Friday, February 13, 2009

Tori Worries That Dean Will Cheat

Sometimes you read something and you just say to yourself, "wow, so and so really is an idiot." In this particular case it is Tori Spelling who will take the idiot honor for today. In a little blurb the NY Daily News ran today, Tori confessed that her greatest fear is that Dean will find someone on a set he works on and cheat on her because that's how they met. Dean in fact, tells everyone that Tori thinks that just to show how manly and virile he is and to see if they do want to sleep with him.

Tori. Seriously. You really think Dean would cheat on you? The only reason he cheated on his wife and got you to cheat on your husband was that he saw a meal ticket. Now, I won't say that he would never cheat on you but it is going to be someone that is a much better meal ticket and more famous than you. Plus, in order for him to be able to cheat on you while working he would actually be having to work. As in get a job. As in don't follow you around everywhere you go and have a company that signs him a check and not one that you wrote him. Now, I grant you that he is in pre-production on Santa Baby 2 which should pay him a fortune as an actor and I guess he could live off what they pay him for that. I mean that must be a check in the millions right? I'm guessing they are paying him in the hopes that Tori will make a cameo in the movie and maybe they can get more than one person to watch it.

If Dean ever cheats on you Tori it would be about the dumbest move he could make. Not that you are that hot or anything, but please, he is not going to throw away that meal ticket for anything. If you dumped him he would probably turn into the Michael Lohan of the next generation.


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