Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"She Knows." STFU Sean Penn

Yesterday I was going to write about Sean Penn leaving Robin Wright Penn out of his acceptance speech but I was so pissed that I thought I should wait a day before I wrote anything. I thought I was feeling more calm about it today but then when I read his quotes again it just all came flooding back.

Sean Penn is the world's biggest jackass. Yes, he can act. This has nothing to do with his acting or his performance in the film which was remarkable and Oscar worthy. What it has to do with is his arrogance and what I consider to be horrible treatment and disrespect of his wife.

You forget to mention your next door neighbor, not your wife. This is a woman who took you back AFTER she discovered you having a threesome with two Russian hookers in the same hotel where your family was vacationing. This is the same woman who doesn't care how much money you spend at strip clubs or why Eve is calling you in the middle of the night when she needs help. These are only some of the stories that have been made public. What about the ones no one else knows about? This is the person you choose to forget when you are standing before the audience of the world? When you get a chance to speak in front of 1 billion people you choose to not mention your wife. When you get the chance to do some groveling and to give some public love to the woman who stood by you, you choose not to. That is so completely beyond f**ked up, you have no idea.

When Access Hollywood caught up with Sean and Robin they asked him why he had left her out, Sean's reply was, "she knows." WTF does that mean? That she knows how much you love her? I don't think so pal.

Robin stuck up for Sean by saying they both knew there wouldn't be enough time for him to say what he wanted to say and to thank Robin as well. F**k that. You make the time. You have now won two Academy Awards. You say what you want to say. What was more important your quip about commies and gays or telling your wife you love her?

You are an ass, Sean Penn. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw Madonna at the Vanity Fair party, took her off in a corner, had sex with her, and made Robin watch and kept saying "she knows I love her."


Linnea said...

wooah! i love it, enty, you speak for me too...

Pookie said...

"Sean Penn is the world's biggest jackass."

i concur.

but as despicable as he is (in every single, possible and plausible aspect), robin is an idiot masochist. i won't even go into wth kind of example she's instilling in her children...

say what we want about vadge, but her most brilliant move was leaving that colossal asshole.

Anonymous said...

Calling him a piece of shit is an insult to feces everywhere.

lmnop123 said...

Sean was on Oprah yesterday and claimed that he and Robin agreed that you don't mention family (her, his mom, his children etc.) in the speech.

He went on to say that just even mentioning it on Oprah will now get him in trouble with Robin.

Obviously Robin doesn't know how to detach herself from Sean. We don't see any reason why she needs to stay and please don't say that's what love does to you. It has to do with self worth. When she finds hers she will dump Sean. Until then the cycle will continue.

He ignores, disrespects and humiliates her. She continues to show her unending love for him.

How sad. :(

palealebrew10 said...

completely reprehensible and pathetic. I don't understand why Robin has not kicked his schleppy ass to the curb for good. Great in Milk, horrible in life.

nursekelly said...

enty, I also fully agree with you. robin needs to STOP being an enabler and leave this assh@#%. I am sure alot of men would love to be with her.....

Sinjin said...

That is all news to me! I agree with Pookie. Perhaps Sean would have more respect for her if Princess Buttercup wasn't such a doormat.

lmnop123 said...

Did anyone else see him on Oprah? He was obviously f--ked up. Way too much partying and no sleep.

MISCH said...


jlb said...

Asshole or not it is her responsibility to stand up and respect herself first instead of hiding behind their relationship. He will never change - he is who is is for better or worse (heavy on the worse). She can only change herself and her circumstance and she pretty obviously doesn't want to.

jax said...

oh i saw that Oprah thing yesterday.

Enty, he said he wanted to keep it about the movie. yaaaaa right.
you thanked your best friend asshole!

where's Mr.Hand when you need him?

Anonymous said...

I was watching ET last night and Robin looked desperate kissing him while he looked disinterested. This marriage is just a one-way street.

While a woman doesn't do a thing about being disrespected by her own husband what can you do if they don't want to listen.

Ror said...

Apparently he's fucking Mickey Rourke, cuz he sure went out of his way to thank him.

