. She sent over her manager to knock on their door to find out if they would meet her. I gather it was like sending a note in high school to ask someone to ask someone if they liked you. Well, Radiohead said no. Miley was crushed because she had already told all her friends she was going to meet them and now she wouldn't and she had to stay after school because Mr. South caught her talking in class, and she was getting a zit.

Since that day, Miley has vowed to ruin Radiohead. But, also since that day nothing has really happened in Miley's quest to destroy them. Her best bet would be to sing a covers album and that would pretty much ruin them. Instead of just letting it all go though, Thom decided to open his mouth and take a shot at Miley. In an statement to US Weekly he said, "When Miley grows up, she’ll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement."

I don't think sending her manager over is having a sense of entitlement. And I know there are lots of bands and groups that are just as excited about meeting some other group and they get excited and nervous to meet their heroes. As much as I like Radiohead, I think they could have spent ten seconds meeting Miley, and continuing this feud just sounds like Thom is trying to generate some extra publicity for the band which doesn't make them look so hot either.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    How old is he?

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ENT something is very wrong with you... not even close to proper context and he was directly responding to her going on the radio and talking about the issue. This is about the third story lately that you have posted about in a way rewriting the facts... what gives?

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM Here she is in all her spoiled glory... check out the comments... most agree with Radiohead that Miley's a spoiled, overly entitled brat.

  4. Well, in defense of him, she went on a radio show and dissed on them about the whole thing and said she wanted to ruin them. Whatever.

    By the way...why all the Miley bashing stuff? I actually really LOVE her music and love her show and think she is an incredible stage performer, especially given her young age.


  5. miley's not good enough to meet in person for 5 minutes, but she's good enough to name drop for 5 mins of publicity? meeting fans and networking within the biz is a part of their jobs and they should be used to that by now. i think thom has more growing up to do than miley does in this case. how pathetic on their part.

  6. Miley and Radiohead gets my nomination for most pathetic feud ever. Sure, she's a brat with a sense of entitlement. But Thom Yorke's a grownup who should know not to even acknowledge her existence.

    So bored now.

  7. Vis, I totally agree. I am wondered where this is coming from.

    Radiohead is one big ball of awesomeness. They think (rightly) that because Miley thinks she's the shit, that they needed to walk down the hall to HER dressing room to see her before the Grammys. Please fuck off. She only knows the song Creep and thinks that's who they are.

    And the quote "Miley did what any 16 year old girl would do. She sent over her manager to knock on their door to find out if they would meet her" makes me LMAO.

    If she really wanted to meet them, she woulda knocked on the fucking door herself.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    keep encouraging her and she'll never go away.

  9. i agree with enty, they should have meet her for like two seconds. but the thought of her wanting to ruin them is absurd. miley, babe, they've got more mileage than you.

  10. "She sent over her manager to knock on their door to find out if they would meet her."

    what she should have done, was ask if SHE could meet THEM. she's the one who initiated contact first.

  11. I actually think Miley did the polite thing by sending her manager over. I think her showing up in person at their dressing room unannounced would have been extremely rude.

    They were probably too busy with groupies and drugs to be bothered with some teeange fan, no matter who she was. Pricks.

  12. You make an ungodly amount of money with no talent and RadioHead is chastised for not meeting her. Could RadioHead have any privacy on a big night? I think Thom did the right thing.

  13. ditto, Ice Angel.

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I love me some Radiohead, but I do think Thom Yorke might not be playing with a full deck.

  15. I remember when I worked at a little record shop downtown Toronto and Thom Y came in and thought that he should be able to walk to the front of the line and pay before the people that were waiting before him. When we asked him to wait in line he threw a fit and walked out. Kind of like the fits he threw and stopped song during the concert that night, tha cost $50 and up a ticket. And now as a grown man he is taking shots at a 16 year old girl about entitlement. Grow and shut the fuck up.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Wait...what? Why SHOULD radiohead have met her? In what universe SHOULD they have done anything just because she's Miley Cyrus? That doesn't make any sense. Totally disagree with you on this one, Ent.

  18. Do Ent or half the commenters even know who Radiohead are???

    Ice Angel - Drugs and groupies?! Really??? It's Radiohead for christ's sake, not Motley Crue!

    Please read the following link for the reality of the situation:

    Even Lainey gets it. Even Lainey!

  19. Anonymous12:54 PM

    She's 16...i would say stupid stuff at her age too, just because she's famous doesn't mean she has to be any more mature than any other 16 yr old

  20. I'm not taking sides either way, because I think both of them handled it poorly. But to SFG, who asked why they SHOULD have to meet her....well, they shouldn't. They don't HAVE to do anything. But in the music business, requests like these are considered a professional courtesy. I'm sure Thom Yorke was younger than one of his idols at one time and would have been dying to meet them then.

