This Just Keeps Getting Better
So, you remember yesterday when I wrote about the couple with the four kids who got arrested trying to smuggle 52 pounds of coke out of Venezuela? Yeah, well wouldn't you know it, they have a history. Oh, it's not a good history either. The couple was on The Jeremy Kyle show which some people tell me is a cross between Maury and Jerry Springer.
The picture above is from the show they were on called "Husband, how can our family survive your extreme anger?"
Well considering they were on the show in November 2006, and they have twin two year old children that means she either got pregnant right after this show taped or she was pregnant and stayed with him despite his extreme anger.
The twins are the biological children of the couple while the two older children are his biological children.
Apparently family members have arrived in Venezuela and have seen the children but have not been allowed to take them or be with them all of the time. If anyone has a copy of this program or a link somewhere, I would love to see it.