Don't get me wrong, I thought it was nice to acknowledge him.

But how long does it take to say "And my wife, Robin"?

Nice job PEEN

PotPourri said...

He's fucking all the commies and gays too, because he found time for them.

Molly said...

sorry, but i can't feel sorry for any woman who chooses to put up with bullshit like this.

i didn't hear any music. he could have taken another six seconds to say 'thanks to my lovely wife'.

bullshit bullshit and more bullshit.


Taylor said...

What an ass. I'm surprised he even invited her.

captivagrl said...

I said almost the same thing to my husband last night AND, when his name was announced he tried to just head up to the stage, she pulled him over for a kiss. He is very disrespectful. Also, he didn't mention his children in the speech.

kimi said...

Ya, I am not buying what he told Oprah yesterday, she looked at him somewhat disapproving and he said he wasn't allowed to thank his family. Please, and he was also so coked up on Oprah, he could not control his jaw whatsoever and you could tell Oprah knew it too! I give them a year tops together. He is an ass but when women or men put up with it, the behavior tends to get worse. Anyone else notice how much his wife and Madonna look similiar now minus the muscles?

Cooper's Mom said...

I saw it too, and i did a double take, lik, "did he just brush of her kiss?? At the Oscars??" I was waiting for him to acknowledge her... and nothing... i waited, and waited, cos it was a looooong speech... nothing. Meanwhile the poor cow is crying openly because she's so overjoyed at this dickhead who cant even say "thank you" to the woman who, not only, has had his children, but whom he has mistreated so appallingly in such a public way. Shame on you, Sean Penn.

And this bullshit about having a rule that he wouldn't mention her in his speech. Break it, you dumb fuck, afterall, you have every other one.

Carte Blanche said...

Couldn't beleive it when I watched that clip from Access Hollywood...they "agreed" that he wouldn't thank her? WTF? But, he can thank his BFF - by name - first?

He's a Top-Class Douche and she has no self-worth, obviously.

It's not hard to say, "I'd also like to thank my family, especially my wife Robin, who's always been there for me."


Brenda22 said...

He is a douche and was obviously on something yesterday morning in the Oprah interview.

I read somewhere that Madonna ran into him at the Vanity Fair party and congratulated him. His response was "Thanks. Another kid already?"...pointing to Jesus...her young boyfriend. What an asswipe.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Thank you for this! I am so glad I'm not alone in all of this. He didn't even want to kiss her when he stood up. WHY is she with him? I don't get it. I really just don't get it.

Thandie said...

"I wouldn't be surprised if you saw Madonna at the Vanity Fair party, took her off in a corner, had sex with her, and made Robin watch and kept saying "she knows I love her."


He went with Robin to the VF party, but later ditched her and went SOLO to Madonna's Post-Oscar Party!

I really don't get why Robin is staying with him.

lmnop123 said...

I think he was obviously giving his wife the ef you message but when everyone questioned it he came up with a convenient lie.

We'll see if anyone bought it.

lmnop123 said...

thandie didn't see your post. Maybe they aren't really together.

Kristen S. said...

I actually rewound the moment they announced his name. It was really awkward, that "kiss". It's like she doesn't even exist and she has to remind him constantly of her presence.

Kristen S. said...

Here it is:


Reese said...

Horrid demeanor, abominable behavior and narcissistic personality disorder aside, Sean Penn is physically hideous. He may have substantial talent as an actor, but that ungodly ugly visage should be enough to send anyone running in the other direction; when coupled with his emotional problems it is amazing anyone would want to be in the same room with him, much less exchange any bodily fluids. Robin needs some serious therapy; I hope she gets it and gets out; quickly.

B626 said...

She must not have a prenup.
Has kids with him.
A comfortable life.

Aside from that I have NO idea why this
'Princess Bride' would stay with this horrible TOAD.

MommaBear said...

Enty, you've summed up everything I was thinking as I watched him leave her out of his acceptance speech.

