Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This very B+ actor who only does movies and has A++ name recognition spent some time in a hotel recently. Nothing strange about that, except for the fact he called down to the front desk every 30 minutes because he kept seeing spiders all over the wall and was freaking out. After the fourth visit from the hotel staff assuring him there were no spiders he convinced the hotel to have someone stay in his room with him all night just to keep him safe. I'm hoping this was caused by drugs and not something to do with his mind.


  1. Owen Wilson is in pics today. Does movies, has drug and mental past. He is dating Kate again. That could have set him off.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Christian Bale?
    There really aren't any clues to this one.

  3. joaquin Phoenix

  4. Ben Stiller to go along with Lainey's Blind?

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    visual hallucinations are drug-induced like 75% of the time. Mental issues usually are auditory/tactile. No worries, Ent.

    Why would Owen Wilson be in a hotel recently? It's gotta be someone who was in town for Oscars but doesn't live in L.A.

  6. Where does Lainey reveal her blinds? I always just see her say who it isn't never who it is.....

  7. it's sad!
    how is an B++ list actor with A++ name recognition? Keanu Reeve, he's very strange!i believe he has alcohol trouble!

  8. Ben Stiller, the answer to all blind items this week.

  9. Mickey Rourke, he just misses Loki

  10. Tom Cruise? He's A++ in name, but B+ in talent... and he's nuts.

  11. Blah,

    The person who runs the site posts all of Lainey's blinds, clues and reveals.

  12. Dave,

    Unfortunately Tommy Girl is probably considered A+ because he has a friggin' franchise and he's considered one of the most bankable stars since most of his movies bring in alot of money. I would love for it to be him though!

  13. I don't think it's Joaquin or else Enty would have made some type of comment/clue about it all being fake.

  14. I dont know why but Brad PItt popped into my head

  15. i don't consider mcconaughey or wilson B+ actors, by any stretch of the imagination. name recognition? maybe, but A++???

  16. Wahkeen...dude's chasing his brother.

  17. I'll stay with you Owen! I'll even bring a magazine to swat the imaginary spiders. :-)

    If it's Ben Stiller, he can swat his own damn spiders.

  18. Withdrawal from alcohol can cause hallucinations, all part of the process known as getting the DTs. I'll go with Keanu.

  19. Pitt's a good guess.
    That is ++ name, so so box office.

  20. Pitt is a good guess. He fits the B+ actor/A++ NR and they we're in LA. Though it makes me wonder where Angie Jo was!

  21. Brad Pitt B+? I would say he and Clooney are probably the only two A++ actors in Hollywood right now. I never heard that box office receipts was the only criterion for A status. BP was in an Oscar-nominated movie in '08.

    Joaquin Phoneix, maybe. But I think he's probably A-.

  22. "I'm hoping this was caused by drugs and not something to do with his mind."

    This line makes me think it's an older actor, one who could be at risk for Alzheimer's/dementia.

    Still pondering my guess...

  23. Either Joaquin or Owen, probably Joaquin...hoping it was caused by drugs and not his mind implies that it's someone who has either struggled with mental issues before, or whose actions have made us wonder if the guy has mental issues. Owen's instabilities are documented and Joaquin, well, who HASN'T wondered what the hell is going on with him lately? The comment really fits for Joaquin b/c no one knows what the fuck is up with him.

  24. DN, Owen Wilson is in Paris with Jen Aniston promoting Marley and Me. Could be him.

  25. keanu has done tv, albeit very little.

    he's also a-list all the way due to the matrix franchise.

  26. Johnny Depp came into my mind right off.

  27. Russell Crowe. A Beautiful Mind.

  28. Johnny Depp is A++ all the way. Also he's in Paris this week, looking quite happy. Not a man suffering hallucinations.

    Many of the guesses are A listers - Pitt, Keanu, Cruise, all A list. Could be Crowe, who was A list and fell - he has 'issues'.

  29. ben stiller had his own show.
    i first thought gerard butler

    mayyybe l.wils, but hes probably b list at best

  30. Brad Pitt was the first person I thought of because his acting ability is very B+ but his name recognition is A+++++, you'd have to be living in a cave to not have heard of him. He's mentioned everyday all over the place.