    Whether you respect the other musician or not -- or hell, even *like* them -- when another singer asks to meet you, it's generally expected that you should say yes. It's professional courtesy, from one artist to another. Go in, shake hands, take a picture, and leave if you don't want anything else to do with it. But to refuse is a very obvious snub on your part and very embarrassing for the other artist. It doesn't make either of you look good. And besides, it's not a very good idea to burn any never know who you might have to work with later.

  21. *Does

    A rant is less powerful, the more mistakes you make..

  22. Fuck Miley. I'm so sick of those Disney whores. And Radiohead -- if she were really a fan she'd know they don't care about publicity (as would you) or making celebs happy. Thom is totally right.

  23. And, please... Like Miley wasn't using them for 'street cred' like her Iron Maiden tees. I bet she couldn't name more than Creep from RH, and Run For The Hills from IM.

    Super fan? No, just the average 16 yr old showing off.

  24. Enty, I'm surprised by your take on this. SHE went and blabbed about it and tried to make them look bad.
    I got the impression by his statement that he was responding DIRECTLY to her juvenile reaction at being rejected.
    And he was rather diplomatic in his response considering how obnoxious she was about the whole thing.

  25. Iron Maiden T shirts = stylist. not the 16 year old's fault.

    I would say Radiohead one the most successful major label staduim rock bands of the decade care greatly about thier publicity. You do not get that big without playing the game with the major players

  26. Kevin - it was worn during a trip to the shops (or icecream or whatever), not at an event - therefore it was her own shirt.
    If she's old enough to share a house (and a bed) with a 20 year old guy, she's old enough to take responsibility for her own wardrobe.

  27. Oh and Radiohead became famous during the time where talent actaully mattered, and was given the respect it deserves. That is how they got where they are (like many of the other non-conforming greats - The Cure, The Cult, The Smiths, Bowie etc).

  28. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I don't listen to either one of them but after Miley said she was going to RUIN them, they had every reason to respond and I think they responded appropriately.

    But that doesn't mean they aren't jerks as per the comment about them getting angry in the record store.

  29. Thom, I love you, I want to marry you and have your squinty little babies. Mwah

  30. I dunno, I kinda like he said that--some adult in this world has to encourage her to do some soul-searching, her parents sure as hell never will.

  31. ita, heather, ita! i think a lot of animosity here is because it's miley cyrus. hey, i can't stand her either, but i know that in the biz, it's a part of your job to meet others and show respect in general.

    sure, she shouldn't have said she'd ruin them or whatever, but i didn't hear that quote and i'm open to it being taken out of context. it sounds to me like it was an attempt at making light of the situation. she's 16, cut her SOME slack.


    Do you think they would give me 10 minutes? Nope.
    Do you think Miley would give a tween her 10 minutes? Nope.

  33. stiffkittens-
    I highly doubt the Disney golden child does anything without a whole team helping make the decision, and that includes going out for staged pap picks and living with an (I presume) arranged boyfriend. But I could be wrong. However I would most certainly argue that the mid to late 90's was not the time in music history when talent really mattered. I would say that died with Pro-tools, if not "Quality Control" at Motown.

    But I digress.....I am just an ex record store clerk that witnessed a "don't you know who I am" hissy fit first hand, so that is where I am coming from. Who knows what the real story is.

  34. stiffkittens-
    I highly doubt the Disney golden child does anything without a whole team helping make the decision, and that includes going out for staged pap picks and living with an (I presume) arranged boyfriend. But I could be wrong. However I would most certainly argue that the mid to late 90's was not the time in music history when talent really mattered. I would say that died with Pro-tools, if not "Quality Control" at Motown.

    But I digress.....I am just an ex record store clerk that witnessed a "don't you know who I am" hissy fit first hand, so that is where I am coming from. Who knows what the real story is.

  35. Anonymous2:07 PM

    it appears that the quote is misattributed:

    of note:
    "The band? That is inaccurate. I'm the one who said that," wrote rep Steve Martin when we checked in to see about the MTV appropriation. While there's a thin line between "band rep" and "band," it does seem like an important distinction to make in this instance.

    This story is all over the Internet, and no one is getting it right.

  36. Anonymous2:19 PM

    In all likelihood it was not just a meet and greet, but probably a publicity shot she was after. And radiohead do not do that. Kanye apparently was also declined.
    If Enty you want to go with the playground analogy she started it and unfortunately not knowing who they are, they can finish it,........BritPop fights of the 90s......blur vs oasis vs radiohead vs pulp
    She was trying for reflected street credibility and glory. and yes they do not do that sort of thing and it is well known. So now is using this story to get some
    So if she was a true fan she would know !!!
    Oh and Thom Yorke will not continue it he just responded to her insane threat to destroy them, he is known as aloof and possibly arrogant (rightly so) and she is beneath him in the hierarchy of life forms - 'like' so not worth it

  37. I must, for the first time, disagree with Enty. Miley is a spoiled little biatch who ASSUMED and EXPECTED Radiohead would drop whatever they were doing to meet her. Then to say she would "ruin them" - who tf does she think she is? I think Radiohead's response was right on.

