Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Was Diddy Carrying A Gun?

The NY Post asks a very good question this morning. They wanted to know why Sean Combs refused to allow he and his bodyguards be the only ones not searched by the NY Police Department at a party that Combs was co-hosting with Kobe Bryant.

On Monday night, Combs and Kobe were supposed to host a birthday party for DJ Clue. Since the party was going to be filled with NBA players, the venue had arranged for NYPD officers to search every person who came in the door for guns. They wanted everyone to be safe. These were not security guys, they were actual police.

Well, Diddy rolls up at almost 2am with six of his bodyguards and sees what's happening and freaks out. First he sent one of the guards back to the car to stay there and not leave, and then tried to talk his way past the search. When told everyone had to be searched, he then tried to avoid it by wondering if he could use the back entrance. Nope. So, despite the fact that he was co-hosting the party, Diddy just left.

Now, explain to me exactly why Diddy and his people could not be searched. He said he felt disrespected. What? So everyone else who came to the party could be searched, but because you are Sean Combs you are above it all? Diddy has been and always will be a jerk. He has always acted as if the law doesn't apply to him and he apparently feels the same way still. What the hell did he have on him that he was willing to disrespect his other co-host and all the guests by turning his back on a search?

Did Kobe Bryant get searched? Yes. And as much as I dislike him he just accepted it because he knew it was for his own safety. Did all the other NBA stars get searched? Yes. So, why in the hell does Diddy think he is more important than them? I am thisclose to a Diddy ban.


  1. "thiscose to a Diddy ban."

    My gawd, Enty, just do it. Ban the mofo. We've been begging you to do that for months!

  2. Diddy has long been on my celebrity sh_t list. I don't know if there is any endearing quality about him. My disgust did however turn to laughter when I saw the label for this post.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I vote in favor of a Diddy/Doody/Whatever the hell he calls himself these days ban. He's always been an arrogant, overrated prick with unwarranted self-importance. Nothing appealing or redeeming about him.

  4. maybe it was drugs, not a gun he was worried they'd find

  5. And what did he need so desperately to have with him that he couldn't just go back and dump it in his limo for the evening?

  6. Mooshki, I'm betting drugs, and lots of them! I've heard that he supplies a lot of goodies at parties...

  7. TOTALLY off topic: I've noticed for awhile now that Adrian (Not a Famous Adrian) seems to be MIA? Did something happen or am I just blind and have missed her in comments?

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Wasn't Diddy arrested when a gun went off back when he was with J.Lo? I'm sure he's still on probation regarding that. Another offense and he's in jail, can't have that.

  9. i vote BAN- nothing he does interests me in the slightest

  10. put me under the ban column. i don't see giving him any free press.

    he told a grand jury he never carries a gun. did he perjure himself or start carrying a gun after the trial?

  11. This picture is exactly the type of parties DOODY belongs in as it's full of thugs and BimHos (that's not a typo). I certainly don't see him throwing the parties such as the one in his commercial with all the elegantly dressed women leaving at dawn. MOUTH BREATHERS don't throw elegant parties. Just doesn't happen. BAN DOODY!

  12. lana, i asked the same question a while back. she's fine but posting under the name 'lutefisk'.

  13. This guy isn't just a mere NBA star, he's Sean frickin John Freekin Combs, Puff
    Daddy, P. Diddy, Diddy.
    That does deserve an explicitly higher amount of respect don't you think?
    Too bad J.Lo wasn't in the limo. I'm just nostalgic for the late 90's.

  14. Molly, Thanks! Most days I just lurk, and so I get used to seeing different names, etc. Then when I don't see someone for a bit I'm like "oh no, I hope ___ is okay"

    I know- I am weird and I have no life! :)

  15. I can only speak for myself, and you ought to know this as a lawyer, Ent. No search without cause. No search without cause. No search without cause. It's one of the founding principles of our country and should never be taken for granted. I would have done exactly the same thing as Diddy, even thouhg I have never owned or carried a gun.

