Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still No New Charges In Chris Brown Case

According to CNN, the Los Angeles District Attorney asked the police department for an additional investigation before deciding whether or not to file additional charges against Chris Brown for the incident which occurred on Saturday night. Apparently whatever the police department handed over was not sufficient for some reason.

Today, there have been several sites of which I believe was the first which state that Rihanna started the fight. Ummm. So? Chris Brown's camp is spinning a story that Chris was driving and had to defend himself. Uh huh. Tell you what. Next time you are driving your car, see if you can get hard enough punches to your passenger to give them two black eyes while also driving your car and trying to keep your cell phone away from your passenger. Good luck with that experiment. I would practice in an open field if you are going to do that.

Even if Rihanna started it, then you just have to be the better person and walk away. If she keeps beating you, then you call the police on her and let them handle it. Don't start beating her. Oh, and don't start beating her and then leave her in the middle of the street in the middle of the night. Oh, and whoever in Chris Brown's camp is trying to spread the story that Rihanna has a STD and that was the reason for the fight, that is just so wrong. First of all even if it were true, how does that explain what happened in the car? What? They were driving and then she told Chris and he stopped the car and started beating her? Please. Show us more respect than your client showed Rihanna. Maybe if he hadn't been f**king everything he could find for the past six months none of this would have ever happened.


  1. Today, there have been several sites of which I believe was the first which state that Rihanna started the fight.

    yesterday bossip printed a version of what happened according to someone in c.b.'s camp. today they printed a version of what happened according to someone in rihanna's camp. they're letting reader's decide.

    probably a version of the two stories is what really happened.

  2. when you make enty angry, he'll answer a BI. lol.

    chris's actions are inexcusable.

  3. which BI quintessential?

  4. i'm not a good BI hunter, so we'll have to wait for the better sleuths. if he is a serial cheater, then trust me, he's in one. lol.

  5. Chris Brown's mainstream
    audience may be history
    but this 'give your girl an STD, blame her for it then beat the crap out of her' is going to give him instant street cred in the gangsta rap community.
    If he TRULY ticked off
    JayZ and his ilk he shouldn't be idling too long at any Las Vegas intersections.

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    how did u make him angry QS lol.

    I don't think it matters who started the fight first. What counts is not hitting man/woman especially beating them up to a pulp.

  7. chris brown has been screwing his much older manager for a loooong time. panache report has already reported how chris's fixers r going on black and mainstream gossip sites to plant items justifying chris's behavior.

  8. *ponders angering enty* ;)

    this story is getting insane. the coverage on it alone...there sure appear to be a zillion "insiders". so sad. i hope justice is harsh and swift in all this.

  9. sylvia, i gather on here that bigots/racists and women beaters ain't well liked at all by him. he's real teed off about this. i wonder if he knows someone on the lapd squad and maybe they gave him the unfiltered, non-public relations story.

  10. Okay a man beat a woman and now he'll probably go to jail. Why all the hype?

    Oh that's right the abuser and the victim are both celebrities. Let's all get upset and crucify the abuser.

    Well how about we use that same anger every time someone is abused regardless of their fame.

    Now how many people felt bad for the victim in the R. Kelly case? Maybe half. Why? Was it because people felt she was a ho or was it because she wasn't an underage celebrity?

    I totally understand the anger and the support. I just want a little consistency and consideration for every victim.

  11. QS, I think you nailed it with Ent's connections.

  12. Enty, you make me soo happy with this. Truly really utterly happy. I just hope hope hope hope hope she doesn't go back with him.

  13. yea, there's nothing that justifies beating a woman. nothing. instead of trying to do damage control his people should get his ass in therapy and have him lie low until his anger management issues are resolved.

    nomd, i think we'd see the same rage here if it was jane doe or one of us who experienced this. i don't think our outrage is exclusive to them because they're celebs.

  14. Thanks Molly I sure hope so.

    This story keeps changing every minute but perhaps Enty has the real story.

    It seems like a he said, she said story and therefore the police are still trying to figure out the details. In the meantime maybe both sides are leaking bits of details/rumors.

  15. Anonymous10:54 AM

    In regards to the outting of the BI - I think there was one floating around recently about a singer who was perfect on the outside, looked like everything was great but who was depised by all around her because she was such a b!tch. The kicker was that her famous BF had cheated on her with an older women - I would fit, but I don't remember it being one of Enty's blinds....

  16. this the one Scarlett ?
    BlindGossip - On the surface, this diva looks like she has it all together. Hair? Perfect. Makeup? Perfect. Outfit? Perfect. Beauty, talent, money, multiple hit songs, popular celebrity boyfriend, product endorsements? Check. However, looks are deceiving. She is in financial trouble because she spends much more than she earns, she has an ego the size of Los Angeles, and she is universally despised by everyone who works for her. And she shouldn’t expect her boyfriend to be around forever. He cheated on her a couple of weeks ago with an older woman

  17. SCarlett- it was a panache report blind from not too long ago. it was pretty much the consensus (sp?) that it was rihanna and chris. he has been hooking up with his older manager, amoung others, for a long time. it is also rumored that he has two kids.

  18. What upsets me is that this kind of thing happens every day. Obviously everyone is outraged because they are both celebrities.

