Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Does Gloria Allred Need To Be Involved?

The woman who was in that car accident last year with Morgan Freeman is suing him. You remember that accident don't you? Morgan was boozing it up and no one knew who the woman was in the car with him. Everyone assumed it was his mistress and that they had been together a long time and she was a friend of Morgan's wife ad Morgan invited her to spend the night with him. Well, according to the woman, Demaris Meyer, she has never been Morgan's mistress, but does say he was drinking and driving everywhere that night. Oh, and she did say that Morgan invited her to spend the night at his place. But only in the guest house. She didn't say whether he was also staying in the guest house.

Now, the funny thing about all of this is that Gloria Allred is Meyer's lawyer. That to me smells like there is lot more going on here than meets the eye. Gloria doesn't take on cases that are simple personal injury cases. She leaves those to the guys on the backs of buses and phone books.

No, there is more than just an innocent passenger thing going on here or she has some inside dirt on Morgan and is going to sell it or something. As it stands now it is a one day news event. Gloria Allred doesn't do one day news events.


  1. serves him right!

    is his divorce finalized with the ex-wife?

  2. I thought they originally said he was driving Demaris' car?

    Even so if Demaris knew that he had been drinking why the hell did she let him drive her anywhere?

    Was she too drunk to drive herself and there were no cabs or limos to take them to their destination?

    Sounds like she's trying to milk him.

    I think she was his piece and he dumped her.

  3. If she knew he was drinking, it's her own damned fault for getting into the car with him. I wish this hadn't happened - Freeman is one of those actors I don't want to hear bad things about. I prefer to think of him as the god-like creature he plays in the movies. :)

  4. I guess time will tell. I will be surprised if it gets any jucier than it already is.

  5. OMG, Gloria Allred is such a bitch. She will do anything to get in front of a camera.

  6. Gloria Allred is a VIPER so if she is involved its going to get really good!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You get in a car with a driver that has been drinking, you take your chances.

  9. obviously freeman isn't the saintly actor we've all thought he was. all this serves him right.

    i'm not a gloria fan, but i gotta admit i look forward to info that's surely going be leaked in the not so distant future...

  10. So Morgan doesn't want to privately'play ball'and keep this out of the media? Suprised he hasn't sicked his lawyers on her for some form of extortion.
    Extensive medical bills and continued joblessness can add up to alot of dough.If that's all it really is...
    She's going to need a viper like Gloria to fight back against his high priced help.
    Doubt if he'll narriate the future documentary on THIS story.

  11. amen, califblondy.

    this woman's story sounds like bullshit.

  12. money! money! money!

  13. money! money! money!

  14. I agree that if she saw him drinking and thought he was drunk, then why did she let him drive her car and get into the vehicle with him?

    Also, at the time of the accident, the police stated that they had ruled out alcohol as a factor in the accident. Now I know that sometimes the police help cover things up, but why, oh, why hasn't Ms. Meyer's said something before now? It's been almost seven months since the accident!

  15. The fastest path to a broken leg is to get between Gloria Allred and a camera. This woman could milk a jaywalking ticket to the point where it was covered by every major news source on earth. It has been awhile since she was on TV, she's either getting desperate or Enty is right about someone having dirt on Morgan Freeman that they are willing to dish about for weeks on end on TV.

    Gloria is repulsive, always.

  16. gloria allred is a bigger attention whore than parasite.
    she just has a better venue.

  17. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Always considered Morgan Freeman like a Jimmy Stewart type. Very disappointed when I heard about this.

  18. All this talk about Gloria Allred is making me want to watch "Rat Race" again. Still one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

  19. OMG, we were just talking about this!

    Every time Ms Alred trots out her latest 'wronged woman' for a press conference all I see is an ambulance chaser with better clothes & too much makeup. I can't remember any of her clients or their sad circumstances, just Alred hitting the talk show circuit.

    Shouldn't she be presenting her case in court, not via the media? Do her cases ever make it to court? Does she really not have any lawyering skills, so she beats the evil doer down in the media & they pay her to shut up? What a creepy woman. BLECH..