  16. lana, i hear you!

    kristen, they were cops, but i'm sure they weren't on duty when they did this. they worked off duty as security agents. it's a security issue, which means, you have a choice - either come in and be frisked or don't come in. this isn't the same as forcing someone to be searched because they're acting as policemen and have probable cause to search you.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Kristin, airports, courthouses, a lot of inner city clubs (at least in my neck of the woods) even some schools, do a search.
    You do have a choice, but if you choose not to, no entry.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Wow, a photo with his big trap actually shut. I didn't think that mouth COULD shut...

    He can shove it and take his fake-ass lookin' mama with him, far as I'm concerned.

  21. Ban his ass! Which one of his loved ones has to die before he gets the message? Safety first. He's always around the violence and yet claims his innocence.

    I've had enough of his kind. P. Diddy just go away already!

    He's totally irrelevant.

  22. Diddy who?!?

    See? I already banned him in my mind a long time ago.

    He has lots of company in there.

  23. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I can't stand this asshole.

  24. he didn't want the panties he was wearing exposed

  25. Can't stand him, won't miss him

  26. Lana, thanks for caring!! I doubt any of us have life.
    I had to give up my name for a while, because apparently, SOMEONE
    (cough! cough!) was using MY name to post under Mischa Barton's blog.
    Can you imagine SOMEONE (cough! cough!) would do that to me?
    So, I have abandoned my name for a bit, but I will someday return as Adrian :)

  27. He doesn't even have the LOL factor of Kanye... Why is he still famous?

  28. Adrian Lutefisk, WHO would do such a cruel thing? THE HORROR! Whoever it is, they sound like a truly evil bitchmonster!!!

  29. Pretty please on the "Diddy ban"

  30. Wait, doesn't he want to be James Bond? Maybe he's confusing fiction with reality again...

  31. Partial ban-
    Trashy news about him, yes
    Random Photos, No!

  32. Mooshki-- am guessing a rapid mouth breather.

  33. lutefish (Adrian)- Your welcome! okay, I'm slow, what am I missing? (cough,cough) :)

  34. "rapid mouth breather" A CDAN meme exclusive. Where are you Anon? Your lulz factory is needed...

  35. Lana, there's a VERY small chance, miniscule at best, that I might have been one of the ones who posted on Mischa's blog as Adrian. In the very unlikely case that that is true, I would have clearly been under the influence of some toxic substance my body created to protect me from the sight of Mischa's self-promotion. I would NEVER do such a thing if I were in my right mind. ;)

  36. Anonymous1:07 PM


  37. WHATTTTT???!!! Mooshki--YOU are the culprit? You evil wench. Now I am
    destined to spend the rest of my days posting under the guise of a horrid Norwegian dried fish dish.

  38. You forgot the lye, that's the best part!

  39. I was trying not to envision raw fish curing in lye, but now it is too late.

  40. Mooshki, lutefish, all, etc....

    THAT is hillarious. AND that kind of stuff/comments/tom-foolery (no, I am not 80, just love that word) is EXACTLY why I come on here everyday.

    LOVE IT!!!

  41. Lana, we manage to get ourselves into all kinds of hijinxs & shenanigans!!!

  42. The shenanigans are my favorite. "Eeeevil shenanigans."

  43. 1. Ban him ....
    2. Ban him ....
    3. They probably didn't search him because there was no girlfriend there to take the heat. Or should that actually be boyfriend.

  44. Ban him. You have plenty of other douchebags to fill this blog without him.

  45. Combs cant get searched...

    They'll find out:

    He's Gay
    He's a Drug abuser
    He's an alien sent to destroy our minds by having us read about ANYTHING he does.

    Man, that's a lot to hide. I don't blame him for leaving. =]

  46. Enty p-l-e-a-s-e annihilate that blow hard from the blog. Just looking at his pie hole makes me gag...
    I cringe at the thought of him and his overblown ego strutting their stuff
    what a demented world we live in that a piece of crap such as he gets preferential treatment...
    i live for the day he falls flat on his face
    hah! the thought of you banning him brought me out of silent retreat!!

  47. I FULLY endorse a ban on P. Shitty

  48. wish i'd had the energy to read this when it was posted...
    mooshki and lutefisk (and a dash of lye) always brighten up my day!