  31. Brad Pitt would never be alone in a hotel room - with all the kids, nannies and the wife he has.

  32. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Don't know who the actor is, but whoever it was, he was taking Ambien. As absurd as it sounds, this is a VERY common complaint from people on Ambien. Another too-common complaint from peeps on Ambien is sleep-driving, yes, you read it right, SLEEP DRIVING, sleep eating and sleep emailing/facebooking/text messaging. You don't hear about these frightening "side effects" on the news because every other commercial on the news is a pharmaceutical drug ad - so the major news networks don't want to lose the billions in ad $$ they get from drug companies, so they are sure to not report any negative press about drugs. People need to know this so they do their own research before they take these devastating medications.

  33. Does anyone else think that "spiders all over the wall," not walls, is weird? Could it mean something and what?

  34. Russell Crowe. The last word "mind" is the clue - A Beautiful Mind.

  35. I gotta agree w/ Jim on this one. The "mind" on that sentence is just very strange wording. Must be a clue. And the rating fits, too. Never done tv, B+ actor w/ tremendous name recognition. Crowe FTW!

  36. my first thought was matthew macnoughmoron, but i'm liking the brad pitt guess!

  37. Russell Crowe has been on TV: He was on neighbours for a few episodes (i don't know if the US gets it, but it is/was a very popular TV show for Aussies and Brits).
    He was apparently also in Spyforce, Living with the Law, Police Rescue, Acropolis Now and Brides of Christ. All of which sound like a load of crap lol. Not that British TV is much better...

  38. Steve Buscemi? lol... don't know why... but that popped in my head.

  39. Steve Buscemi? lol... don't know why... but that popped in my head.

  40. I'm throwin out Busey, he's my favorite looney of all time. If not him then Rourke, just funny.

  41. I don't recall anyone ever being referred to as A++ on this site before... Angelina and Tom Cruise have both been referred to as A+ and everyone (EVERYONE) knows who they are.

    10 out of 10 people would have to know you are to be A++. In reality, the only true A++ name recognition actors I can think of are:
    Tom Cruise
    Will Smith
    George Clooney
    Brad Pitt (solely because of AJ and kids)

    That said, I like the Russell Crowe guess even if he isn't really A++ name.

  42. Has Crowe been traveling? He's a good guess. If not Crowe, then Owen Wilson.

  43. I immediately thought keanu. plus everytime I see one of those batshit-crazy-on-drugs blind items I always think of him and the blind item from last yr with the chicken burrito in his pocket. anybody remember that?

  44. kelsey,this blind item "burrito in the pocket" is too sad ! i thought keanu reeves because all stories about him (drunk at "toronto fest" or "strange repeat")

  45. I was sure I had commented on this one already but I guess not. I thought this one was Joaquin Phoenix, for obvious reasons. Remember that time when he was being interviewed at some event and asked the reporter if there was by any chance a frog in his hair. He said he had the distinct feeling there was a frog in his hair...

  46. Billby Bob is bat-shit crazy too. Could have been him. He is more of an A- actor, I think, even though he won his Oscar for something else, right? CAn't remember.

  47. Billby Bob is bat-shit crazy too. Could have been him. He is more of an A- actor, I think, even though he won his Oscar for something else, right? CAn't remember.

  48. Billy Bob has done tv (Ellen's coming out shows were where he met Laura Dern). Brad Pitt was on a soap opera. Luke Wilson guested on the X-Files as a sexy forest ranger or something. I like the Joaqin Phoenix and Owen Wilson guesses.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Are Owen Wilson or Joaquin Phoenix A++?

  51. tobey maguire....i kill me.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. large amounts of diphenhydramine hydrochloride (a.k.a. benadryl) can cause intense scorpion, spider and snake hallucinations -- it can also trigger "shadow people" hallucinations -- and it's possible that the actor in question may have taken a large dose of a diphenhydramine over-the-counter sleeping aid to counter, oh, caffeine taken in large quantities?

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Benadryl + airplane wine = very comfy flight from San Francisco to London.

  56. Robert Pattinson. So obvious.

  57. imma go with Joaquin Phoenix

  58. Robert Pattinson pretty much only did TV work after HP and before Twilight..... Not him.....

    Joaquin was nom for an Oscar, wouldnt that make him more A++ and plus, he did TV as a kid?

    I don't know......
