Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still No New Charges In Chris Brown Case

According to CNN, the Los Angeles District Attorney asked the police department for an additional investigation before deciding whether or not to file additional charges against Chris Brown for the incident which occurred on Saturday night. Apparently whatever the police department handed over was not sufficient for some reason.

Today, there have been several sites of which I believe was the first which state that Rihanna started the fight. Ummm. So? Chris Brown's camp is spinning a story that Chris was driving and had to defend himself. Uh huh. Tell you what. Next time you are driving your car, see if you can get hard enough punches to your passenger to give them two black eyes while also driving your car and trying to keep your cell phone away from your passenger. Good luck with that experiment. I would practice in an open field if you are going to do that.

Even if Rihanna started it, then you just have to be the better person and walk away. If she keeps beating you, then you call the police on her and let them handle it. Don't start beating her. Oh, and don't start beating her and then leave her in the middle of the street in the middle of the night. Oh, and whoever in Chris Brown's camp is trying to spread the story that Rihanna has a STD and that was the reason for the fight, that is just so wrong. First of all even if it were true, how does that explain what happened in the car? What? They were driving and then she told Chris and he stopped the car and started beating her? Please. Show us more respect than your client showed Rihanna. Maybe if he hadn't been f**king everything he could find for the past six months none of this would have ever happened.


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