  38. PS - any perceived 'snub' that was embarrassing for Miley is being spread by Miley herself. No one would have even known about it if she hadn't told the world in a ridiculous attempt to "ruin them". Pfft.

  39. With all due respect, Anon 2:19, I have to take issue with what you said. "...he is known as aloof and possibly arrogant (rightly so)..."

    I would never object to the idea that Thom Yorke is aloof and/or arrogant. I do object, however, to the idea that he has a *right* to be. Why? Because he's talented? Worse yet, because he *knows* he's talented? That is not an excuse to act like an ass, or to make people feel like one. Nor is it a reason for fans to condone his bad behavior, because "he just doesn't do those things and he shouldn't have to because OMG he's a GENIUS!!!!" Newsflash: there's nothing about being talented or being a genius that also prevents you from also being a mature, polite, and maybe even NICE person. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    I've had the privilege (and sometimes curse)of working and meeting with some of the most amazing artists from all fields. And yes, whatever their public protestations, they all KNOW they're talented. But the difference is the best ones recognize that their talent and their good fortune in this business is a *gift* -- not an excuse to treat other people like crap.

  40. Anonymous3:38 PM

    actually, jack black was the first to complain that thom yorke snubbed him at when they both performed at neil young's bridge school benefit some years back (around 2002 maybe). he said something to the effect of "he wouldn't talk to you if you weren't part of his exclusive rainbow circle." so you know if he won't talk to jack black when he's giving his time and energy to help handicapped children, he sure as hell ain't gonna talk to miley frikkin cyrus.
    - and anyone who is familiar with radiohead knows that thom comes across as a bundle of nerves. i don't think i'd approach him before a performance, he looks like he couldn't handle it. maybe afterwards. i've seen thom after many shows interact with fans, many of whom were either hysterical or just downright obnoxious and i've never seen him be anything but gracious to any of them, but again, they were fans and that was after the performance.

  41. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I disagree with the post. I think Miley acts like an unpleasant, spoiled bitch most of the time. I don't think any sane adult, no matter what the circumstance, would want to spend even a minute with her. And she is self-entitled! She's way more wealthy than Radiohead without even half of the talent. I'd rather see the band put her in her place than kowtow to that brat.

  42. Anonymous3:42 PM

    i think miley was just kidding about the "ruin" them thing. and i don't think thom went searching for publicity, i think us magazine probably contacted him to ask for his reaction to her comments.

  43. As others have said, the quote was mis-attributed to Radiohead. Their manager actually made that statement.
    In either case, Miley Cyrus does have an overinflated sense of entitlement. It doesn't hurt to have a few doors shut in her face.

  44. It's well know that Radiohead does NOT do meet & greet situations. They never have. If she was such a big fan, she would have known and left them alone. I LOVE that Yorke responded this way.

  45. Radiohead is sooo cozzzzzzz....

  46. There were zenning before a performance... being a performer I can understand that. She sent her flack over for a meet and greet and they said no. She immediately gets her nose out of joint and starts this stuff. Thom came back - and I agree with what he said - so OK now Radiohead needs to ignore the situation and let her rant. Just my 2¢

  47. Anonymous5:17 AM

    This is the first time I disagree with Ent.
    Radiohead is a band known not to be that much into the industry and still be successfull. Miley on the other hand is a pimped out Disney merchandise, that probably only knows "Creep", the song Radiohead loathes. This is a free world and if they don't want to meet someone as obnoxious as her, it's their decision. And as some mentioned, she went on and on about it in public. It's their right to react to that, in a, IMO, appropriate way. Thom nailed it.

  48. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Are you kidding? I LOVE him now. I work with students right off the bus and the rudeness, arrogance and entitlement is disgusting. Good for TY.

  49. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Miley got the verbal bitch slap she deserved. I still hate Radiohead though. "Oooh we're so important and talented and edgy and reclusive! Worship us! #1 band of music snobs!" Give me a break.

  50. Anonymous9:31 AM

    i can't get over the fact the radiohead was even at the effin grammys in the first place. now THAT'S depressing.

  51. Now this is just depressing!

  52. I disagree, Ent. Radiohead are in a different place and were not created by Disney. It is time that Miley had a put down. HER Mama and Daddy are not doing well in that department and most if not all of Radiohead are parents and see her for what she is: jailbait/freak of nature. Radiohead are spot on with this. Sorry.
