Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Would You Sleep With Paris Hilton To Stay Relevant?

Honestly I had never heard of Doug Reinhardt before he started dating Amanda Bynes. As you know I don't watch The Hills and so am clueless as to any cast member other than what I see in the tabloids. I do know that I don't like any of them except for that personal trainer guy on the show. I mean how could you not like him. Anyway, Amanda Bynes allegedly broke up with Doug because he was only into her for the fame that she brought him when they would go out together and the possibility of getting some work because of his association with her.

He didn't sound very nice, even at that point. He sounded even worse when he started dating women the same day he and Amanda broke up. Guess things weren't that heavy on his part. Well, now E! is reporting that Paris Hilton flew to Tokyo and because she couldn't take her dog, she decided to take Doug. Oh, and by dog I didn't mean Brandon Davis. Although, if you thought that, you are ok to do so.

Anyway, how bad does this guy want to stay relevant that he is basically being used by Paris? Who on earth wants to be considered a boy toy of Paris Hilton? She is the one who is usually looking for the rich guys, and not the one who has the toy. Plus, now everyone might know your name and know your face, but they are also going to want you to go to the free clinic before they sleep with you. Is trying to extend your 15 minutes that important? I just wish all of these people would just go away.


  1. i wouldn't let paris hilton touch my dog - seriously if its a well known fact that she has the "gift"...why do people have sex with her.....oh right i forgot she's only had sex with LIKE 2 GUYS in her whole life @@@ silly me

  2. bwaaaahaaaaahaaaa!!!!!!No, I would not, not even if I were a guy. If I were a guy, I am pretty sure I would be gay anyway.

  3. I wouldn't sit in the same chair she did, much less sleep with her....and if she gets her hooks into that cute Twilight guy, he's dead to me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Didn't she follow Pattinson to Tokyo? Or do I need to stop reading Lainey's blog alltogether?

  6. You have to be relevant to stay relevant and he AIN'T! :)

  7. If he really did that to Amanda Bynes, then he deserves everything Paris has to give him. :-)

  8. Anonymous12:12 PM


    My same sentiments Paisley.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ditto on Sporky's comments. If Parasite got up from a chair, wouldn't you think you could ALMOST see the cooties she left behind?

    Also, calling Brandon Davis a dog is an enormous insult to doggies. Call him garbage instead.

  11. relevant? i wouldn't sleep with her to stay ALIVE.

    paisley, you hit the nail on the head! i don't think even industrial strength lysol would take care of HER vadge varmints!

  12. It's obvious this guy is trying to use Paris to help jump start a career he doesn't have. All one can hope is that he catches her herpes and she dumps him because he's just created an image of himself as much a parasite celebutard as Paris is. Maybe it's because he was beaned too many times in the head with a baseball that he just doesn't know any better. Next he'll be hanging out with brandon and getting arrested. Can't wait to see his mug shot.