    Even more sad is that Brown is not really getting preferential treatment as far as the charges go...abusers consistently get off lighter than they should.

  19. I have been wondering about the bite marks. From what has been said it seems like they were received during the fight but they could be unrelated (rough sex?). Pure speculation of course. If they were received in the fight then I don't think Brown was driving at the same time.

  20. princess, why is it sad to you that brown isn't getting preferential treatment and getting off lighter than he should?

    sounds like you think c.b. is right?

  21. There is absolutely zero excuse for hitting a woman. None. I don't care, just walk away.

    Here's the piece of the puzzle I want to know about -- what is all this about Rhianna being Jay Z's jump off, and did this have anything to do with the situation?

    There was a thinly veiled BI a while back about Rhianna arranging meetups with another man in the music industry, because her young lover couldn't satisfy her.

  22. Anonymous12:06 PM

    QS, you are a good detective to have notice that. I take a while to pick up on things hahaha.

    Whatever the story is between Brown and Rihanna I don't think we will ever know the truth. One thing about women that are abuse they usually stay by their man which is sad to say.

  23. I think what Princess meant was that she's sad that all abusers get off light - that CB's case isn't unusual. That is sad.

  24. I had to come out of lurk mode for this one. It has long been rumored that Rihanna was/is the jumpoff of Jay-Z. Beyonce's song "Ring the Alarm" is supposed to have been about their triangle.

    When Rihanna won her Grammy last year, she tried to pull Jay-Z up on stage with and he pretty much let her know that wasn't cool by the look he gave her. Probably because Beyonce was in the audience. This was also the beginning of Chris and Rihanna's relationship.

    I have long heard rumors that Chris has a kid, that he was dating an older manager and that he does have anger problems. I've also heard that Rihanna can be a b***h and very aggressive. I have no idea what to make of this I'm just watch it all unfold right now and wondering what the outcome will be.

  25. oh yeah, and it was pretty public news a while ago that rihannas finances were really bad, since she had to pay for her own music videos and she didnt manage her money well...

  26. princessj, you're another one who's gone missing. where have you been? you old timers need to start posting again.

  27. If she was trying to get at a phone he had (to see what was on it/ call the police), it explains why she had bite marks etc on her.
    I doubt very much they came from him trying to get her off - he could have just held her down/back. He is too strong to have to fight like a girl, unless he was using his hands (fists) for other things...

  28. Oh and whoever started it - they is no fucking excuse.

    Are all these stories coming out as damage control? Its a bit convenient that there are so many stories, and now ones about HER starting the fight?
    People on CDAN alone have begun to not believe any of it (other than there was a fight of some kind), and other gossip sites have comments about Rihanna being the one to blame (WTF)?!

  29. stiffkittens one of the stories that came out was they were arguing and she took the car keys, threw them out the window he tried to find them, couldn't, and then gave her a beat down.

  30. TMZ says that Chris received a text from a woman saying they'll hook up later that evening - that's what started the fight.

  31. Hey Molly!

    I lurk pretty much everyday but I'll probably be posting a little bit more often in the future.

  32. My psychoanalysis of the day: Chris Brown looks scared in that pic. You can tell by the raised eye brows curving towards his nose. He has had that facial expression in front of the paps for quite some time now. The bite marks indicate rage on his behalf. If he just busted her lip, that would have meant an assertion of power; he wanted to show her he was boss. But, given the cruelty of the assault, there was something planned out about this, it wasn't meant to control her, it was meant to vent his anger at the world. I read in another article that he rented a Lamborghini. Rented? Sounds like he is having financial problems. Everything isn't what it seems with Brown, more will unfold later.

  33. I am going to reserve judgment for when more information comes out. I haven't hear anything concrete and will not jump on a bandwagon crucifying this young man quite yet. You're all entitled to think what you will and feel how you will about women beating men/men beating women.

    I want to tell you something. In 2008 I narrowly escaped being hit while leaving my parked car on a city street in Oakland,CA. A man and woman were in the car arguing over a cell phone. The woman grabbed for the phone while they were driving and caused him to lose control of the vehicle.

    I was perhaps 5 feet away from my car when theirs swerved. I ran to the crosswalke while their car crashed into mine completely crushing it. I could have died because this stupid person decided to put lives in danger over a phone message.

    I will honestly say that I'd have beat someone's ass for doing some shit like that. Endangering me over something that could have been talked about.

    Dying is not something you can come back from. Being stupid to the point that you cause an accident by beating on someone driving should be punishable in and of itself.

    Luckily for me I only lost my car and probably a few days off of my life from fear.

    I do not condone people beating people. What he did was wrong...IF it is as they say. If it were me, I don't know what I would have done. All of this is based on what I've heard and the past that I shared above. Driving is not something that is for fun or that you can take for granted. You can KILL people by doing anything careless in a car. Is it really worth it? You tell me.

    Again...this is MY opinion.

  34. There is just no reason for anyone to hit anyone, but I do understand that this does happen from time to time. In the end, I just hope everyone in the situation gets the help they need so this incident is not repeated - or god forbid escalated - in either of their lives at some future time - in this relationship or another. [And yes .. you can safely assume I say saying .. "Hello?? OJ Simpson anyone??" to my computer screen.]

  35. princessj, hope to see you here more!

  36. you're right,Ent Lawyer! you're right!