He truly is a worthless sack of crap. Too bad that they chose to reward such a pathetic, self-serving shmuck. For a guy who appears so socially and politically conscious (and I personally think it's all a act for show) he really is completely out of touch just like his Spicoli character. Perhaps that's why he's such an a@@hole, because somewhere in recesses of his mind he knows that's the role most of us will remember him for, and not the roles that earned the Oscars.

Where as Mickey Rourke will be remembered as the guy who had his Oscar stolen by Spicoli. It was very disappointing to see Mickey lose to that turd.

Molly said...

you know why i keep rewatching when they announce his name? to watch jennifer in the background. she looks almost happy that brad didn't win.

thisoldbroad said...

So he was the one in all those blind items?
Double EWWWWWW!!!

FrenchGirl said...

i totally agree with you,Enty!
Perez Hilton excused him because he did speak about prop 8!

sandman said...

he's the most effected self-important idiot in hwood.
i think his acting sucks & is over the top

BlahFrickinBlah said...

He's been an asshat since jump. Isn't he a wife beater too? I thought it became common knowledge that he smacked Madonna around during their marriage. Didn't he tie her ass up or some crazy shit like that? I tend to believe it since his current wife has the classic signs of a battered wife. No money in the world would make me stay married to that fuck. Robin should definitely take a long look at what she is teaching her kids. That kind of shit just keeps recycling generation after generation.

Leah said...

Is it just me, or does Sean Penn look like he smells bad?

Judi said...

Brilliant actor or not, I hate him. And why do we expect Robin to change and not Sean? He's the source. It's up to him to change. He cares more for others outside his circle than he does for those closest to him.
Please-she has her own $$. She doesn't need him for that.
One thing I read on another site that he did that night at the VF party that's hilarious: Madonna was with her new young beau and congratulates Sean. He said, "Thanks. Another kid already?"

Thandie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie L. said...

Well said, ENT! It's horrible that Robin can't find enough self-value/worth to leave that as*, but makes me even more angry is why he stays with her when it's obvious he thinks no more of her than he would a cockroach. Is it because he'll get more roles as a family man? Or is it because he is such scum that he enjoys having a punching bag close to him at all times to abuse any time he feels like it? Probably a bit of both.

I never, ever liked Penn. His actions on Sunday just confirmed it more. Since I'm sure he's one of those concerned about global warming, I wish he'd do us all a favor and stop wasting air and resources on our beautiful planet. He's a complete waste!

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I think someone should go to cafepress.com and start selling bumper stickers that say
STFU Sean Penn.

I would absolutely buy 20.

Thandie said...

BlahFrickinBlah, that's true. However, not only that he smacked Madonna during their marriage, but when she told him she was leaving him, he tied her to a chair and abused her for more than 7 hours (!) It was reported that it included severe physical, verbal and possibly sexual abuse. He claimed misdemeanor to the charges. Later Madonna withdrew the charges not to ruin his career and never talked about that night in public, or about other times.
She could've easily ruined his career from what he did to her. He was lucky, Chris Brown wasn't.
Even after what happened, Madonna still called him the love of her life, but said she loved herself more than to stay in this abusive relationship.
My guess is that Robin doesn't love herself at all, if she puts up with his crazy ways.

BlackseatDriver said...

I remember reading something about that years ago, but it was written like it was supposed to be funny and not serious..ie left Madonna trussed up like a turkey in a chair..had no idea that it was worse..

Ellebee said...

If you watch his 2004 (?) acceptance speech for Mystic River, he mentions his mom, dad, children and makes a very sweet comment about his wife.

It was a totally different man on Sunday. The lack of humility, the smug arrogance (redundant, I know), the attitude...He reminds me of a steaming pile that my dog left in the backyard.

And do people forget that George Moscone was shot and killed along with Harvey Milk? Moscone should be remembered too.

selenakyle said...

That's it.

I will never spend a dime on any of his products every again. (Or at least try very hard not to...)

Ass wipe.

So we're supposed to maybe deep down think SHE f*cked up to make him the way he is? Riiiiiggghhhtttt.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

It's not really germaine to this post, but I still feel like I should point out that MICHAEL Penn, besides being a heckuva musician, is also a gem of a person (from what I've heard from people who know him fairly well).

