Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Apparently Jeremy Piven Still Loves Mercury

According to OK! Magazine, Jeremy was spotted on Saturday night eating dinner in Miami with some friends and some women he borrowed for the night. I know that all of you are wondering what Jeremy had for dinner. It was probably chicken or beef because we know with his near death experience and coming so close to death from raw fish that he would never eat any kind of seafood, let alone raw seafood again for the rest of his life. I mean who would risk death again, and the possibility of having to pull out of more work.

Jeremy had a calamari salad with raw calamari and tuna tartare. Tuna I believe has the highest mercury count of any fish. This story is going to follow Jeremy Piven for a very long time. It might even be obituary worthy. A 50 year career or something and in his obituary it talks about this whole situation.

He is a skeeze and to me this just shows that he was lying about the whole thing from the start. He doesn't care about anything but himself and using whatever fame he has to his advantage. That advantage being measure by the number of women he can have sex with in one day. He and Russell Brand should have a contest. Hell, they probably already are. At this point the two of them will probably run out of willing women soon and will have to turn to each other for companionship.


  1. How long will it take til Britney "catches" it and can't finish her tour.

  2. "It might even be obituary worthy."


    thanks for the Piven/Brand visual. It'll take the rest of the day to get that shit outta my head....blech


  4. Bland and Piven.

    No clue why either one of these droppings are 'famous'.


  5. god i used to love the Pervert...not so much anymore

  6. God, I HATE this guy. Let him eat all the tuna and sushi he wants! One less shitwaffle in this world is a good thing.

  7. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I still think he's good looking and *might* be good for a well-protected screw, but he is a twerp and definitely not someone to hang out with.

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You can tell the guy is an asshole. Never really liked him. It would be something if he did get food poisoning for real hehehe.

  9. ok, here's my question.
    why can't it be easily disproved that he's lying about this? at some point, he had a lot of testing done and the results must surely be available for review. so why haven't we heard definitively that this whole thing is bullshit?
    i think he's a liar and a pig. i never bought the tale. but did his physician falsify records? because i can't figure out any other way this thing could even be in question.

  10. If he is claiming he got mercury poisoning from eating raw fish, then he is even a bigger idiot than we originally thought: When you eat RAW fish, the mercury doesn't get absorbed in your body at all, it passes right through you. It is when you COOK the fish (with the mercury in it) that your body absorbs the mercury.

    So, all of you sushi/sashimi lovers, you are safe from mercury poisioning! And still in danger of the Pervert.

  11. Nancer, I think he refused to turn over the medical records, and that's why the producers are suing him - so they can force him to do it.

  12. thank you, mooshki! seems to me if he doesn't turn over his 'proof', they should just say 'ok, then you're obviously lying' and make him pay.

  13. "He is a skeeze"

    yes, he most definitely is.

  14. Wasn't there a blind item about a bet between two guys about the amount of women they (or one of them) could sleep with? Was that ever revealed (previous to this post lol)?
    Piven is scum - i hope he catches hep C from one of his conquests. Not that that stopped the Canadian White Trash, mind you.

  15. stiffkittens: One of my relatives has hep C. This is blood borne disease and can be transmitted only through blood to blood contact. That would be a very invasive sexual encounter if both parties are bleeding.

  16. Anonymous9:08 PM

    He is still the dork that was on Ellen years and years ago.

  17. As a former Chicago girl with a few friends who chose the acting path that ran through his parents workshop - yes .. Jeremy is a skeeze. And that is all I can say about that.

  18. This is probably the reveal to that blind. The male ebolas. Piv is irrelevant. Could give a cr*p what he does.
