Thursday, February 05, 2009

Taylor Momsen Decided Alcohol And Percocet Don't Mix

Taylor Momsen wants to grow up a little too fast. Whether it is her partying or the way she dresses, it just seems like she is not very happy being 15 and really wants to be in her late 20's already. She, more than anyone seems to me to be the most like Dina Lohan's eldest daughter that is around today. She is the right age, has screwed up the right number of times and if she doesn't get straightened out fast is going to be in much worse shape than even Dina's daughter.

The NY Daily News did a little blurb on Taylor this morning where she said she was at a costume party and that the second youngest person there was probably around 30. She kept telling everyone at the party that she wasn't drinking because she was on Percocet because she had her wisdom teeth pulled. The article pretty much stopped there. But that is where I wanted it to keep going.

Why is a 15 year old girl having to explain to adults why she isn't drinking booze? Why is there any other answer other than the fact that I am not 21 or 20 or some age close to the drinking age where we can pretend I am old enough. Where are her parents? Did they let a 15 year old girl go to a costume party, jacked up on Percocet with a bunch of 30 year olds and their daughter making excuses as to why she can't get hammered with the adults? How does this not turn out really, really bad at some point?

I understand that when your daughter makes more in a week than you do in a year that you sometimes defer to them. I understand that you want some of that money and so are afraid to say no. But they are 15 years old and have already ended up in the hospital nearly dead once. Maybe at that point it is like, "oh, you know what? I'm her parent, maybe I should do something and act like a parent instead of a groupie begging for money and associated fame."

F**k me. And we wonder why all these kids get messed up. Go look at Emma Watson's parents for a good example. She did something wrong and got in trouble by her parents because they are her parents, not sycophants sucking up to her.


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