Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's Blind Items

What Academy Award nominated actor has been taking every opportunity to try and recruit for his new church? Oh, it isn't a church he started attending. It is a church he just recently started for himself based on an entirely new denomination that he has created out of his head. He feels that he has a lot of wisdom and teaching he can pass along. So, far, despite handing out hundreds of cards and brochures, attendance at the church which he holds at his house has averaged about 2. Besides the fact it is strange, apparently he believes church should start promptly at 5am.


  1. Mickey Rourke? Gary Busey? Just throwing 'em out there.

  2. Oh, for chrissakes!

    pun intended

  3. Oh, for the love a god!!!!

  4. Has Gary Busey ever been nominated? Because that was the first name that came to mind. I guess I could just go do the research but I don't wanna.

  5. I am with you Harriet. How the hell would you research it anyway?

  6. I thought Billy Bob

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Seconding the Joaquin Phoenix guess. Not only has he been acting increasingly nutty in recent years, he also comes from a cult background and has defended it more than once.

  9. Busey was nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of Buddy Holly.

  10. i don't think mickey rourke is that screwy, is he?

    nolte is a good guess.

    so is joaquin.

    and rd, jr., much as i hate to say this, is a little off, too.

    harriet good call! he was nominated for the buddy holly story. and he's as whack as they get.

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Mel Gibson. His dad has a church. (though Mel won for Braveheart didn't he?)

  12. jw12, all you have to do is go to imdb.com, type in the actors name and in the left hand column on their page it says awards. click on that and it tells you if the person was nominated or won for any number of awards.

  13. Does Joaquin even have a house? Why can I picture him living in a tent?

  14. I went to Wikipedia (not the most reliable source, I know) and it does say he is an academy award nominee. So, my official guess is Gary Busey.

  15. also from the Busey article at Wiki
    "In a conversation with model Amber Smith, being treated for a pain killer addiction, he revealed several acronyms related to religion and sobriety, which he called "Busey-isms," and stated his intention to compile them into a book. These included "Gone: Getting Over Negative Energy," "Faith: Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him," "Sober: Son Of a Bitch Everything's Real," "Fraud: Finding Relevant Answers Under Deception," and "Freedom: Facing Real Exciting Energy Developing Out of Miracles."

    Sound like the beginnings of some teachings to me....

  16. Busey was my first thought.

  17. I was about to say Will Smith, too! He claims to be a student of all religions. He claims he's not a Scieno, but his school is filled with their ideas. Perhaps he wants to be the next L. Ron Tubby.

  18. Busey is a good guess. He was a nut on that celebrity rehab with how he kept saying he was there to help everyone else. A watcher and not a participant or something like that.

  19. the name that popped into my head was Gary Busey. he was nominated for his role as Buddy Holly, i think

  20. Gary Busey was indeed nominated for best actor for The Buddy Holly Story in 1979 but did not win and is a major whackjob, so he is a very good guess.

  21. Yeah, there were only 2 of us there.

    But ample parking I might add!

  22. Joaquin before i even finished the paragraph. his parents did a lot of experimenting when they were young with all types of religion.

  23. I'm hoping it's Busey, tho I thought of Joaquin. But I think I'm the last person on earth who still likes the guy so I don't want it to be the ex-Leaf

  24. It does sound like the kind of thing Gary Busey or Joaquin Phoenix would do.

  25. LOL @Ror. Did they pass an offering plate? What did you throw in? Watch Tower pamphlets? Pizza Hut coupons?

    I remember reading that Mel had built his own church, but he's Catholic and I can't see them going at 5 a.m.

  26. I was about to say "I need a new religion", but after hearing about 5 a.m. mass, maybe I'll just stay a heathen. Although if it is Mickey Rourke, the party is probably just getting started at 5 a.m.!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I go with Busey also. If I was in California, I would give it a shot. Except for the whole 5am thing. Can't be any crazier than the Catholic church, Mormonism, or Scientology.

  29. I'm addicted to Celebrity Rehab and now Sober House and this has got to be Busey. He's not dealing with a full deck.

  30. i'm jumping on the gary busey train for best guess. this so has to be him. i bet it's called Church of Loopty-Loo of God in My Head.

    *apologizes to God for being sacrilegious*

  31. no good guesses, but i sure as hell hope it's not the church my eldest attends.
    they just fasted for a couple of weeks, not for religious reasons, but to bring in new members. freaked me out a little.