What is germaine to this post is that I've also heard that Sean is pretty much estranged from his siblings because of his drug use and highly abraisive personality....

Sinjin said...

A Pimp named Daver:"What is germaine to this post is that I've also heard that Sean is pretty much estranged from his siblings because of his drug use and highly abraisive personality...."

That's probably why he's a buddy of Charlie Sheen's. He was even on an episode of Two and a half Men.

bionic bunny! said...

she doesn't leave him because of fear. fear for herself and for her children. men like him have a need for control, and some woman don't know how to leave.
i remember feeling shocked that she had married him.
but please, guys, blame the abuser, not the abused. who knows what she believes he will do to her? also, she believes him everytime he says "it won't happen again" or, "i'm sorry, baby", because she loves him.
i'm sure she blames "method acting" and figures it's all in a day's work, if she just tries a little harder, things will be better.
it's NOT that easy to just pack up the kids and leave, money or not.
sorry. soapbox away.

Unknown said...

SP is a dickhead, but I *hate* the wife, hubby & kiddie thank yous in most of the speeches. From everyone. And I hate even more the outrage when someone forgets.

ablake said...

He's always been an asshole, nothing new.
I have to say though..

I read somewhere that Madonna ran into him at the Vanity Fair party and congratulated him. His response was "Thanks. Another kid already?"...pointing to Jesus.

That's hilarious!

Thandie said...

BlackseatDriver, I read that he did push her head into the oven at one point during this abuse; when she said she wants to end the marriage and also wants him out of the house. What happened there wasn't something to laugh about. He could've got serious jail time, as to add to the abuse that night, he held her hostage that day – according to the law. When Madonna did escape and drove herself to the Malibu Police station, the officer said she was unrecognizable, as her face was bruised and her lip and nose were bleeding.
I never understood how she could still call him the love of her life after what he did. At least she was strong enough to leave him.

Anonymous said...

God I hate him so much. If I ever have the misfortune to run into him my sheer loathing of the self-absorbed douche he is will probably rage so intensely I will spontaneously combust. If I do actually meet that *hole and I do burst into flames, I promise to tackle him and take him out with me.
meh, Sean Penn is so slimey he probably repels fire.

Dick Insideu said...

You are an ass, ENT. How dare you have the nerve to judge someone's behavior in their marriage? For all you know, Robin was pissed off at Sean and told him not to mention her. Perhaps they discussed it beforehand. Perhaps Sean only fucked the Russian hookers and Blohan after catching Robin doing double penetration with the gardener and the tennis pro?

You don't know what goes on in their marriage, and you are an ass for pontificating. Consider that this may be the reason why you're a spermbreathed closet case instead of a real Hollywood insider.

Dick Insideu said...

AceTomato, Sean would beat the living shit out of you, moron.

lmnop123 said...

But Robin broke up with him before. Why didn't she just keep on running in the opposite direction.

This is the first I've heard of the Madonna abuse. I can't believe she called him the love of her life after that incident. I guess Madonna learned to embrace torture and pain.

There's only one thing to say to the Robin's and Rihanna's of the world:

Walk toward the light. As a matter of fact don't walk, girl you need to make like lightning and bolt!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Enty! So well said. I love Enty's sense of fairness and I love how he lets it rip on people who deserve it. I actually watched the Oscars and my jaw dropped when I saw he did not thank his wife. And like Ent said, he found the time to go on a diatribe about gays but couldn't take 2 seconds to thank his wife. Robin needs to seek counseling IMMEDIATELY if she is putting up with abuse like that so she can straighten her head out and DIVORCE this ASSHOLE once and for all. She is so beautiful - why does she think so little of herself to take such treatment?

Robyn said...

When he made the speech I said to my boyfriend that wow, didn't he just leave out the wife who was soo nice to take him back?

He said that he knows he makes it hard for people to like him, and it is the truth..

and it's true, he's an insult to shit everywhere tbh

slappywhyte said...

he is such a sanctimonious asshole .. but part of it is her prob since she took him back after he abused her (verbally and/or physically if i remember)


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