  32. I feel like I've heard this on the radio and it was not a blind item, and was about Mickey Rourke. Can totally see him doing this.

  33. I'm going to jump on the Busey bandwagon based on how he acted while on Celebrity Rehab.

  34. Eastwood.

    Or maybe Finney. Or O'Toole.

  35. Pookie that was hilarious!!

  36. Busey was in there by the beginning of the second sentence. Totally him. Wacked out of his skull if Celeb Rehab is any indication.

  37. tooooooooooooom cruise

  38. seriously tho, if it IS busey, id attend, i love his rants lol

  39. Busey. No question. He "found Jesus" years ago and has been on a tear preaching "Jesus by way of crazytown" ever since. It's sad really, he was a great actor and now he's lost all sense of reality or any grasp of what is happening around him.

  40. genesis, me too. love those busey-ism's....lol.

  41. Batsh*t Busey. I don't think Rourke or Phoenix have the requisite self-centeredness.

  42. I immediatly thought of Gary Busey myself. Maybe he chose 5am because its right before bedtime.

  43. My vote's with Busey. Bless his heart.

  44. I have to go with Gary Busey. Watching him on Celebrity Rehab, he is head injured and thinks he has a direct line to God. His thinking appears so jumbled it would have to be him.
    (Gary was nominated for the Buddy Holly Story back in 1978(?)

  45. After growing up with a fanatical Roman Catholic grandmother .. totally Mel Gibson. She was at church every morning for Mass at 6 AM - 7 days a week. I can see that twisted freak starting out at 5 AM just to one up Mother Church.

  46. Busey or Will Smith because of that new "school" he opened..

  47. What about Nicolas Cage? He's crazier than a sh!thouse rat.

  48. I heard Will Smith started his own church

  49. Oh my god! Sorry, totally off topic but just saw this

    Dear Ted:
    What's the deal with Lance Armstrong and his baby on the way? The guy gets around. Is he as happy as he is saying?
    Dear Trick or Treat:
    The guy has a revolving door of suitors. Would that make you happy?

    SUITORS... isn't that specifically a term used for males? Did Ted out Lance Armstrong?

  50. If you recall, Busey was the answer to a BI revealed last year - the actor who refused to use cash or credit cards, but rather old gold coins or "dubloons" because he wanted to get back to "the good old ways" or something like that. The guy is a loon, but I also think he's a good person deep inside.

  51. suitors is a male term. it sounds like he outed him, big-time.

  52. It is a church he just recently started for himself based on an entirely new denomination...

    It's called The Church of the Three Dollar Bill.

  53. Def Gary Busey -- just Google it. There's a band The Church of Gary Busey, and also a fan site on myspace or something plus tons of info on Gary's testimony.

    Shards from that cracked skull may be taking him a bit off course from time to time, but I think he's a good guy who means well.

  54. Gold dubloons!!!Bwaaahhaha!
    Totally Busey

  55. re: Lance
    He has been rumored to be bisexual (and a total slut) for years. What do you think he and McConaghey and Toothy Tile were doing together?

  56. Ooooh I wanna go!!! Just to hear what they have to say.. could be the makings of a great movie! LOL

  57. This sounds like an actor
    who is more interested in reaping the tax benefits of
    starting his own church than the spirtual side of it, I vote Busey.

  58. Anonymous8:51 AM

    First time commenter - Thought I would finally jump in on this one.

    Well, I would definitely say no to the Joaquin - I believe his family are Scientologists.

    I like the Gary Busey angle - he is absolutely nuts after watching him on Celebrity Rehab.

    But I personally am thinking this is Mel Gibson. Didn't he build a church on his property a few years ago?

  59. Mel Gibson is a fanatic Catholic, I thought.

  60. Gibson funded the construction of a church a few years ago, but it's not a monument to any religion he made up. He's a devout Catholic, but of a non-church-sanctioned "orthodox" variety: a throwback to the pre-Vatican II environment, where masses were said in Latin. I think the little flock that goes to his church property subscribes to those beliefs/practices.

  61. think this seals it...

  62. if it was Mel Gibson or Will Smith or someone, tons of ppl would show up to "hang" with them ... so its gotta be Busey or someone like that ... although Nic Cage popped to mind too, he's really weird (but again prob too famous and semi-cool)
